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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1876)
tiiis II MMWllllllll s X t VOIi. V. 7 i .V . R 1 " V THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. 'W.Ovr.- Qui lion I'rullclt, DeHolL ur.Q'JK DECEMHKlt, 187H. NO. 10. i Itlay. Itollln. bluu-oyod Null. Mocking, blooming Null, What iiiukoH you cinllf Si) till lllO whllll, Ab thu droi)iiiij Minlight fiocr Your hoarl, 1 know. If till aglow With it warmtlitlml burne lor nu1. Anil htllfyon Kuoji" Your bosom doop I, Ike a rjl'l'ling, Mlinnicr &.. ltollliig. bluuovod Noll. ' Laughing, happy Noll, Your plauld ojoa Aiu twilight iskluf. Ami thu Htnr of Joy l thorn, That hIiIiiuh pur'nu, On uvury hcoiio, That Is iliirk with nightly emu, Yot far away tlivos llli! and nay To u world that'M nlw'ayc fair. llolllug, bliio oyed Noll, Changing, fairy Null, Llko winds of Spring, Your Joy do bring Winning friigruuoo to my foul. Ami thou at ovo I do rt'culvu Suili a brou.u of uv out coumilo From buds so ruru, bo plumii with euro, rjiot nlono to mo unroll. HKlTKMDKIt Rolling, bluo-oyd Noll, (JobIiI I lovodyou, Null. Hut bach'lor hood Has robbod thu wood Of It pprlng-tlmo glorlos green. And lonvuK now brown A lo fulling down And o'or on my way aro mjuii To fport and fly, As wlntorV nigh. And the cold night lutorvouo. Hulling, bluo-uyud Null, .Ioo! yott'No fudml. Null. Ah' woll you know Youth' bright rainbow. In tlio toons It boaiiif. they uy, And florins, so woll, It door forutull Thin falfo hnuuorof thu day. How llko to you. How uhangod? nneo trtio! You mayjuft,jtiht fadoaway. 1 M. L, Prof. Allen's Al(lrcs.o. Since its opening in the autumn of 1871, tlio University litis boon favored wilh three admirable addresses, tliat of Sterling Morion, Judge Woolworth's, and litis just published of Prof. Allen of iho Wisconsin Slate University. Prof. Allen is a scholar and teacher by inheritance, his ancestors for several gen orations having been graduates of Har. vard College, while his father was for years the principal of 'the Eton of New England, the leading prenitftsn i'j."'. m.-: Vt bp?: . wia-,'v.