i 00 CmW'IKOS. .F&mimM compensation tho county should pay (lu ring the year." A writer in the Amcr. Journal of Edit, cation, suggest, the futisibility of oigun. Mug a toucher's aid society. The writer thinks a society might be formed whtah would provide for the family of the tench cr, after death, with less expense than Is now incurred by patronizing insurance companies, and with more certainty of do. riving benefit. As oilier professions have instituted societies of this kind with sue cess, we sco no reason why the teachers cannot associate themselves for benevo lent purposes. In order to cs'ablish a uniformity in text books, and cheapen their cost, the legislature of Minnesota has recently con tractcd with certain parties to furnish the text books in bulk, at one half the retail rates now charged, and to enjoy the mo nopoly for fifteen years. The matter for the books is subject to the approval of three educators, and the books required to bo as good in every respect as those fur nished by the trade. Tlio legislatures of Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio and Now York have this same project before them, it is said. Titis scheme is assailed on the ground that it throws the monopoly of text books in the hands of a few. If tlio monopoly within the state can furnish the requisite books at a figure far below that of the book combination outside of the state, the state certainly is the gainer. It is not denied that the various book pub lishers have, by combination, kept up the high prices of books. "Well now, if the state can publish its own school hooks, in the way proposed by tho Minnesota scheme, and thus place books at a com paratively low price in tho hands of all, especially the poorest class. It is a bless lug to them, and can but result in advan tage to the slate. The tendency of tho npfi, among all trades and professions, is to combine for monopolizing purposes. Tho most effective means of breaking up book rings, and monopolies of all kinds, Is by encouraging monopolies in opposi tion, thus creating a competition between them. CLIPPINGS. "The chief glory of a woman is her hair." That's all very well, but -we don't want any glory in our oulter. Ex. Professor in Chemistry: "There are several steps to be taken in finding tlio ex act chemical composition of bone. For example, when you boil it what is given off." Student: " Soup." Ai The dogs of tho Dartmouth students have become so regular in their attend ance at chapel prayers that tlio President has announced that cither they or their owners must leave college. Ex. Scene: Hecitatian room in Natural History. Instructor "Mr. X., have you ever put your head down upon any one's breast and 'listened to the heart-bents, as Huxley describes them?" Mr. X. (blush ing) "Yes, sir." Class woods up. Ex. A Fresh, commences his social cul ture in College by attending a church so ciable, and of course escorts to the pater nal doorstep a bundle of smiles and dry goods, lie lingers at the door until he hears within a matronly voice saying, " Hannah, why don't you fetch your mess of greens inY" Ex. A maiden lady said to her little neph ew: "Now, John, you go to bed early, and always do so and you'll bo rosy cheeked and handsome when you grow up." Johnny thought over this u few moments, and then observed: "Well, you must have set up a deal when you wore young." Ex. We wore invited to dine with a "club" tho other day, and as wo sat down to the disheveled hash wo could but mur mur: Now I alt mi! down to ent This hash of ancient, chopped up meat; in should choke upon a tack, I pray tho cook to pound my back. Ex. r