Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, December 01, 1876, Page 26, Image 26

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    Scissor Work:
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Be lore laying aside tlio local quill wo
desire lo say ri word to the students. The
short time that we have spent in endeavor
ing to bring the college news before the
voiding public has been one of extreme
pleasure, and although not as long as we
nhould have been pleased to perform the
duty, we have gained many friends, and
have been ablo to notice the intetest taken
by the students in their college paper,
bccoud to none in the west. To those
who have so kindly furnished us with
items of inteiest, we return our thanks,
and ask that they show our successor the
hame degree of kindness and interest
which they have shown us. For the suc
cess of the Studknt depends upon you
and you alone. Make it your business to
write for the Studknt, and have the ex
treme plcasuic of saying that you have
helped build up and make the finest col
lege paper in the land.
Howard Caldwell swings the birch
rod in Missouri.
Master John Rallard has gone to
Germany, to take a course in the Berlin
F. 0. Morton, one of the leading
members of thcPalladiau, has gone home
to teach.
0. W. Stringfleld hns gone home, on
account of some business that needed his
A. U. Hancock writes that he has en
tirely recovered from his cold and is now
leaching school.
Misses Carrie Bnird and Phebe Car
tor paid the University a visit a short
time ago, and expressed their desire to ic
turu to school once more.
J. P. Black was absent a short time
Inst month, on a visit to the Kormal.
Rlack was missed by the Union, for ho
makes things lively if he doesn't say
Wo were made glad the other day, by
the grasp of the hand of our old friend
Geo. McLean. George has had a long
and plcnsaiu !rip the east, and says he en
joyed himself hugely.
W. 0. Riddle has again left us, on ao
count of his eyes being exceedingly weak.
It was thought advisable for him to take a
vacation. Ho has gone to Missouri valley
to rusticate. Wo will miss him, for he
was an active member of the Union.
A heathen Chinee interprets the Scrip
tural passage, "The wicked llee where no
man pursueth, but the righteous are as
bold as a lion," thusly: "The llee he
much badec, be stand still likee snake;
when many wicked man walkee by hu
shootcc." Ex.
A physician was lecturing laUiy on
the ignorance of people about their own
complaints, and said that a lady once
asked him what his next lecture was to be
upon, and being toid, "the circulation of
the blood," replied that she should cer.
tainly attend, for she had been troubled
with that complaint for a longtime. Ex.
Bi:8T Book foii Eveuyiiouy. The
new illusirated edition of Webster's Dic
tionary containing three thousand engrav
ings, is the bcxt book for evertbody that the
press has produced in the present century,
and should be regarded as indispensable
to the well-regulated home, reading-room,
Horary, and place of business. Golden
Prof: "Did Adam die a natural
death V
Student "Adam, sir, running as he did
the only original express company, bloppcd
off one day at a cheap restaurant. He
called for the bill of fare, and a colored
wnitvr bashfully presented tin old patri
arch with a recipe for digesting hash, and
The remainder of the discourse was
rudely cm tailed. Niagara Index.