20 Editor' x Chair. 1! soul to become imbued with its iiilluiMicrs. This can only lie done in youth, when there arc no loallisome diseases at work upon it. And what now. The home the moral nitr.-cry. Is it worthy the name? We can answer only by ascertaining the chancier of its nurselings. The b y in town. In the large majority of cases, as soon as he leaves his cradle, learn to he a practiser or deei plion. lie stays upon tin si red full one half his time. Learns street and saloon talk Mikes a man of himself by lisping, as soon as he ean. the fullest oath-. Ciews tobacco. Learns to lie; and a thousand oilier things, including Iho-e baser and duker climes that cling like scales to the human raec frm betid to foot. Take him t' the c mntry. It rhnnges 11 nature somewhat Ab u us much as it does the English b tar lo take him to the pampas or Andes. He becomes rather shy. An exceedingly modest eu; rather ragged and brown Learns to grind hi teeth upon men, when he is by himself, but .-huns their presence. He. i.. most cases, is very ignor.int, becnu-cull around him arc ignorant. Trained, in a degree, in right and wrong, a far ns lying and steal ing are concerned, but without rca-on. Has thus a few principles of moralit : but upon thetr. Icons to found a creed, which, when h' becomes a nm:i. make him a bigot, a prejudiced fool. It isakiml of blind morditv. since it leive- him en tirely without the pale of honor. Thcc arc somewhat extremes, but as they take their stand at each end of u long lUt of conditions, and all others giadually jirndc inl llu-m fiom . adi dir. clio.i, tin must loptcscnt the nifliiciiees that move the liiukM'h. Then, we jtilinn Umt the home, on ihc whole, i not a moral school. Tims w". find the result, as we mL'ht rer onnbly expect, that there is very little real honor, very little real jiMice, very little real purity, and that conscience is strangely thin. We attribute the caw-e of all this to the loo little amount of real pi-r-ilcui cllort to lend out the moral na ture at the time and place where ellort can ho most advantageously employed. Turn now, for a moment, to another nart of the curriculum. While the home may be, and in some instances is, t he m or. al g-irden, the null ml should be, but sejuC4 -ly ever is, a Held for both the moral and ini'.'llectual. We can. judge only by re sults. As a result of the workings of our public i-chools. wo must t-ike the (level, ope incut of thai class that is leaving tin in evcr day, and. either going out upon llio world, or Inking steps toward college. Who are the-c oiilh.-? Are they ihor. oiigh, ns a c'a-s? I know 3011 s.niiie at the th'. light. Are the; moral, as a cla.-h? Tlii qiirs'ioi! is still ..Hanger. IJui why not? Plainly, been dm- they have been under improper influences. They have been cast in until mul.ls Sa i: g uoth ing of our scu'niiun chools, and mow c-. pecinlly our Koman Catholic schools, whete the pupil is, for a gr at pan, lrrought down t Oa'cchlsnis, Oonfe-slons and Articles of Faith, nti'il lie n Irimnnd and straightened that he evtr af ter runs in a single groove, b- lievi.ig nolh. ing except hi- croud, pr judged n da-t the world, and f rcvcr a du,i to -..iioiuvh and prar-book-, we will vi..iin;- f..r :t moment the work of our com .ion pxhii.-M-hoo). In the llrI pi. ice, u- are w!l wan tnted in n e ting I! :il l!.ce is. c-jxe-i dh in the wc-t, v. rj Utile real --ciu. We nuiiii -i -tein tiuit d - icail. rcaelt and ell'etM Ihc pupil. Ami why We know we have a MMun ot Sate aid county .-lip. rinieiuK jit-. We know, t..t.. that generally they d their woik mil. I!ut lc:c U::i i.nK. Ii do. i.i.; p...Ki ly extend to the individii'd. He i- iiillu enced 'iil o far nlhc money i con cenied. That ic, he Is generally mmI to school for M'e:.d imiiiH h dining the year. 1 1 iw teacher it al r-'qui red to pa mi examination, uhloh, in in t eac, U un-s.tilfiu-torv. AccouliugUi our Anieilenn liriuciple- of freedom. Mich district tnua. h clccu it own le.iehcr. So lite nuttier U ever left oicn to objection. Dlrtrlcl ggES'T