The Unknown Heirs, or The Confuted rnherilance. 10 J) The purpose of Mr. Sykes, in liis mis sion hither, was to question the boys in u stealthy inunnei', and if possible to throw them off their guard and gain therein such information as would satisfy him. self cither as to their guilt or innocence. Hut he was loth to enter upon the disa greeable business and endeavored to up. proacli the subject by circumlocution. In fact, so irreproachable a character hud the boys sustained and such had been the superintendent's confidence in them, that he was thus far by no means persuad ed of their guilt. In the midst of his cross examination, a sharp rap upon the door was heard. Ste phen opened the later, and two persons immediately entered, the foremost' of whom, Mr. Sykes recognized as u sheriff. The latter person saluted the superintend ent and then arrested Richard on a charge of theft, and Stephen . for complicity. During this process, Johnson wheeled his chair around so thathis face was brought into the shade. As the procccdine: had occurred so unexpectedly, the astonish incut of the boys exceeded, for the lime, their indignation. They besought Mr. Sykes to explain the matter. The superintendent then gravely stated the details of the charges alleged against them and the purpose of his visit that eve ning. Ho also expressed a hope that they would be able to exonerate themselves. The boys listened with amazement. They denied emphatically all the accusations and defied any one to prove them. At this juncture the sheriff's compan ion, evidently in response to n meaning glance from Johnson, propo-ed that the cellar bo searched. Mr. Sykes assented to this and agreed to do it himself. You will find a caudle in the closet at the head of the cellar stairs," said Rich aid composedly. "Light it, and examine the cellar wall." Mr. Sykes found and lighted the candle, and beckoning to Johnson to follow him, descended the stuirwny. The collar did not present a very unusual appearance. The walls were of rough stone, and on one side was a rude door. A mass of what appeared to be only straw was in one corner. Johnson scattered 'this and thereby disclosed a small printing press and Its appurtenances. Among the latter was found a piece of paper, on which was piloted the following: $20 " ''' C!1" ,,c llini, 'y '"' 0I1 who Ik up to HimtV, unit without liiterforliif with Ills other business. Address, Biwci.K A Co., MiaiEurrnyN. II. "Tills looks as if they were about to go into a. humbug business," remarked John son. Mr. Sykes made no answer, but his countenance grew more serious as he con tinued his search and found other papers that seemed to strengthen Johnson's re mark. The door already mentioned was found to communicate with a small closet, in which the missing watch was discov. ered as well as other articles, which were identified by the sheriff as stolen in Moul tonborough. Sundry articles were also found which seemed to strengthen the evi dence that the boys were about to engage in some of the humbugs that are so com moil at the East. We have not space to describe the trial which followed. Sufllco it to say that everything was against the two brothers; they had but their own, unassisted tosli mony to oppose overwhelming accusa tions and the number of witnesses that were brought forward. Richard was sentenced to hard labor for a term of threo years, but Stephen was released from custody for want of suf ficient evidence to convict him. His lot was, however, nearly as hard as Richard's, for he was discharged from the employ of Mr Sykes and shunned by all his former friends. CHAPTER IV. THWAltTKD. Mr. Rennet did not immediately pro ceed to Meredith, but spent a week titEus ton in the transaction of somo business. He was also delayed by stoppuges along 1 F ag; ' " vjriArad mumumma w-x; -. , -' T r . WS'T7 r.r. - ' t . -tH; ) I), Mil'tfliiitt'Wli'TWYT IM'i ' ' 'it 1fciWVII'ltHM 1 1 1 1 '"TTn 1 ''-X jsflipqpHtfjfljyppp