Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, March 01, 1877, Page 88, Image 28

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Locaii News.
Ai.inaWiMi T1iHtHlhjllWmlM
evening, March SO. and will bo of unusual
interest. The best talent of the Universi
ty Union ami Pull ml inn society will be
employed, The chapel will probably be
crowded. The following is the pro
gramme: University Union. Patlatlian.
Miss Cora Thomas Miss May Fairfield
P. M. Lumber ton i. O. Slurdevant
J. P. A. Black A. W. Field
Miss Emma Parks C. E. Majroon
Question for debate: The Electoral
Commission "Was it Politic?
At a special meeting of the University
Union, Friday evening, March 10, the fol
lowing officers were elected for the ensu
ing term :
F. M. Lamberton
Emma Parks
E. L. Hart
Elma Hawlcy
S. D. Cox
W. A. McAllister
II. V. Fitch
G. II. Simmons
A. C. Piatt
Vice President
Rcc. Sec.
Cor. Sec.
The Palladian Society, March 13, elect
ed the following ofllccrs:
T. O. Sturdevant
Altec Morton
S. P. Piatt
Maud Mullen
Angie A. King
Frank McCartney
Maria Jones
H. K. Wolfe
D. L. Boise
Vice President
Pec. Sec.
Cor Sue.
Knowing the natural repugnance which
the Plnttsmouth Watcltnum possessed to
wards anything of an intellectual nuturc,
wo sent the editor of this little paper,
above named, a copy of the Student, to
hear what the hcnlheuj. might say. This
a monomaniac on English grammar. lie
criticises unfavorably nearly everything
ofal'.terary character, that conies before
him.to display his grammatical knowledge.
Before the eyes of this peculiar genius
the Student presents numerous errors and
poor productions. The Chancellor's ad
dress to the Legislature, admitted by t lie
represcntive press of the State to be the
most powerful plea ever uttered for high
er education, becomes in the lnndsof this
strange genius a conglomeration of gram
matical errors from beginning to end.
"We can not recall just now the circum
stances which, a few years since
induced Stanley, now the great African
explorer, to knock him down in the
streets of Omaha. It was for some kind
of puerile impu lenec, an attempt proba
bly to teach Stanley a little grammar.
We have seen this aspiring " What Is
itY" before. He is the same individual
who, speaking before the third house of
the Legislature a winter, made the
shades of Mtirrav.'llnrvey'and Swinton to
retreat in disgust. The roughs of Lincoln
stood transfixed -with astonishment, 'when
11103- hi-'nrd their superior in vulgarity and
indecent epithets. That speech caused
strong men to bow their heads to hide
their blushes of shame. Oh! thou art
polished, little Mac. You have such a
polite, moral tone to the Watchman.
This saint growls about the Normal
School and the University being "luxuries
afforded only liy the rich." Don't be de
ceived, Mr. Watchman. If you think
your antecedents will be no obstacle, and
if you can pass the requisite examination
in grammar, throw aside all prejudice en.
gendered by your religion and conduct,
and come right along to the University,
and enter the first Prep. year. Don't let
poverty hinder you. We have got board
reduced here to $1.37 per week. You
will find no fine silk umbrellas in the
mush, but you can endure simplicity of
food. Think of the delights vou will ex-
same editor, known to the press of the perience, standing at the head of the class
State by the title "Little Mac," is a sort of ' in English Analysis.