ygL4 GO Cl.IPriKQB. Her brow wno sad; her oyo nntl nose Wore very rctl nntl lnchrymosc, For Jut before, the boll bad rung, Which culled her with Its brazen tongue To Algebra. In mnny rooms sho saw the light Of hnppy Mlddlerx, gav and bright, She thought of quantities unknown. And from her lip escaped a gTonn, "Ohl Algebra I " "0 stay," the Mlddlors cried, "and rest Thy head with radicals oppressed." A bright tear stood In either eye, But still she answered with a sigh, "No, Algebra I" "Try not the problems," a Senior eald, 11 Dark lower quadratics Just abend, Binomials leave them all untried." And atlll the sobbing voice replied, "Ohl Algebra!" "Bewnre tho dark, mysterious x! Beware the surds ami roots that vex!" She heeded not the words they said, But fust retreating to her bed Carried Algebra. One night the teachers going round. That Junior in the space-nay found, Still grabpiug. dreadful to relate, Together with her w ell-worn slate, An Algebra. There, In the lamp-light, cold and gray, Lifeless but beautiful she lay. And from their rooms the Middlcrs cried, "Alas! Alas! that Junior died Of Algebra." NEBR ASKA RAILWAY. LEIG-HTON & BROWN, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DruglHt, (Joins West. STATIONS Go,nCKast LEAVE. ' AHIUVE. Ft&AcM&Ex M&Ex. Fl&Ac 130 pm. BUOWN'LLE 5 20 pm. 730 am. a 1210 a 3 10 1 1 4 30 1 730 1015 NEB. CITY LINCOLN SEWARD 222 0 40 urn a .1 jj 112 35 200 1 all 30 10 30 am. Book 8 41 1 era. At Lincoln, close connection with trains on B.Jb M. It. It., both East and West, trains on both roads meeting at Lincoln. 12.30 pm. Through tickets to nil the principal points in the United States and Cnnndns, nt the Union Tick et Offlce, Comer or O & 11th streets. Close connections made at Nebraska City with C. B. & Q. trains fur Burlington, Chicago and points Eabt, and with K. C. St. Jo. fc C. B. trains for Omaha aud points Vest, North and East, and for St. Louis aud poiuts East and South. But one chauce or cars between Nebraska City and Indianapolis, Columbus, Pittsbutg, New York, Baltimore and Washington City. E. D. SMITH. W. M. COLE. Gen'l V. & T. Ag't, Gen'l Pass. Ag't. STOCK COMPLETE. C"Prices lower than any other reliable House iu Nebraska. CI