" In Mkmohiam." El- 9 Bu BTr ft $ fv i ro uJt Mjgb 71 23551 aspirations, tho noblest sentiments of which he may ho the possessor and for which he would feel ait inspiration to de devote his life's work to achieve. A. W. F. "7AT MKMOlUA.Ur "I wish you a Happy Year and a whole one." The speaker passed on. Tho boncdic tion lingered, the one cadence in the New Year symphony which could not die. It had been a day in which Nature out rivaled herself. In the eastern horizon, the grey dawn merged into pale rose, then ruby tints, as (hough a hurried giimpsc of the inner glory were the first offering of the incoming year. Youthful eyes hailed it a harbinger of nearer joy, for maiy a morning toilet was made earlier than its wont and with more care. Ladies who had long disguised the grey hairs time had facetiously woven, washed out the dyes and gave the silver threads due prominence. Maidens shook the "diamond dust" into raven or golden tresses alike. Forsooth, Dame Fashion had grown gray with the weight of her infirmities. Youth and age alike, her loy al subjects, must don the white cap of ex perience. Alas! for tell-tale eyes, the youthful lire and fervor could not so easily take on the frost breath. Nor length of skirt train, nor lightness of tissue tone down the deep lines of care, or soften the angles of sorrow. The exchange of pur loined beauty however is mutual, and be guiling the real with semblance, the two clascs meet for an hour midway on lfes grand" staircase. The day drew on. Carriages dashed along the streets, footman and steed restive with proud burdens. Gay riders with smiles and courtesies and kids fresh per chance, from a twelve month's sepulture. The soft air wore the mellowness of spring w inter's wooing robe which no where she puts on so coyishly as ir. our own beautiful Nebraska. When at last spring appears, with bud and leaf and bird song, it is but the denouement of a three month's courtship. But to the parlors, where ferns from far away forests, trellised vines from conser vatories, the twitter of song, from birds in cages, and birds awaiting their cages, muffle the footfall, and dissipate the breath of the frost spirit. It is June in the sunshine, June in the drawing-room, June in the heart. Salads and celeries, jellies and floats, fruits fresh from the "Golden Gate," sp'.ccd meats and savory eollec, ringing laughter, (for our prairies are broad) wit, and Hash ing sarcasm for relishes. Evergreens wrought in fantastic imagery upon, and occasionally about, the table. These, with etceteras and side-dishes, make up the con tingent bill of fare. Pardon the divergence if we pause to pronounce a eulogy upon our capitol city. So young in years that, to use Ilaw thorncs novel simile, she presents to a stranger much the appearance of a "dis arranged checker board." Yet so cosmo politan in tone that men of letters or loves of mcrchautile or professional dash, be. come enthused; where "vim" is the cur rent password, and plodders and conserva tives only are jostled. Here woniou at least build no shrincb offer no sacrifices to Bacchus. Two or three ollieial fami lies, trembling for the distinctions of caste, since the innovation of Grant, still hold the issuance of an annual death set tenceortwo essenttal to the dignity of subordinates. "Willi these exceptions jewelled fingers sot no Vampires, nor in cut glass offer adder's fangs. Hence, when the greeting passed from lip lo lip, as the day wore on, "I wish you a Happy New Year," no tongue stiffened with a response, no gleaming eyes shot back to heart depths the hot words "You lie." But we linger too long. The hours van ished, as all hours we seek to hold. Vi ands and guests disappeared. "We gathered up the fragments of the day and amid much rubbish espied this jewel, dropped by Prof. Dake of our State University.