Sfmrywt i t,, MJtiBPTTCT ' ' - " ' "' ! i I .- Wfi8ET' -wivm ..amL M ;l il.-Vi'! - .v f r nii igi lMliOT Jiltf W 1 1" II I . . . ' i" " W"l $&& iSS,W,n'''''''3 "3 "yrT Th4nrofft3&yv tf . ..v BIT a& ,. . ., feSEKHai . : fl S ffl .1 IT nt lar.ALw?7t ,ir,,..lirWi)'.Jwuiil 35lHfflm 3. ry- , x?jtt',i!T82G5Whl? --. 'J&i- U"?hr .''- tiShJ iTIlft tip life .'MfSI 3' 3 ; s v aLit :i?i; -V, ' i'A , rW& XEUHASKA STATE INlYEliSITY. i;XIVKZES3TY FACULTY. H FAIKFIBU). S. T. J). LL. D., Chancellor. II. K. HITCHCOCK, A.M.. Piof. ir Mathematics l)Q of College of Literature and bciencc. S. AUUUBY, A.M. Ph.D., Prof, of Natural sfeewecs. ii:o. MiMlLLAN, A. M., I'rof. of (iriM-k LaiiL'tia? ami Liieratnrc U. E. CHUltCH, A.M., I'rof. of Latin Language and Literature. WHAM C0LL1KK A. M. L. L. I)., Professor of ChemUtry and Phynice. KPGAlt S. DUDLEY, l'rofesbor of Military Sojeneeaml Tactics. 1IA1UUNGT0N EMEltbON. A. M., Prof, of Modern languages. G. i!. BAILEY, A.B., Aselstnut Profl'tf-sor in Chemistry. HAKVEY CULBEHTSON, B. A. , Teacher of Agriculture LTMVI?KS1TY r XI21SKASKA. ADMISION. Student of both exe are mlimtted totlte Uni versity on pat-Miig the rrcjuUite ixuiuluatioim. TUITION. A fee of $5 ih paid an a matrirulatinu fee nl?o $3 to jm-i-1 iiieiilenlal exHUM Book at Coct. APPAKATU8 AND LIBKAHY The University i abnuUautly Mimtlied with new and valuable aratur. in both the Chemi cal and Philosophical dopartimnti-. The Li bra it, .ilnuih laii. i ii.utdclu,; aniiuul'i, b iLc jiIUj tloli of valuable books. AUItlCULTUIUL COLLKGK. This College now offers jx:ial attraetion, by itBKninionuHtra:tloa and compensated labor n tlio tarnt, whereby Bladen! exiu-iibes may bo jinid. KOABDINC. Hoarding can hu had ftmin $S lo 35 )Mr. week. CALUKDAK. Tho "VVjmar Twin cininBiKso. Jan. 4, 1877. Tlw .Spring " " Airll4,ia77. Forclrcalarsuid other infortnatiou in rejiect to UnlvMvltr, addreitts. E. B. FAlItFIBLIJ, (bHncellor, Lincoln, Neb. s-'i i c