Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, December 01, 1876, Page 15, Image 15

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    Worse than War, Worse than Pestilence.
thnn liitltcrto for his pust conduct, ami a
still greater dotonninatioii to investigate
the niuUcr, as ho quickened his steps
toward the ofllec of Mr. Sykcs. From
liim, however, he could gain little en
courugement. , The superintendent us.
aured Mr. Bonnet only of the high char
acter of the boys previous to their arrest,
but he was not now disposed to give ere
dence to any supposition of their inno
cence. The remainder of the day was spent by
Mr. Bonnet in prosecuting his inquiries
in the village, but without success, lie
returned to the hotel at night, despondent
but not yet discouraged. The next morn
ing he decided to visit Moultonborough
and there find out what information he
Upon inquiring of the landlord for a
conveyance, lie was informed that a young
man of Moultonborough was about to re
turn home tint morning, and that he
could go with him in his wagon as well
as not. Mr. Bonnet accordingly reached
bis destination in this manner.
His companion on the journey was
about eighteen years of age, ill-featured
and taciturn. lie claimed to be in the
employ of a Mr. Rogers for whom he frc
qucntly made journeys to Meredith. lie
also said that ho would return in the even
ing, and that Mr. Bonnet could go with
him if he wished. To this the latter as
sented. It was not, however, until the old man
bud succeeded in engaging him in conver
sation regarding Richard and Stephen
that his reserved demeanor relaxed, lie
seemed to bo perfectly familiar with the
trial and its history, but the tenor of his
narrative was all along intended to im
press upon the mind of his hearer a be.
lief in their guilt. Ho was particularly
communicative in regard to the robberies
in Moultonborough. While he was speak
ing of them, a thought suddenly occurred
to Mi. Benuet, and he at once acted upon
''Who and what is this young man, in
the employ of Mr. Garnet! V" he inquired
"His name is Daniel Johnson," replied
liia now garrulous companion. "Ho came
to Moultonborough from near Boston
Cambridge, I think, about four months
ago. lie came with recommendations
from parties there, and after doing odd
jobs for about a week, Mr. Qarnctt hired
him. lie is a very likely young fellow,
honest, industrious and quiet, and Mr.
Garnett well, indeed, all around here
like him very well."
"It has been whispered about that he
wasn't just what he ought to bo; that
he was a wild, worthless fellow, and all
that sort of a thing. They say, though,
that ho reformed a whilo before ho left
there, but not meeting with much encour
agement from his old friends, he thought
he'd leave, and go where lie wasn't known,
and live honestly. X. Y. Z.
(tu'liu continued.)
Worse than War, Worse "than
CHAPTER IV, (concluded.)
',lt is probably some one desiring the
advice or influence of Mr. Shcrwiu," said
Mrs. Shcrwiu. "But I wish they would
not call at this time of night. As to that,
I wish they would not call at all. Many
seem to think that preachers; outside of
their Sunday labors, have nothing else to
do but attend to the worldly wants of the
people. Last week, Mr. Sherwin locked
himself up in his study and ordered Bet
sey to tell ull strangers who culled that ho
was not able to receive them. The plan, I
believe, was a good one. Do you not
think, Mr. Brattleton, that his sermons
lust Sunday were an improvement on
some of his previous onesV"
"They wore most excellent," replied
Mr. B., though he had just severely criti
cised them at the supper table.
" It always docs my heart good to aid
the unfortunate on the weary road of life,"
said Mr. Shcrwiu, with a sly and repri
manding glance at Mrs. Sherwin. " Faith,
hope and charity aro the glories of Chris-