! 78 Editor's Chaiii. i I ' 4 bo a source of profit to tlio University, a vast pecuniary lulviintugo to the students, giving employment to many who depend upon tlieir own efforts to procure the blessings of a college training. All, we say all, perhaps not, but the great major! ty of the colleges have furnished the slu dents printing presses, knowing of noth ing so advantageous to the student as learning the art of printing, and from the majority of those presses, issue journals far Inferior, far from reaching the stand ard of journalism, which bus been at tained by the IIkspkhian Studknt. The Student has assumed a form which cans cs much mental and physical labor to en sure its existence, and being favored with reduced rates, through competition of city printing establishments, the students have ventured to establish a magazine with the long cherished idea, that help, rewarding them for their perseverance and ambitious desire, to established that which would honorably represent them and the University abroad, was at hand. If tliis competition ceases, then will tho Studknt be compelled to don its former gnrb, crowning their efforts with n dis couraging and disheartening reward. "We urge the Uegent3 to lend the matter your desired attention and deserving de liberation, and show the students, by your actions, your appreciation of stud ent's work. AN OBJECT. There is an obligation that rests upon us all, which is life's duty to fulfill, and while tho natural inclination of mankind is to perform Hint duty, only a few, from the many who attempt, reach tho goal of life, feeling that their duty toward man and society, was done, that life's ob ligution was fulfilled. Success in life Is one tiling, an object another, but lie who would bo successful must have an object. In each breast sits enthroned tho power to do, to lay down your own course, which will servo as tho highway upon which life's journey will bo traveled, and tho ambition which in spires tho same breast points out a resting place which if gained crowns the traveler with tho laurels of a true life. Each ono for himself nnut work. Wo may all bo bound together for tho accomplishment of some common purpose, but your individ. mil success rests entirely upon your own energies and attainments. Each for him self must live, must think and act. It is evident that without some well conceived course is laid down, with an object at the end to Inspire and animate tho soul with spirit and determination, life is a failure. It is irrational to suppose that the mechanic, without some idea of what ho is attempting to construct, would succeed in completing a wonderful piece of mechanism, perfect, beyond improve ment. And if by chance he should, it was only a casually, the chance for failure was lar better than for success. Students, then mako for yourself some object, liuvo somo motive, if not blessed with tho gift of genius, it tho Almighty has not made visible tho destiny that Is yours. If Ihroo talents have only been given to you, do not give up because there was no more, but make tho most of that which is yours. There are annually turn oil from uur col lego doors, thousands of young men and women, who after a long and irksome ca reer of college life, are wholly unprepared -to meet tho emergencies of tho busy world, not because tticy had passed the time in idle recreation, but they worked with no particular object in view, and have loft undone that which was most es sential of college work. Tho idea that Education Is confined to tho long list of alumni that swell tho college circulars of our land, is fading gradually away. They fail to meet tho demands of tho times, they are unprepared io perform tho duty which they owe to mankind and society. Life is short, rapid movement Is neces sary, and, to accomplish tho desired end, all force and energy must concentrate