Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, December 01, 1876, Page 21, Image 21

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    Our Exriinngrs.
4 '
loathsome types appear, and Ihcy satisfy
their detestable motives bj' calumniating
and imprecating whatever is unlike them
selves. They crowd into darkest corners.
They cannot hear the light. So if you
would go un wounded, I pray 3011 pass not
near their haunt, for, upon the first ap
proach, they sock their cursed fangs into
the purest llesh. If you would destroy
them, protect well your ankles, (for their
backbones are too weak to allow them to
strike higher than the hcclstrings) and
take a sharp sickle in your hand and cool
ly clip their hemls as they thrust them
into the light beyond their shaded retreats.
Students' day this term passed off quiet
ly and pleasantly. Sir. Leslie Lewis tilled
the Principal's chair with appropriate dig
nity; Miss Grace Wi'son ofliciated as pre
ceptress. Those phantoms created quite a sensa
tion a few evenings ago as the cadences
from their angelic voices broke upon the
ears of our slumbering youth.
" Oil f come, angel band,"
Come again.
The dormitory, under the efficient man
agement of our ever popular host, Sir.
Pierce, is one of the great attractions of
the school. Nothing is more conducive
to health than the hearty laugh in con
nection willi the festal board. And these
arc never lacking here. Wo are sorry,
however, that the lack of rooms prevents
any of the gentlemen from boarding there
We hope the Board will soon take meas
ures to amend this, and give us all the
advantages now restricted to the "gentler
J. B. Piper, 'TG, is teaching in Xenia, of
this stale. Success to you, Bradford.
"We had a call from old Fentmorc not
long since. Prank is always well re(a)d
up, and it gives us great pleasure to have
an occasional chat with him.
Professor Thompson has been absent
for a few days, holding an institute in the
w ostein portion of the Slate.
Prof. D. B. Worley is preparing for a
concert. All friends of the Normal are
cordially invited to come and hear us sing
tiic first of next month.
Miss Anna Brbwn, '7G, who has been
teaching in Miss Bell's place, left the
school last week. Miss Brown has many
warm friends at the Normal. We under
stand she will teach in Palmyra.
A new society has been established in
the Normal. The object of the society is
to give those who do not attend either the
Philomathean or Everett societies a
chance to improve.
The students of the Normal regret very
much that they arc to lose Professor
Thompson, but we believe the state has
made a good choice, and thai he is a man
who will ever look after our best educa
tional interests. It is not known who
will succeed hint.
We are not. much in favor of women's
rights as regards suffrage, but we can tru
ly say our society this term, under the
administration of a lady president, is do.
ing exceedingly well. The officers for the
present term are Miss 3511a Logan, Presi
dent; Leslie Lewis, Vice President; Lilli
an Bain, Secretary; and W. SI. Clary,
Treasurer. B.
One among the best is the Adrian Col
lege Recorder. The Oct. No. starts out
with a short, well written poem, "Un
achieved," from which we have the fol
lowing stanza:
1 urn pad for the work Hint has never been
lly tlio lmiiilH tliat wero pinioned and pout.
1 lament that the deed could not equal the
Nor the action the spirit's Intent.
The Jewel is also before us. Tt has one
rare feature, that it is a western journal
and therefore does not possess that despis
able conceit so characteristic of eastern