Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, October 01, 1876, Page 15, Image 15
J )for4 ihrw war, utrit tJmn ptiWUnee. U tulu when working fur the Bdpport of their parly ; nml lnstciul or working for our country's interest, they labor in behnlf of their own enormous nml base swindles, havo depleted tlin treasury, and the cry of corruption rings the knell as the olllce-holder performs the last sad rites of his official career. Do wo need illustra tions to prove what we havo said? No I defalcations innumerable will recur to the minds of every one. We may be accused of drawing too dark a picture, and we may lie accused of un. patriotic exposure of our country's shame. IT silence were a remedy gladly would we await its application. Hut too long have we remained silent and 'tis now the time as the old parties rest upon the verge of destruction, to make one more effort towards an honest reconstruction of our political organizations. Let us first strike at our conventions, and Instead of having them composed of candidates, runners for the party organ, little pettifogging lawyers, just commenc ing practice and eager to gain popularity, let us have men of wisdom, decision of character and stern integrity. Then may we expect to find men nominated for our public offices worthy of the positions. The olllco seeker will stand aside, and yield his place to belter men. The parly will lie represented by men whom the country can trust and by whom it will be benefited. Perhaps it Is natural that all progress mibt comu by ebb and How. Perhaps this long descent shall havo been ncces to a higher ascent toward honesty and truth. In the meanwhile lc.1 us hope that in thoyeard immediately coming wisdom will hold the high places, which cunning has so long defiled; that truth will speak win re sophistry has chattered t that honor ' and justice will ord'.T and direct the cnor. Ogics and intricatu complications of our government, so long tampered with by political maucuvcrers, under the bad directions of incapacity selfishness, tyr anny and revngo. E. P. H, Worse tlinii War, Worse thifii J'estllencu. Cir.u'TKU Til. Mr. Sherwin, as the reader will remorii her, had received n call from Illinois, as pastor of a large congregation, lie had accepted the call, and had just returned from hi? new field of labor, after c mplet ing the necessary preparations for the comfort of his family. As Mr. Sherwin dcliui uteri a fair pw-sU peel for Mr.Abhott.to locate his business in this new place, ho desired to accompany Mr. Sherwb; and his fnmlly there; but as Mr. Abbott had business that could not be transacted in time, he was obliged to jour ney alone. To economize time, Mr. Ab. bott made arrangements with Mr. Sparks, an intimate friend, and who had just quit his labors as teacher in the Acade. my, to escort his family in their journey out. On Ihe evening pteeeeding Mr. Abbott's departure, great preparations were made by Mr. Abbott and the children. Such a stir was never before seen in the well' arranged house. Many were the sugges tions howjhi-i or that should be packed in Ihe trunks, l ether this or that should go In the trunks or valise, whether it would be belter to wear this or that suit, whether he would need his Ko.-.Mitli coat and umbrel la; even little Hell asked whether or not he would need his glasses. These, with many more suggestions, were forced upon Ihe loved father ami husband. Mr. Abbott had packed some delicacies as luncheon on the road. Aunt Betsy came running in willi a large cake which she had carefully prepared for her kind, departing master. When told ll.-t there was no room for it in the trunks or valise, tears gushed down her glistening face. "Pray, ma sa," said Aunt Bets-, "kint you not gil a vay Irdf do cake? 1 knows you would If yon k no wed de good 'grcdi cuts in dnl cake.'' When room was made In (ho valiso for part of the cake, her face lit up with joy,