9RHHt-tfr Vl'" '- & '--.v - .ji Setfd JSiivieh'es. M n ?1 M II fe& sir A IV"-.' provided they arc more of an evil tliim a good. Let us consider. l)r Itohiusoti charges upon thorn that they arc cxpan sice. Now what is thu tost hero 1 Is not the criterion of an article's oxpeiisivonos to he found either to its intrinsic, value or in the length of the puss I iht purchas or or possessor? If tube n member of n seerol college Society In-really worth to inu all that 't costs me, then, no matter what it costs, it cannot be called expensive. Whether 1 could possibly spend the m ney m as to reap a yet greater relative advantage is not now the question in issue. The question hero and it is one which in this discus, sion the opponents of .-cere! Smdeiics can not afl'ord to beg is whether or not the.-e Societies are worth their cost. If, on the other hand, the Dr. means by expemito that these Societies entail up n the under graduate a really intolerable burden ol expense., we may pioperly take exception ii It mite to thu generic char.icter ol' the assumption. With an income of but a thousand dollars, a live hundred dollai carriage is no doubt too expensive for me, though it may tint be lor 1113 neighbor whose income approximates a hundred thousand. So, for the student whose al lowanec bin el meet his living expenses to join a secret Society may lie not on'y unjustifiable but prnctiealh iuipn-sihle; lint should this eelude hi- chi-siniitc whose allowance It ippuns to be more lib. oral? It will hardly do to thiol; of club lishiug Mitch a dospuli-ni as will prevent any Mndcnt from doiiiy or purchasing what is be.vond the leach of all. Outward uniformity is no more desirable than in ward. It is the province of a college to develop character, or at le-i idlbrd it an opportunity for sclf-development. Inei dentally, it must aim also to fit the student for the part he is subsequently to piny as a citizen. It will not etl'uct this b break ing down the distillations and making void tin conditions which subsist every, whore throughout society. The student mm in this, as in other things, sufi-lv be left peifeetly free to ell o-e in ace idatie wiih his circumstance ami condition, nnd be instructed h the natural consequence of his own choice. Not u.iieh mote foieihle would seem the M'o.nid ol joolion--the spiiit of clan . exx losleied hj, those socielie. The same charge might be brought auainst aiy limited so.dety whiitewr, and with like jusiice. The cosmopolitan Ooelhc objected even to patriotism (nmor juitiine) a unwoithy, uairowieg in its intlw nee. As "one idm," as a single put suit, makes a monomaniac of the man whose (-utile entire energies it engrosser, so, in its way, does any limited society, scent or open, narrow and degrade, if it secures exclusive attention. The os-ence of clan nUhnctS is liinitatinii. So in a souse are we. all mumbersof some clan. With all it is a question of more or less. Knch Is lionmli'il liv lit- imturu, Ami ivintitiis tno simo hi tlnlare. In the vnll uy, on 1I10 liHiuatiitn; Scnjp from oetiui or from rmiiiitihi, With 11 poor Imiul nr 11 noliur, You can only flit jour piu-lior. Of course culluie broailces, emttiicipati olenites. Through thflt magic door wi pues from the narrower into the lurucr limitation-, but never without tin 111, i.er beyond them. First the laiuily. tin 11 the neighhoih't id, llien the slate, then the mi tion, then, lor OoiI'm anointi d, the co-mo. poliiaas, coiius the world. To these, though limited still, we may lift our lu.ts and bow with tvvcronc . (Sir: he waflr-t a German, Jesus i .k-. , ShaUpere mi IJn-irli-bni in; aftciwaid-. nothing liuinmi win, foreign to them. Yet the stars, and their atenilanl woihls, with their probable eiiiiitk"M inhabitants, were beyoinl their ken. Not noeoshiii il ihereforc art l hoe n-erei College .SoeliUea to be objeoted to because in them the spirit of ehtniiidine- find a plaeu for m.inife.tn:Ion. To xv college ibeir the same objection mn he made. We must look further to ibid h filch ji roiuvm for condemiilug the: SoclcUcb Do we fl (1 it in the t,ltl olinrye that in rs j, w jmj k . " "" ' ! ""y i