-n! I( 1 1 . 3 4 t. U m IBHkHBK! " t fc fc!jMfcfcJL" ..JTf.3v WalT""?L"tBM flt ' jLy NEBRASKA STATE UNIVERSITY. UXIVEIISITY FACULTY. K. n.KAIUI'IKI.D, S. T. 1). LL. D., Chancellor. II. K. HITOIIOOCK, A. M., Prof, of Mathematics Dunn of College of Literature and Science. S. AU01IKY, A.M. Ph.D., I'rof. of Natural Sciences. OHO. MuMIIXAX, A. M., I'rof. of Greek Language and Literature. (J. E.CIIUKni, A.M., Prof, of Latin Lamuuo mid Literature. IIIHAM COLL1KU A. M. L. L. 1)., I'tofoxMir of Chemistry and I'Ii)n1c!. KDGAU S. DUDLEY. Professor of Military Sciencenml Tat ties. 1IA1UUNOTON KMEHHON, A. M., Prof, ol Modern Language. G.E.BAILKY, A. 11., A jslstant Proffeneor In Chemistry. HAUVEY CULBKUT80N, U. A. , Teacher of Agriculture. (JK1Y12RSITY OF XI31ZRASKA. ADM1S10N. Student of both see arc ndnuttod tnt.ie Unl veislty on passing the requisite o.Minilnailon TUITION. A fee of $5 Is paid as a maiilculatlon fm- hIhci yi to muet incidental epunM.. Hooks at cost. APPAHATUS AND I.IIIHAUY. The Unlerlty in abundantly supplied with now and aluable Apparatus, in both the Clicml cal and Philosophical departments. ThuLlhraiy, already large. N Inci easing annually, 1j the addi tion ol valuable hooks. Aoiticri;runAL college. '1 his College now offers special attractions, by Its course ol Instruction and compo'fatcd labor on the lann, whereby student expenses may bo paid. JiOAltDING. Hoarding; can be had fiom S;l to $5 per. week. CALENDAR. The Winter Term commences Jan.-l, 1877. Tho SprhiK April 1,1877. For circulars and other Information In n-spect to Unlveislly, address. E. 11. KA1UFIELU, Chancellor, Lincoln, Neb. Y. ! L A 4