Editor's Chair. 19 g ff opportunity of giving you a siiort piece of advice. If, sir, you propose to lie mine host' you wlil lie kind enough hereafter to set before us nnd the public generally the real article. If you enn give us the tails already cut oft and nicely arranged, so much the belter." HINTS ON STYLE. By referring to the good examples writ ten by our ancestors upon lasting monu ments, it would seem, upon first thought, that any one might make himself master of some good style. But "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh." This will always be as true as it is ancient. Though we re fer forever, we will still have expressions of our own, whose depth and beauty shall depend upon the fullness and sagacity of our own bosoms. True, it would bo strange if wo should make no use of the happy sayings of the wise. But each per son must be to some extent original, and therefore unlike every one else. Style must be the very breathings of the spirit that is within. And if you write and wish your words to be immortal, remember that tliis immortality will depend wholly upon what you say and how j'ou sa' it. Thus in their words the spirits of the An cients ever dwell upon the earth, and though they lived loug ago, and though they have been speaking to the world daily ever since, still it has never grown weary of their counsels, for their words are ever fresh. The dipping and rolling thala&M washed the sands of Troy three thousand years ago, says Homer, just as it does today. It is the what and the how that may bless every sentence with perpe tuity. Then there must be something always to say and something of interest. Most writers make very great mistakes right here.My friend, Mr. Jean Squeeze, thinks if he can only get his urticlc in print, his name in the paper, he is all right. It mat ters not whether he talks about the Ceu- tennial, farming or cooking, whether he throws in superlatives a foot nnd a half long, he still says nothing. His composi tion but portrays the shallowness of his wit. Yet, bullied by his own self-conceit, lie imagines if he can draw his article out as long as from here to Hell Gate, he will bo called "a promising young man, etc." He never stops to think that lie had only a very shallow thought to start with, and that the more paper ho spreads it over the more quickly it will evaporate. So he goe3 on spreading, and heaven only knows when he would end if his material would only hold together. It is not golden, you see, but of some wishy-washy stuff that disappears under his very process. But then what he has to say does not disgust you so much as the way he says it. He is an awful poet, by the way, my friend, Mr. Squeeze. And he likes to show it. So he slyly slings in here nnd there, not in metro however, that would bo bad taste, but in mere pncticnl figures, of a bold and dashing nature, some rich, sublime products of his imagination. At one step he is sounding the very depths of the sea, at the next step he breathes pure air on the lofty tops of the snow-cupped mountains. At one time he ravishes you with his mel low descriptions of the orange groves of California, the very next instant lie has you seated in the little yellow ball over the dome of St. Peters, looking dizzily down upon the ancient city. At one time he shows you the battle of Marathon, then softly taking j'ou by the hand, he spins away, in the hundrcth part of a second, over dark rolling years and deep l'eaving seas, to the surrender of Cornwall is. I get tired swear that I will follow him no longer. But then there is my friend, Miss Felicia Megrims. She likes to sit at the window on some calm, moony night in June, when Night has laid his cool dewy cloak upon the earth, while the moon fur oft' swoons away in sadness. She thus grows intense lv poetical, also, as she sits alone while the birds have fallen asleep and only adis- ra -wtnnnn jymi.m.mr' l Wji