Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, March 01, 1877, Page 85, Image 25

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    Local Nkws.
J. T. IIJu, '7(5, is teaching the young
ideas of Humboll how to shoot.
Frank Coer called on us last week.
He was buying cattle for lus brother.
Mr. Doblis, 'To, and Miss Lou Piper
are teaching in Ashland. This is Mr
Dobbs second year in Ashland.
The second years regret the loss of
Misses Whitehoru and Galiagen from their
classes. They will not return next tenn.
Oh, thunder!
Gel off my arm !
The singing in Chapel is improving.
Miss Cora Thomas is engaged in
teaching one of the Liuco'u schools.
One of the members of the Palladian
society claims to have an oiiginal theory
on intemperance.
Prof. Collier has been quite ill recent
ly. He has Ixren uralilc to hear his class
us recite for some time.
Quite a number of the students will
aliMiut lnenielves from the University
next tenn, in order to I earl i school.
Miss Lillie Fisher has been quite un
well for some time during the pat month.
We hope so.m to hear of her entire ecov
ery. For neat priming of all kinds go to
Beach's, under Harley's drug store.
Prompt attention given, and reasonable
charges for work.
An earnest eflort will be made at the
meeting of the Board of Regents Jo in
duce them to present the IIesi'Eriax Stu
dent witit a press.
The spring term of the Agricultural
college commences April 4th. Prof. Cul
bertson informs us that there will te
about the usual attendance.
The University Union has made very
rapid advancement since the middle of!
the term. Ao unusual interest in literary
wiTrk is taken by the members recently,
and if the ociely still progresses in the
same ratio during tne coming term, as it
has, in the past six weeks, it will reach a
very exalted position.
lrof. Hitchcock's Greek testament
class has been removed from the Opera
Hoifee to the Congregational Church.
The class meets every Sunday at four P.
That young man doesn't frequent the
City Reading Room any more. There is
no attraction for him Sunday evenings,
as of yore. He attends church regularly
We were most vividly impressed recent
ly with the fact that we have hosts of
friends, but how they did make us howl
when they, with friendly motives, grasped
the wrong arm.
Chas. H. Dakc, well known to
the older students ot the University,
was in (town recently on business. We
were pleased to see him. He now re
sides at Edwardsville, III.
We would suggest that those sendiug
money to the manager, do so by post of
fice order, or registered letter. Wc cr.n
not be responsible for money lost through
the post office depart men t.
Our chief is getting high toned of
late. He has bought a bran new hat cost
ing about fifty cents, and exhibited no lit
tle generosity the other Sunday, bj throw
a one cent piece into the contribution
During the prevalence of small pox
in Ihje city, the sludeuts promptly com
plied with the suggestion of Dr. Matis
felde, the health officer, and those who
needed vaccination had the oneration per
formed. Vacation commences March 28'h.
Spring term begins April 4th. Many will
spend their vacaiion at home, aud we
wish then the greatest enjoyment, and
hope all will return to the Uuiversily
next tenn.