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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1876)
id Wohe ifain ((, Atone than j)tUlener. Mrs. A gently packed away in the va-' few parting words at the stage when they lisc a new gilt testament with silver clasps j were suddenly interrupted by the voice of The following in one of tho lly-loavcs was j a female from the dwelling across the neatly worked in silk by the little Angers j way, and whom they had awoke by the of loving Hell : J noise and stir, in coming to tho upper win- Though other junv uiroiibtniit ho. ' dow in her nightcap and exclaiming: Thy loved (! oYr will care for thee. ny , Umt,R ,ho wny you kllk )ff (() Albert, by long saving or his loose change, ti,c North in tho dead of the night, is it? presented his father with a neat gold loekc ! Aflg.r damaging our country and draining for his watcli chain. jt ()f its spiritous liquors, and not content The reader may think from all this ado wx your iomsx Work at home, you arc that Mr. Abbott never left homo longer ,,mv going j iPngU0 wj,i, ,10SO villainous than from morning to noon, or noon to evening. Indeed, ho traveled but little, Northerners. I hope you will never be so. her enough to recognize your grandmoth. and then, except when he made hajjty trips cr jm Scnd " to Ncwlork, ho was always accompanied ,vt this point she was suddenly and by his family. His home and its sur- uiiccrimoiiiouslj' pullod in ly Mr. T.t her roundlngs presented attractions enough ii,U8i)ami whom she had nroused from his without coins: abroad. All this tender care was only a rellection of the love that existed between him and his famil. After completing tho necessary prepara tions the family retired to rise at an early hour, as Mr. Abbott had t- meet the morn ing train al eight o' clock, in the neigh boring town. Tho family, rising before dawn, went round with palpitated feelings through tho anticipated depuiture. Mrs. A. and the children often stepped outside to as certain whether they could hear the rum bio of the approaching stage. And when at last tho stage drove up, what a hurry and bustle there was. "While Mr. Abbott was busily engaged. Albert tugged his father's valise to the stage. Little Bell gathered from the houseplants a line largo bouquet for her father. Mr. and Mrs Sparks came down in the stage from the ijOUth end of the village to bid Mr. Abbott good-by. As Mr. Abbott and Mr. Sparks, followed bv the children and Mrs. A. ami CHIPS. Nothing pleases a conscientious bach clor so much as to dine with a married Mrs. T., came down Iho walk from the I menu aim sec me uany put his loot into bouse to the stauo with their glimmering ihe gravy. moining slumber. Tho reader may think this woman was far from being genteel. Hut such was not tho case. She was a lady of tine culture, as she was from one of the most respecta ble families of Virginia. Such was the political rage at this time that tho females often seemed more exasperated than the opposite sex. Hut the reader will notice that the worst of this strange action was her wounding tho feelings of Mr. Abbott's family by al ljuling to his recent intemperance. Hut these painful allusions are insigniJicant ns compart d witli the miseries of rum that nwait Mr. Abbott's family, and with which, the scotls and sneers they will receive from the cruel world, (to he continued.) lanterns, nothing broke the stillness of the morning save their own voices, the bark ingof the neighboring dog, and the " cook's shrill clarion" that echoed through the quiet morning a'u. Tho two families were exchanging a "How came you to fail in your examlna tionV" asked a tutor of one of his pupils. "I thought I crammed you thoroughly." "Well, you sec," replied the student, "you crammed me so tight 'that I couldn't 'get it out." ' - .ov