Improvement. porlnut subject, you will not, can not fail to arrive at true success. J. I'. A Concentration. I$y concentration we mean the act of adhering to some dclinilc and well deliued aim. One of the most important requi sites to success at this period of advance ment, is the directing of all one's ellotls to one thing, then .steering straight through, ' allowing nothing to draw him from the road which lie has marked out for the jmiriiuy. It has been said: "A great deal of the wisdom of man is displayed in leaving things undone, and a great deal of his practical sense by leaving things un known." The truth of this is inevitable. The day for universal knowledge has passed. .Man can no longer leap to fame at a single bound. All can see at once the fallacy of advocating universal education, when they consider the complexity of the work to be performed at the present day. A man may have the most brilliant tal ent, but if he attempts to excel in too many things, his work will result in fail ure. The steam thai is seen, as it slowly and gently rises, expanding, tilling such a vast amount of space, seemingly power less, when confined in a boiler becomes a giant force, causing the earth to tremble when it moves. "I$e a whole man at everything" was the advice of a celebrated Englishman to his son at school. Mathews bays: '"It is just what distinguishes the shabby, half hearted and blundering from those who win victories." Wc have but to consider the numerous failures resulting from the lack of concentration lo concede the latter .statement. At this period of strong com petition, man should use his force in the most cllcctivc and economical way, and this is done by bringing all his power to bear on one point. In speaiciug of the im portauco of sticking to one one thing, wc do not mean for a man to be simply a teacher, or a preacher, and nothing more, rather take in all that tends toward his object, being careful at the same time not to lose sight of the more important items ly having a significant one too near the eye. Switch oil" and travel dillerent roads as long as Nicy lead to the same ob ject, and thus have varying activities con ducing to the same result. lie, who would strike the world forci bly must stick to one thing. In the vo cabularies of stich men there is no such word ais fail. Lord Chatham, in reply to a colleague, who told him that, a certain thing could not be done, repliud : " I tram ple upon impossibilities." He, who would succeed in his well chosen occupa tion, must not start out in life's active march expecting to glide along on the merits of some one else, but it is necessary that he should, rely on himself for his knowledge and constantly renew his en ergy, not too anxious for results, but learn to be patieLt, for this in itself is a noble quality, which few acquire. How many at the present day fail to complete our common college courses, be cause they grow too anxious for something else for which they are not prepared. There was never, probably, a time in the world's history when such thorough prep aration for any profession was needed, as at the present time. "The world," as Em erson says, " is no longer clny, but rather iron, in the hands of its workers and men have got to hammer out a place for them selves by steady and rugged blows." II. Improvement. This is a subject upon which wc may well pause and reilecl. This age is one of improvement, yet while many great and cultivated minds have been engaged in this work there is still much need of la borers in this vast and unbounded field. Individuals make the nation, and in order to facilitate its improvement socially, mor ally and politically, we individuallj' must look carefully to our own urnm-one 1-1 Jm&v I,II1 M1W WMHI --r -.-ffi