RHfliMlMtiBfe mmi i JiuiUUny. m reach of mr tests. Mutter, ovtu in its grossest forms, is only detected in its rela tions, never in its essence. Force mid life are- as subtle us the es sence of matter. Spring comes, and countless forces, guided by countless phas es of life, awake from the sleet) of winter; and struc'ures, numerous as the sands of the seashore, arise fiom lawn, and garden, praiiie, and forest. The germs of a rose seed, Ins I red with life, build a bush of numerous branches, listen ever so attentively and continuously but no sound comes up from its myster ious depths. 1 look steadily, earnestly' but no shape, no shadow eve:i, appears. The most discriminating an I sensitive touch feels only utter nothingness. I am conscious of being, I am con. scions of wonderlul powers and a marvel ous life. I am conscious of relations to other beings like myself, and to a phys ieal world. I am conscious of activities and of results fro.n activities, of pleasures and cover it with leaves, anil with lloweis 'and pain. In the language oi another, ..( t il".. 1.1 .. 1 1 . V i.i I... - .... ... .. of iaelfable beauty and fraiiraiice. Note the exqui-dlo tinging of each leaf and blossom. The more carefully you exam, inc, the more hcuutifil it appeari --subtle ethereal, divine beauty. Consider its deli cious fragrance, distil its ottar and study its power of perpetual perfume. What materials compose l lie beauty and the fragrance V Wh it is that life which readi es forward with unerring lingers, and gathers from light, air, water and earth those materials, and adjusts them so per feetlyV Profound mystery wraps all (nun our sight except the result.-.. Let us turn our thoughts from an un conscious vegetable to the building of an intelligent, sensitive, deathless being. God has evolveil out of Hinis'lf spirit ual forces, inspired them with life, utilise1 them to building structures in Ills own likeness, out of materials ample as His. own nature. In other word. He has ere ated living spirits endowed with His own attributes in germ life, whose normal ac tivity is elernal growth into His image. OonsciousiiCa-, will, alK'cti i.i, memory, reason, power to sillier and enjoy, ami immortality, diitiiuuish spliit from vege. table life. A spirit ' empowered to study its own activities, but not to know itself Its essence, inell'able, sovereign, imi)iorli its substance, its shape, its parts, its whole elude its own deepest research. 1 am to myself a mystery, as profound, as impenetrable, as the being of Jehovah is to me. I can not bring my own selfhood to the lest of anv of mv souses. 1 may "'1 he spirit gives perceptions to the senses hut it cannot in turn perceive it. Il is not sense. At its bidding the valves of the heart permit the blood to pour tumultu ously into the Mushing cheeks, or to rush hack fainting and all'righted from their pallid, collapsing cells; but it is not the blood nor the heart. It sends out living nerves from the lordly brain and the stale I. column which supp :l h n the remot est avenues of feeling, but it is not brain nor nerve. It hears u it li the ear, and sees with the eje; but it is not eye nor ear. Il is everywhere- within me but not any where, inscrutably wrapped up in this muddy vestuie of decay, every particle of ulildi it clothes with beauty and life and power." Ought I to be surprised that my spirit an emanation from the Inlinite spirit, His oirpring should hide its essence from my inspection? Why should I ox peet to aual..ii it, when the essence of ihe beauty and fragrance of the rose utterly eludes tdl search. Though I cannot comprehend m,sclf. having been feirfully and wonderfully made, I am charged with tho it vl'nl re. sponsihiliiy of directing the forcis of my life in their building pr.icesv I have selfdolerniiniug power. M character is growing under my own f.!ahio:iing hand If ihe life forces of r.is.i are c.omniN. sloned to build and adorn with such beau ty and sweetn.sia slum: um which today is, and tomorrow decays; ulml kind oi i structure ought to rear, when i-.v lite