Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, June 01, 1876, Page 7, Image 7

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    -' .-.Via,
nl went her.
Will you come back next term ?
Did ynu puss nl Mm oxuminntions?
Many kind friends purled, who will
mcci ii more.
The student roaineth ovor tho country,
Olncy hath a resi, and croquet Is, quiet.
-One young lady remarked, that she
,i not euro how ho asked hor, If ho did
not send it on a postal card.
Since, wo aio to have u military Prof
tlienuestlnn that agitates tho public Is, will
the joting ladies havo to drill next term.
Chancollor Bunion delivered the an
nual address before the Faculty and stu.
dents of tho Oskaloosa College Iowa.
Wowoio informed it was a tine literary
We noticed quito a number of an..
Ions faces watching tho doors of the icci
mtion rooms, every limu a class was dis
missed, just before tho late ontoitainments.
It was near tho end of tho term, and the
boys did not havo any cash to pay postage.
Prof. Manly sent in his resignation at
the late meeting of tho board of Regents,
which was accepted. Wo aro sorry to part
with the professor, but his health has been
such that ho could not attend to his class
duties, and has spent the. last year in trav.
el, without improving much.
We call attention to the new advertise-
meat of E Ilallctt on the front page. Mr. J
Hnllett keeps on hand a largo assortment
of watches clocks &c. Students and
otheis wishing to buy watches, jewel ry, or
niiytliiug in his line will do well to patron.
izo him.
This will be the last issuo of tho Stit
dkxt, during the present school year, so
we wish our patrons, friends, and fellow
students,, all a hearty good-by. Wo hope
you may all enjoy the summer vacation,
find come back next Sept. refreshed and
invigorated for anothc year's labor.
Subscribers linding an X after their
nnim s will please take notice that the time
of their subset iption has expired. It is
enruestly to bo hoped that nil will renew
hoir subscriptions next fall; thus ma
terially assisting us in placing our paper
in the front rank of literary journals.
While we write this piece our alma
mater is as silent as a tomb the students
have about all gone to their respective
homes and wo are "left alone in our glo
ry," a feeling of loneliness comes over us,
where but a few days ago all was Hfo and
animation. What is life without sisters
and brothers?
Tho increase of tho University Cabinet
this ycur was about 2."0() specimens, besides
ahout ar00 more of a very -elect private
nibinet, which belong-, to Professor Bailoy.
The number of books in the Academic
Library is Kill. That in tho Agricultural
Library 180. There will probably 1m about
$000 to l,o spent next year to increase the
The good-natured Junior who pre
sides over the destinies of this papci, was
"t vihltinjr mo Insane Asylum with a
young lady friend, a fuw days ago. Ono
f the rules of the Asylum is, that visitors
mo not allowed to go through the wards
idler 1 1.. jf. It was a fow minutes after
four when our editor arrived, but as tho
accomodating Assistant Superintendent
did not wish to turn them away, ho said
bo would show them through part of tho
wards. After they had looked through all
but ono female ward, they entered the
buirgy, and were on the point of starting
for tho city, when one of the young hid
patients looked from a window of the un
visitod waul, and called, "Allen! dear
Allen! why are you going so soon? and
J when will you be back ?' Tho editor de
, olared that she must be talking to some
one in the building. The young lady af.
j tinned that she now knew why he" had
jgone so late Unit they might not go
I through the upper ward.
j The popular Phographor V. II. Young,
j has several remarkably excellent speci.
I men of art, among them a large photo.
i graph of Chancollor Benton. It is the best
i production of the art wo have ever seen.
Besides this aro several excellent views of
tho University and its surroundings and
interior. Students do you not want to pro
cure a valuable memento of your school
days ?
Tho Board of Regents at their late
meeting elected two now professors. Prof.
Kmersoii to till the chair of modern Lan
guage, and Prof. Calher to tho chair of
Chemistry and Physics. Prof. Bailey was
assigned to tho chair of Analytical Chem
istry. In ourjudgment it would havo been
better to have tilled tho chair of English
Literature ami Oratory than to have had
two In tho departments of Chemistry.
