Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, December 01, 1876, Page 23, Image 23

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    Our College 2?eus
. '
Grows warmer.
University politics.
What do you know ?
Send in a dollar to the Student.
The Governor wants to see somebody.
Our Editor can tell you about the
The Regents will meet some time
this mouth.
Now is the time to join the military
compauy, before you are drafted.
The headquarters of the Military De
partment present quite a business like ap
pearance. The Hart almost ccasd to perform its
function on finding her in the "o bective
case," object of a Senior.
A large number of students have
dropped out of school, for the purpose of
teaching the young ideas.
" No, I thank you. I can carry my
own books." Senior fall? back, and won
ders if the present generation is on the
Prof. Bailuy tickled the Geology class
a few days ago, showing them how a flea
and other beasts of prey look under a mi
croscope. The class in Geology have been treat
ed with some interesting discourses on
Lithological Geology, since the return of
Prof. Auglicj.
Prof. Emerson met with a severe acci
dent, the first of lastmonth. AVhile riding
a horse he was thrown, breaking his arm
near the wrist.
Another letter, has been lost by one of
the young ladies. Pshaw, girls, the boys
are growing indignant. This leaving let
tors around so loose is growiug monot
onous. One of the preps might have been ob
served sitting upon the University fence
the other night, i ntil the wee hours of!
morn, waiting for one of the students who
had promised to meet him. The question
that agitates us now is Was said prep
frozen tight to the fence, or is lie a d n
fool y
Wo arc well pleased to notice the
work that the Societies are doing this
term This speaks well foi the studcnt3t
for there is nothing so beneficial as play
ing an active part in the Societies.
Lets have some music in chapel. Wc
have a good organist; and manj' fine sing
ers, all that is needed is a little exertion.
Let some one make a move in this dircc
lion, and, no doubt, the singers can be
The Chancellor's talks to the Students,
once a week in chapel are exceed ingly in
teresting, and are greatly appreciated by
the students. These short lectures, arc a
new feature in our University, and arc very
For boots and shoes, or any thing in
that line, it will be well to give Waitt a
call. 0. St, south side of square. He in
forms us that he will make it an object
for students to patronize him. Notice his
advertisemert elsewhere.
Wc acknowledge the receipt of an
invitation to attend a sociable givm by
the Ladies of the Congregational Church)
at Library Hall, on the evening of No
vember 29th. On account of unavoidable
business we were unable to attend.
For the benefit of the students of the
University we will state that the bell is
rung by the janitor according to J. U.
TRICKEY'S time, 0 Street, between 10th
and 11th. Regulate your watches accord
ingly, tf
The Palladian Society is still one of
the proiniuenl features of the University.
On Friday evening, Oct. 17th, a most in
teresting programme was presented to the
many students and citizen? who were as
sembled. Mr. English read nu etsuy in
that same comical way for which Sam is
noted. Mr. Slurdevaut delivered uu ora-
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