Editor's Qhair. k HESPERIAN STUDENT. EdiTOU-IN'-CHIRK, F. M. L.VMItUUTOX. Local. E. P. IIolmks. Business Manaohu AiiiiKitr Joyce. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. 1 column one insertion - ' 2.00. 3 squares " " liOO. 1 " " " .35. TERMS FOR SUBSCRIPTION. 1 copy per college year 1.00. 1 " six months Single copy - - 0.50. 0.10. All articles for publication should bo addressed Editor Hksvkiuan Stuiient, State University, Lincoln, Nebraska. All subscription, and buM. nefH communications, with the address, should bo sent to Ai.iiiiirr Jovoi:. Subscriptions collected invariably in mlvaucc . Advertisements collected monthly. THE UNIVERSITY. Tlic term which is about to close, the first under the new regime, has been one of considerable interest. The members of the Faculty, though in a large part new, have gone earnestly to work and have shown themselves men fit to meet the emergency. The absence of Prof. Aughoy has been the occasion of some little irreg ularity, but his work has, to some extent, been carried on by other profes-ors. The number of students, is heretofore, has grown from the first, and we have enrolled upwards of 180. The Military Deparment, under the su. pcrlntendenco of Prof. Dudley, has proved an interesting as well as profitable part of the University work. A company has been organized, and guns have been obtained, so that next term wo expect (his new feature will prove even more attract ivo. Several of the young men have not yet joined the company. They tire per haps the better judges of what lliey lose. The healthy state of the Agricultural college is also worthy of mention, nnd speaks many things for the ability of Mr. Culbcrtson. On the whole, the people of the state may well bo proud of their University. It is the result of good judgment on the part of the regents, of eminent ability on tiie part of those who arc at its head. There is one part of the Academical curriculum, and indeed a very important part, that, for the rush of other business perhaps more important, has been some what neglected. We mean the Rhetorical exercises. Tiieie is not a student in school, or professor in the faculty, or man of sense and culture in the state, who will not grant that any study could be neglect ed with less injury than this. What is thought if it be not expressed? "What is expression unless it be with force and clearness? A man who educates himself only tonccivo the thought of others stim ulates but one side of his mind. The oth er side is yet in its infancy. He who orig inates and expresses thought of his own. and learns to analyze the thought of oth ers, is only tiie educated man. What is inllucnce? Is it not measured by the power to forcibly express thought? Most young men, now-a days, prepare them selves for the law. But what do you think of an attorney whose head is filled only with mathematical formulas or Greek and Latin quotations? We believe that all ed ucation is more or less practical, yet we be lieve that that education which stimulates self-invesligation and invention is by far the most intcsely practical and, that it affords the highest mental culture. "We now have three professors in Natur al Science. Would it not be more satis factory to all concerned to divide this work between two professors and elect a professor to the chair of Elocution and Literature ? -tffsQun-