Tho campus presents a finer appear,
auce now, than wo have ever seen it. The
flower beds are gay with many colored
flowers, and show the neat and artistic
lasts of our late Janitor. The trees are all
green and lively, and the grass plots have
a very neat appearance. We are in hopes
that the campus will not be allowed to run
down during tho summer months.
The examinations of the past term
closed Tuesday June 20. They were more
satisfactory to both students, and profess,
ors, than any previous examination since
the school started, there weio very few who
did not pass, and we believe there was a
larger amount of honest work done than
is usual when students arc affected with
spring fever, as badly as some of the stu.
dents appear to be.
Tho students at Dormirtory no. 2 had
a dolightful timo a few days before the
close of the term. A supper was given in
honor of F. 0. Morton the vice president
elect of the Palladiau Society. Strawbor
ries and all the icquisitcs tor a feast were
in abundance. Toasts were proposed and
eloquently replied to. The occasion will
over bo remembered by those who prticl
pated. Mind, Mattkh, Monky, Beauty. Web.
stor's Quarto Dictionary, as now published,
has cost more intellectual labor, more
monoy in Its "getting up," and contains
more matter, and a larger number of beau
iiful engravings, (MOO or more, with four
pages of colored plates,) than any single
volume over bofore published for popular
use in this or any other country. It is
largely the standard in England as well as
in this country Bell & Daldy, the pub
linhcrc. of Bohn't. libraries, are the Lon
dot: publisher of this magnificent volume.
There was quite a mad-dog excitement
in tho University a short time ago, some of
tho boys saw a dog panting from tho heat
and supposing it was mad ho run shout
ng mad dog! mad dog!! Tho refiain was
caught up by all tho boys around the build
lug and they hastened to gain tho cupola
whom they said thoy could got a good
view of the dog. They coiud not bo in.
duced to come clown however until one of
the brave Profs, had come with a needle
Kim, and after viewing tho field can-fully,
pioiiottnccd the dog not mad, but hunting
, u place to get out of the heat.
! Maiiimici): Kinney Arguello At the
residence of the Bride's lather on the 28 tilt
by the Rev. Father Bosco. Steptoo Kin-
ney of Nebraska City, and Miss Josephine
Argueiloof Santa Clara, Cal.
Mr. Kinney attended the University tho
first year of its existence, and was an act.
ivo member of the Palladiau society. Mr!
Kinney will make his mark in the State.
Miss Arguello, as we have been informed
is a doseenden toft lie old Spanish stock of
California. Her grandfather and great
grandfather both having been governors
of California under the Mexican govern,
A Senior and Soph, just before one of
the late examinations started from the Uni.
versitydown Eleventh St. the Senior was
telling a big yarn, when they came to the
crossing that leads to the residence of one
of the University's daughters. Both
stopped short, and then ensued about ten
minutes of a painpul suspense each try
ing to entertain the other. Finally Senior
started down the cross street remaiking
that, " I had an errand this way." Soph:
, " I thought you was going home, or we
might have kept right on, as I have an
errand this way too." Then ensued a
tough race, for the first quarter of a mile
they were even, but after that the reporter
of the above, lost sight of them.
Our gentlemanly Janitor Mr. McLain
leaves us at the close of the present term,
: he goes to Paynesvill Ohio to deliver an
address before the members of the alumni,
of tho academy where he graduated, from
there he goes to the Centennial to spend n
few weeks, and fiom thence to Virginia,
where he proposes to purchase a farm, and
settle down for life. The students arc un
der many obligations to him for his many
kindnesses, especially in regard to society
matters, and as a small token of respect
thoy presented him with a tine gold pen
anil holder the best that could be purchased
in the city. George promised to use it in
letting the students know how he was get
ting along. The best wishes of all con
noctcd with the University go with him,
and wo know of no encomium that we
could give him so good, as we heard the
Chancellor pay him a few days before ho
left. One of the students remarked that it
would be hard to find any one to fill Georges
place, as well as he had done, tho'Chancel
lor replied, "No. Just about one in ten
thousand will do as well as George."
