Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, October 01, 1876, Page 6, Image 6
flffHTW r"" " n Tin SlruyL ' , H w n . . j trnct3 appetite, and though! digests iIiimii, carrying thi'lr dibilililing poison Into the soul's structure, dlslnrlhi!, potvcrlin m (I dwarfing Hie mural nature. Hut Instead of buing thus ptostitutod, tlio mind nun be trained to such modus and habits of thinking as lo admire tin- really admira ble, to love tin1 good and lino, and to find expansion and exorcise in communion and real sympathy vi:h iln most beau ifiil objects in nature, :ui I the noblct pro In--tions of art, a persistent eultur. of which is needed I) 'fore the higher lesnl s will uppuar in lis olevntini; lutliiuue.es upon ilic mind, rundcrintr the soul sonsllvily alive lo such impressions. Soul structur. is the mosl iinpirlnnl inturest wo have requires tlu most siren nous potsonal ell ii, and that efi'orl (11 reeled to the full, free, and hnnnoniou development of every spiritual cnpabiliiy of our nature. 7ev, if anywheio, we are to regain our likencx to God, and lieic P is mint emphatically true th.it every hu" man soul must he its own architect. ( T. The Stru;;fjIoi !' I.UVj. Standing on the verge of a Rubicon .if doubt, are many who pints:?, und 'oidod whether to cross and enter into the great battle of life wilh an earnest zeal and pur pose, or to retrace stop already ad oieed, hopelessly givinir up an ambitious d-siiv or longing, which may at one time have boon Ihe all absoibini; interest n' their min Is. They fear lo leap the aiilf of uucerlainly for fear of disastrous con sequences, and therefore remain silent spuctators of Ihe strife beyond. In the varied pharos of life, nuiuli is seen lo Mir and excite to highest lontr ings the aspiring nature of man, and lend encouragement to those not the most bold lo do a id dare. Much nl-o is oh-orvud lo discourage even the boldest, heart, who would aspire lo reach Ihe "lofty heights of fame." For one without inlluenuo, and yet surrounded by a world of indlHVie:'ce as well as In Ihe emb irn-sni"iil of pnvcr ty, wiio isdes.rnu to it 1 1 in t a certain xphere of rmiii'iice 'ind iis'-fnlnes-. am inn the le lined and great, I lie oullo d; indeid is not Hie n favorable. Snuggles which will demand alnn-l siiperhumai ell'orls to pass tlir uth; temp'ation lo be borne, and their allur men's to bj over come; and miilliiiidin mimI 111 iillie-s to he eiu-oun'eted, thai lower it pidigini h ig'iits I i uveis'iidiv Hie highlit of sitceess liul sh mid that .sphit i i in.ui which is everseeuing afler snur.-lhin.' better and nobler, be crushed in i's earliest as-plri. iins for simetlt'ng highor, and all hi;, cause the highway of uttai.nn-nt is not smoolli and unencumbered by obslru.. tion.s? Common sense leaclie. us the eon. irnry, inid that all should set before them a high standard of attainment, and en. doavor, by noble, vig irons ovorlioiH, lo reach as nearly a- possible the object hi view. A na'lnnV welfare, even existence itself, depends, largely on the aspiring, striving nature id' its people. The experience of a young man in his attempt to rise from poverty and obscurity to renown, is often one ol discourage ineni. r'liendly manifestations toward him, ami cheering w irds, are apt to be d.. feired until he his attained distinction, and show.i his ability; and not accorded liiinSi hen Mich would bu i.ideed a bios, sing. In deciding a certain pursuit of liitf.iue.ss, in winch we would oniraio, uat uraliiicliuaiionhould lute.onsitltod before loo u.iolieiiol.idnv of others. "Iv iow ihy.self" is an injunction directly appliea. bio hero. If it i dcsiiv.l J,, VIU . ,f0u sional life bieaiHo of iiiuliuiilon rather than of pecuniary consideration, the bel ter is the proxpeot of succo-s. "The pro. fusions are crowded" are words lo bo heard en every hand. It Is true: filled to ivorllowing with muii wiio seek lo live without labor, and so lwer the standing' or the professions with their inability and ii.dlsposhion to energetic wotk. Tlioto is room for proper talent and industry in