" "- J-"i 1 tiWtiltltiMtiH ! 1 MM I. L. PECKIIAM, CARPENTER & BUILDER! 11th Street, bet. M and N, Ecnst Side. THIS HESPERIAN STUDENT, All work done In n nout nnd expeditious iiinn ncr. Orders solicited. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. RAIL ROAD STORE. Itohinson & Pcltoii, Dealers In Groceries and Qiiconswiirc. West sldo of square. Lincoln, - . Nkhuabka. Commercial Hotel. (Douglas House Enlnrged.) J. J. nillOFF, . Prop. Newly Furnished Throughout. Convenient Sam ple Itooms Tor Comtni'rcinl Men. Cor. 11th & V Sts., two Blocks south University IJtivoln, vYch. NEBRASKA UAII AVA Y. Going Kant. Going AVent. LKAVK. STATION?. AlllllVK. Ft&Ac. M A Ex M it Kx. Ft it Ac a :i 10 I , oo uiu. , 30f iv 12 10 -;(() 1015 ISO inn. DKOWN'LLE r A) pm. NEH. CITY ?j .jo 10 pm f 1 4 rt no n n l.IKf'OT.V J ' '- """ "I nil ISO 8IVA11D 1(1 :10 am. At Lincoln, close connection It It trains on 11. .t M. It. It., both East and Went, trains on both roads meeting nt Lincoln. ld.iX) pm. Through tickets to nil the principal points in the United .Stales and Canadas, nt the Union Tick et Onice, Corner of O it 11th streets. Close connections made nt Nebraska City with ('. It. fc Q. trains Tor lluillngtnn, Chicago and points Kast, and with K. C. Ht. Jo. .t C. II. trains for Omaha and points West, North and Kast, and for St. Louis nud points Kast and South, Hut one change of ears between Nebraska City nud Indianapolis, Columbus, Flushing, New York, Baltimore nud Washington City. K. I). SMITH, W. M. COLE, Gen'l V. & T. Ag't. Uon'l l'nss. Ag't. A MAGAZINE, DKVOTEDTOTHK INTERESTS OK THE UNIVERSITY, nud The Kducntlomtl Interests of the State. Several pages of the Stuhknt mo devoted ex clusively to the NORMAL SCHOOL at Peru. AOVKHTISK. Our large and Inurenslng circulation makes It n paying Investment to advertise. See-low rates of advertising In another column. MlliSOKIlll-:, And thus encourage and mntetlnlly assist In build ing up nu ediicatloiiul journal of the highest merit. TKlt.MS OF SUHHURII'TION, only One Dollar per year, payable In advance. Send nil subscriptions and business communlcn tlom to ALIJEHT JOYOE, Business Manager, ! Lincoln, Neiiiuhka. ieimmpzMMx ,