At tho close of the graduating exer
clsos on the 21 inst just as the Chancellor
was going to pronounce the benediction,
Mr. Allen W. Field stopped upon the ros
trum with a fine Silver tiltingwator service
and in behalf of the students presented it
to Chancellor Benton as a memento of
I their love and respect for his care and
j watchfulness in their behalf. Mr. Field
! made the following neat little presentation
! speech :
I ' - .. ... . I.. ,...,. ..IP !
HKI.OVKI) C.'UAXCTI.l.CHi: 111 Ut'llUll in
student and the alumni of the University
I have the pic asm of presenting to you
this token of their high regard and love.
In making this presentation a cloud of in
cidents, that would account for this ex
pression of esteem, crowd themsolves up
on the memory, booking utterance, but
which to cnumcrato would b an endless
task Whon timo shall have sea tercel
us far and wide and tho theories, formulas
and idioms we are now toiling to compre
hend are all forgotten, still will bo im-
pressed upon our minds the recollec
tion of I lint one, who during the formative
period of our lives, by precept and exam
pic, directed us to a pure and noblo man
hood. We ask you to accept this oll'orlng,
not (hat as you refresh your thirst from Its
cooling fount, your memory of those who
stand before you may be refreshed, for
without (his aid we feel assured that you
would carry with you a lively interest for
our future welfare, but It is rather to givo
material form to that tribute that tho stu
dent's heart has already offered in return
for that fairness, courtesy and liberality
which has ever marked their iniercour-o
with you. In all your future labors the
best wishes of the friends of the Universi
ty will attend you.
The Chancellor was taken entirely by
surprise, he did not havo the least suspi
cion that there was a plot formed against
him, until Mr. Field stepped on the plat
form, when ho was somewhat surprised, as
heevidently thought, Mr. Field intended to
deliver the benediction, without an invita
tion. At the close of Mr. Field's remarks,
the Chancellor accepted the present in u
lew appropriate remarks: before he fin
ished ho was so much affected that ho
could hardly finish his remarks.
Miss Lina Marblo spent a couple of
days in the city last week on her way to
Pawnee city.
Milton Easterday was up from Tecum
sell the last week of school. Milt, is in the
f'o. clerks office of Johnson Co.
'74 F. P. Ilurd attended the meeting of
the alumni association and staid visiting
his class mates during commencement
Miss Emma Williams closed her
school in Pawnee City, about the 15 inst.
and spent several days in the city, on her
way to her home in Kenesaw.
James Sturdevant came in during
commencement week. James looks hearty,
and appears us if farming agrees with him.
He expects to attend the school next fall.
Miss Lizzie McClellan, who was a
student of tho University for the first, and
second years after its opening, has gone
to Ohio to spend six mouths for her health,
Wayland Bailey, brother of tho Prof.
who has been attending tho University the
last year, was chosen principal of an acad
einy in Penn. Young Prof, was a very in
dustrious student, and always had his les
sons well.
'74 W. II. Stevenson "took in" the com
mencement week, and appeard to enjoy
himself immensely, he was constantly to be
seen with some of his old friends. Wo do
not object Steve, if your lady friends of
Neb. City do not.
Lawrence Brunei' Nebraska's young
Entomologist spent a week in the city dur
ing the close of tho school. He is an en
thusiast in his line, and promises to be ono
of the first entomoligisls in the country.
Wo noticed the smiling face of Thom
as "Worley, at the Palladiau exhibition.
Tom was an active member of that society
in its early days. lie is now attending a
theological school at Evanston, 111., and
graduates next June.
Itohbins Liltlo started East about tho
first of June, he will visit the Contonnial,
and goes from there to tho coal distrcta of
Penn. where his uncle has an interest in
one of the mines, he goes to work in his
uncle's ofllce. Rob. has attended the Uni
versity for the past three years, two of
which he was a typo in this ofllce. Tho
best wishes of the Student goes with him,
and we would rejoice to hear of his suc
ceeding in life, to the utmost of his high
est dreams.