TTB AJJj W. F. SCHUCKMAN. D1SALEU IN NEWS, STATIONERY, CONFECTIONS, TOBACCO & CIGARS, FRUITS, FISH &c. No. 23, O Street. Lincoln Neuuaska. A. D. MARSHALL & CO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Coal, Liiiiic, Cement, Plaster Paris & Hair. West Side Market Square. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. N. PARKER, BOOT & SHOE MAKER. P Street, between 10th and 11th, Lincoln, - Nebraska. HKPAIItlNM rilOMPTI.V ATTENDED TO. A. M. J) AVIS, Wholesale and Itutiill Dealer In arpetM, Oil Clotlis, IIukh, Mum, WlHtlotcthnttii, Curlnhm, Itamanli) Kc, tfe. No. 2!) E. 0 Stkukt, Lincoln TEACHER OF MUSIC. Lessons (,''VUI1 " nil stringed unit brass Instruments. Dancing Acmlomy at Aciuluiny of Music, every Hntiiriliiy. Prlvulo lessons given at times suitable to nil. LINCOLN, NKIJ1UHKA. CBT-Airent for SMITHS AMKUIOAN OHUAN, ItU'.OIlUUY'S PIANOS, unit other musical In. ntruiiientH. BAKERY! ALSO Staple and Fancy Groceries. Confectionery, Canned Fruit, Best Spring and Fall Flour, VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS, KING & GIJMCK, North Side Market Squnre, Lincoln, Nebraska, MMVil .111 1, CLOTHING, Ho has now on hand the heaviest stockof goods In hlb lino In Lincoln. Students will do well by purchasing of Muy, as will nil others. Union Mock, Corner of O & lOtuSU, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. TUTTLE & DOOLITTLE, Dealers In Lumber Doors, Glaze tl Sasli, Jilt n rl, Mouldings and Mtu tiding Material Generally. Onice Cor. 11th A M strs, Next door U. S. Land Olllce, Lincoln, Nob. National Hotel, J. A. VICDKWA, Proprietor. con. 7tu and P stueets, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA flood Stuhlos nml Stook Ytirdsj For the nccoinmodutlon of the Traveling Public TKUM8. Two meals and. Lodging 75 Cents; single mealH, 23 Conts; lodging without meals. 25 Cents; two hordes stabled und furnished all feed, One Dollar; two horses furnished hay and stabling, 25 Cents. GIVM MK A CALL AND SEK FOKYOUI18KLV