Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, March 01, 1877, Page 86, Image 26

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Local News.
I 'i
The Slate Teachers' Association meets
Wednesday, March 2$lh, ami continues in
session three days. The meeting promis
es to be of more than ordinary interest.
Some very important questions are to be
A number or Univesity students re
cently visited the Penitentiary and
came away well ple:iseil Willi me
general appearance and management
of the prison. The officers of the Peni
tentiary treated them very courteously.
The faculty recently decided that no
meetings of any kind should lie held in
the University after eleven o'clock P. M.
This is sufficiently late to remain out at
night, and, if the societies desire to have
long sessions, let them commence in sea
son. Quite a numlwr of students who here
tofore had not placed their name on our
subscription list, have done so recently.
"We hope all others will do the same.
Show 3-our appreciation of our cllorU to
publish a creditable magazine by sub
scribing. As we go to press, examinations for
the present term are under way. Of course
some will fail to pass the requisite exami
nations. But from our own observation.
wo would judge that the general class
standing of the students will equal that of
other terms
A. Hurlbut has clothing and furnish
iug goods reduced to the lowest prices
possible. Students and all others will do
well to patronize him. Clothing store,
Xo. 12, O Street, south side, between 10th
and 11th. Give him a call and seCwhal
can be done.
We notice that the reading room is bet
ter patronized of late; in fact ever since
the music room was removed to the room
opposite. Quite a mfmbcr of the young
men are now very regular in their visits
to the reading room. A great stimulus
teems to be given to read when sweet
musical accents, from charming voices
break the wonotonv of the scene.
The Palladian Society has a very large
membership at the present time and the
members are doing excellent work. A
large number "of ladies attached them
selves to the society during the last term
and are taking an active part in the work
of the society.
J. C F. McKesson, now teaching in
Stanton county, deserves no little credit
for the interest which he has taken in the
Studknt. He has recently sent us quite
a number of subscriptions, for which we
feel grateful. John will return to the
University next fall.
That young Soph will probably not
be so devoted to society interests hereafter,
as lo keep his girl away Irom home until
a late hour at night. He thinks it is no
little discomfiture to face an atlrightt'd
family, and especially the father, just
ready to inst'tute a search for thein.
-The Palladian Society had a very
spirited contest on the occasion of the
ilcclionof officers for the ensuing term.
We could but admire the tnct and disci
cipline displayed by one of the pnrties in
the contest. If the other party hud used
the same tactics, the result might, possi
bly, have been changed.
We obscrvo that Leighton & Drown,
corner O and 11th street, have on hand a
large assortment of miscellaneous books.
They have the works of the most popular
poeis. and IhCgreatcst novelists. The lat
est scientific works will be found on their
shelves. Those desiring to buy books
had better give them a call.
The University Union at a recent
meeting decided to petition the Board of
Regents to furnish them a larger hall. A
committee was appointed to bring the
motion properly before the board. This
society certainly needs a more commodi
ous hall and we hope the Hoard will grant
the request of the University Union.
And now comes the Thayer Co. Senti
nel with a notice that it will put a blue
X on the paper of every subscriber in ar
rears. There seepis to be no little efficacy