Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, March 01, 1877, Page 80, Image 20

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, 'i ii . ytMimmiW!m&
Editor's Cii.un.
to touch is not made a specialty, ample
inducements are oll'orcil, and of which
many have availed themselves. Tims
with the advantages that llio stale oilers,
for the preparation of teachers, and with
the many who are fitting themselves to
servo in that capacity, it is an erroneous
idea and one contrary to all reason, in
malting that Held of labor, so significant,
so weighty, within the grasp of those so
uttorly incompetent.
The University, since its establishment,
has not escaped the attacks and criticisms
which have flowed so freely from the
many indiscreet and prejudiced minds. It
has been assailed from all sides. Abuse
and criticism have been flung Avith listless
unconcern, striking where they might,
having what ofteet they might, all to show
that spirit of opposition which cowers in
its lair, eager to grasp the first straw that
will serve as a vein for its slanderous
and beguiling tongue. Others for the re
dress of some slight grievance have shown
the pusilunimous spirit that exists in
their malicious broasta, and have hurled
their malignant figments, regardless of
truth and honor. From such was the late
article appearing in tho On. aha Jlonrfil.
The writer, c'olhed in tho garb of nnom
deplane, claiming to be a citizen of Lin
coln, makes a weak and debilitated at
tempt at criticism and fault finding. The
grievance which calls forth tho attempt to
cut, perhaps to tho writer is groat, but to
tho people of the state a blessing. We be
lieve in plain talk, and had the writer
come forth like a man and if there was
oror shown it, he would have acted far
more honorably.
Tho miserable attempt mado by tho
Lincoln correspondent, to create a sensa
(ion, only exposed iiis weakness and igno
runco, Khowing an object to injure, and
revenge rather than adhere to the truth.
Otherwise tho article is not of much im
This is a subject about which much is
said and written. Much more might bo
said, but perhaps without tho desired ro
suit. Criticism, it seems to us, can bo
compared very appropriately to a med
icine. And, in fact, it may lio said to bo a
kind of medicine that is an antidote for
many diseases, If properly administered.
Hut whether or not it be fatal in its results
depends, to a great extent, upon the quan.
tity and strength of tho dose. As tho
efllcacy of medicine depends upon the
strength of its ingredients, and also upon
the nature of the disease, so the power of
criticism depends upon tho quantity and
quality, which must always conform more
or less to the condition of the patient.
But whatever be the disease, or whatever
bo tho stage of its progress, this medicine
of which we speak should bo adminis
tered with the utmost care. As one kind
of medicine h particulary adapted to a
certain disease, so a certain kind of criti
cism is most eflloacious when applied to
a certain fault in the production of the
Hut in all eases, go carefully. If it be a
fault in expression, "speak gently to tho
erring one." If itjbo ignorance, instead
of administering a severe dose of crit.
icism, give a 1 ill lo encouragement, so that
another trial will bo sure to follow. "Wo
do not conceive it lo bo the province of
the critic to rake every author over tho
coals, and pick out every flaw that may
be detectud by the critic and tho scholar.
But he should correct all gross errors,
give instructions, and promote as best ho
can tho progress of all who happen to fall
under his rod of correction.
There seems to bo a tondency among
our modern critics to llnd fault with every
thing. Yet wo are glad to say that there
are a great many exceptions to this rulo.
But the real intrinsic value of an auther
is known only to a few. For if u certain
critic can llnd one little flaw in tho writ
ings of one who may be far superior to