Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, October 01, 1876, Image 17

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KniTon-iN'-cuiKP, V. M. I.-.mhkuton.
I.ih'AI., .... E. 1 Hoi.MUR.
J. L. Shank.
I copy per college year . . $1.00.
1 " six months
Single copy
I column ono insertion . - 4.00.
'. squares " " 1.00.
1 " " " .Do.
All nrtlclof. for publication slumltl bo ntltlrefUJOn' -IWIlm 1lnsriii:i.w Stuiiijst, Stuto University.
Lincoln, Nuhraku. All unlm'Hptio if, find hniriiwtt aamiunnlOallDiw wltli tliu a (hires a should bn
cum to AiJiKUT Joyce. subscriptions colluotoil invmlnlily In tiilvtuu'c. Advortisunicnts colluded
nmtithly. .
Some time -igo wo worn tendered the
editorial iii'inu.i meat T tho STtrnKNT
which with sad nigiviiig for tho liUurc
nf ihc III Ri'ntlAN, wn accepted. Not
lli-l ili"!c wcic -in;, i'imiiIiI". of the nliiliix
or .mII'i.h."! - ol .In- -Hull ul" In pill' nu
tin1 litci ir. wmk fiiiiin'cu il w illi Hie i
mi:;h! ! i (ill',ur join ii nl . Imt from pa!
(p"i-ii!i"i iciiis wcirrnti rtiiini'il coiiccrn.
i.i Is li.i ine'.al exi-tence. Hence it is
wiili -ouie pride tltai tin' r. tiring mcmbeis
o t In- II hi 1 HililiT iI.mI tlii ptihi six
month .ire ihe thai in tin- history of the
SiLiiv.i liming !.U'!i it- I's-ntrcei nave
exceeded its ixp.-mliiiin-s. This coiidi
tion ofiilVn'rs lui been brought itlioui lij
Hit (ii.iiii nml pi r-i-iiiil labors of those
who have Imu ilii huvueas control of the
pn-pcr, together w;lli tin- hearty en opera
lion of its fiici.ds. Wc desire hurt' to
make public aekiiowle.lgcineiit of the
hearty hitpi oil. loMi I'mm iiu-itds connect
eil with l he Univcrdiy ami others, ol
which the Sti'DI NT li.ih been tin- reeipi.
out, nml WJitUhisk for onr successors like
Concerning tho literary merit of the
paper Avtillo under our supervision, we
would pay that the best was done, of
which, under (he circumstances, vc were
capable, and, will leave yon to judge of the
rcMill, knowing that due allowance will be
male lor our ninny shortcomings. In
se ciing our connection with the Student
i here is much thai we would like to say
esp daily to our lady friends. We are
unable at prei-cni to recall a single article
written by a lady member of the school,
expressly f r the Studk.nt, during the
oMit hull' year. We thought at first it was
owing to our unpopularity with that class
of students, bill if this is the true cause,
the colli IukIoii follows, Irom looking over
the iiles of the IIicsi'itiMAN, that all of our
predecessors, have been equally unforiu
note, as year alter year the same com.
pltitnt appears. i
Now this Is not right, it is not just.
Wlion any student mule or female enters
the University lie or &ho becomes morally