WOUSK THAN WaK, WOHSli THAN-PKVrn.KNt'K. 7!I Rri brought the musses of agriculturists to gether, thereby quickening their .social natures, and Instilling into their minds 11 spirit of association which can never he erased. The farmers of the United Stales, having been once incited to combine for the piotcction of their interests, will never cease to do so in the future, to a more or less extent. The grange may pass away, but its impress and its stimulus will ever exist, and other combinations must inevi tably take its place. There seems to be no little antagonistic feeling prevailing between capital nnd labor. From time immemorial there has been more or less jealousy on the part of the laboring classes towards the wealthier classes. The old Iloman censor, Outo, decried wealth as an evil, ami no doubt it was in those days when wealth accumulated in the hands of a very few, and was used too frequently for the aggrandizement of personal schemes. The laborer and capitalist are each dependent upon each other for pros perity. It would be a serious detriment to improvement, and consequently to the country, if the wealth of the country were equally divided among the people. Cap ital must be combined to make great pub lic improvements for the accommodation of the people. Wo do not palliate the oppression of the laborer by the capital ist. They have been unjust to the laboier. But the centralization of capital for schemes of improvement is necessary to the welfare of the country The employ, ment of capital gives work to the laborer. If Ncbaaska had more men of large cap ital to build railroads, manufactories, and industries of 'various kinds, to develop her great resources, we would predict an unparalleled career of prosperity for the State. The word, combination, carries with it to many an odious signification. The mind at once reverts to many a wicked combination ; the Credit Moblier and other gigantic monopolies of the past take possession of our minds, and political rings and lobbies are combinations known for their evil transactions. While we have no encouragement to oiler to polil. ical rings, we think the lobby almost an indispensable necessity. While its inllu ence has worked many an injury to pub lic interests, it has its legitimate place. Many a just measure would fail to pass legislative bodies, were it not for the pres sure brought to bear and the watchfulness displayed by an honest lobby. There can certainly be nothing improper for an indi vidual, or a combination of individuals, to place before each member of a legisla live body the merits of a particular meas ure. The abuse of the privilege, however, gives the lobby its odium. We could not but observe, (luring the last session of the Nebraska Legislature, the little com binations entered into by members 'v particular portions of the State, and (In consequent success which they attaii.ui in securing the passage of bills. Members from other portions of the state, less shrewd, suffered the consequences of not adhering together, by the defeat of measures which would have been a benefit to their constit uents. Combination, it will be seen, has its proper sphere. When men are associated together for improper purposes, it is gen erally by combination against them that their purposes are thwarted. Taking a general view of the evils and good leault ing from combination, we find that great benefits result from the association of men for thcaccompl!shmei!t of a praiseworthy object. A. J. WOJISE 'MAX WAIl, WO USE MAX VESTILEXVE. uv CHAPTER IX, (concluded.) The solar orb had just disappeared be low its western portals, canopied with crimson clouds, and darkness was fast gathering around. Mrs. Abbott, becom ing weary both in mind and body, paused by the quiet roadside to rest. It was in that part of the town where the humble, but truly good, dwell. No nK ,.; i.i " ' - 3&tWt-A. ' . 1. . i "