Hesperian Student. VOL. o, University of Nebraska. NO . JUNK Qui non Prollolt, Tonolt. 1870. ,ft,r the Student.) An old Muii'M Kvr I tand "pon tl" Hlintliiwy erne orilfe's remote! bound While lliroiiliminoiiioili!i 'roiiiiilmo With deep ami tfolemn wound; And once iiKiiIn I Hi'um to llvo Amid tin fervid lnw, Tlinl lighted ti) mi pathway So tiintiy year ago. I HiH'in Iokoo my mother' lace, And hear her dear, kind voice; II Marls iiiv old blood' hIiijIxIi pace, And makes my heart rejoice. And onro aaln I -eo myelf Kneeling ly mother' chair, .SiipliUcatlns tin- Throw or draco, In humble chllillwh prayer. Ah mo ! full forty year ago That form wax clothed in nod; And abont Irom It pirb of woe Iter mini hiih with its (Sod. And ot I eem to fuel huf hand, And hoar her accent mild, An with n look of mid reproach Shu chide her ei rlnj? ehlld. A scone of uullcgu day lilt pat, Day long, Iohk. ImiK hy; or pleasure I'll ehorlnh to tint hint. Hut think or with a hIkIi. Many a pleaHant hour I've panced Within thoHii college wall, And I hoiild like to walk again Within It pleasant IiaIU. I Ktntid before the prlet once mine, At on my wedding day. And Mileinn loiies hear o'ur and o'er. That made ine urate- ami ga). That wn a hupp, happy time, The happlct of my life The lime when the olemu .iiirpllcoil prlet . Pronounced u man and wife. The day hae heeii more plenaul Thau tluo that went before, Though care wa on our tenant, And want Mood at our door. We mourned our dear dead children With griol both harp and mire, Yet knew they ere not lout 'oil, Hut only gone before. My denr old wife I with them now, On Zlnu'rt liliilnn hill; And I In patient inoeknoBN how To my Creator' will. Hut olil 1 long to meet them, With lonliiy none can tell, Hut I trust myall In all to lllm Whodoethall thing well. Maooon. Appearance. "There is no trusting to appearances," is u muxhn accepted by all, yet people are dupes to showy attire ami deceptive ap. luiiirnnce. Consequently, true as the mux ini is, its truth in unheuded hofoiv the fascinating inlluence of outward form and looks. "Life," it is said, 'is Ihe art of bo init well deceived;" and the saying is not williout some foundation, for so great is the love of display and power of doeep Hon, that one is almost compelled to ex claim "All the world is a stage." The ttiwning and obsequious of humanity are showered with favors, and patronized in preference to the retiring and unpreten tious; the boastful and vain arc courted rather than the modest unci independent. In these days of luxurious living and de generacy, i aspect ability is considered in tlielicrht of u niim'n Hltiintlon and ni-nncrtv in life, and not his character and conduct, which should be the basis of respectabili ty and tolerance in society. I he merchant docs not lose his standing in society until misfortune overtakes him and he becomes a bankrupt. The minister and judge, by immemorial custom, are looked upon as very respectable men, although no one can tell why they are so. "Hypocrisy seems to be the great business of mankind," and delicacy is, in most instances, considered as a result of ignorance, and sincerity of purpose taken as an affront by the society of to-day. Is it not a fact, incontroverti ble, that persons insisting on the simple truth are often debarred from position or patronage y Shrewdness, with mild pre varication, is the requisite to attain emi nence in the political world. In the struggle for fame and honor, experience has shown that too much should not be risked on realities, but considerable nttcn. tion given to those things best able to tie ceive, for a great many people have better eyes than understanding. Boldness, with an air of valor, overcomes all obstacles. In love, in war, in everything, determina tion and confidence carry ofV tlte prize. Especially so is it in love, and the reason some one has penned, that "Woman, born to be controlled, Ailed Ihe loud, the aln, the proud." Accordingly, a too humble appearance should not be assumed in the approach to power or to beauty. When a good deed lias been performed, a book written, or an act of benevolence done, and it is desired that the world should know of them, it will not do to keep silent, and uppoar as if you were not capable of anything of the kind, for the world will surely keep the secret for you. A great deal of shouting is necessary to secure the attention of the world. Uoadur. have vou ever observed how few there are who arc uuassuming in tlioir appearance, conversation and manners; and have you not marked the forced, un natural manners and expression of nearly iivrv one in their endeavors to "put on appearances V 'Tin amusing to notice the important airs assumed by tunny in their walk upon the streets. Some persons seem to be buUdlng nir-castles as they wnlk nlonir. and imagine themselves l be important personages, when in reality they are nonentities on the stage of life. These same people, by their peculiar slrtde ami bearing, often deceive people oy nuiiig taken for men of . understanding and prominence. There are many men who appear distant and cold, refusing to notice their inferiors in position when met on Ihe street, because ol a laisc regain dignity. Thoy are not naturally bo dis- posed, but think necessity ami men i. lion require, them to do ho. Some ministers appear in the pulpit, looking as if they had the weight of all tho world's sin upon their shoulders, thus casting n shadow of gloom over the entire congregation. Yet these same men, .. ,lWuy from their seemingly melancholy labor, are often light spirited and jovial. College professors are inclined somewhat to assume appearances for effect. Somo ot them sit in tlioir chairs, aching under the restraint which their unnatural and forced sternness imposes upon them; but away from the classroom, are transformed into more natural, and certainly more endura ble men. The fashions of ihe day are invented simply for the purpose of display. Some people are prone to appear tlte opposite to that which they are in reality, and fashion gives them an opportunity to carry out their inclination. The idea that "the out ward appearance denotes the individual," althottch it is accented by many, and is their guide to discern the real worth o'" persons, yet is not always an infallible guide. Many worthy men and women arc not very prepossessing, and many per sons of good appearance are not very worthy. Among the latter we find the worst rogues in the land, who impose on people because of their susceptibility to false appearances. 'Tis wonderful how far good clothes and the ability to speak common-place things in a graceful, de cant manner will go. They nre the requi sites to entrance into the best society. Indeed, to be judged wise is but to pre tend wisdom. Thus the noisy politician is deemed a statesman, and tbc rampant demagogue an orator and patriot. If less attention were given to appearances and more credit given for display of intellect ual talents, and all that elevates man, there would be less of deceit and folly. A strong incentive would be thrown out to adorn the mind with intellectual trutiis; a stimulus given to the cultivation of frank ness, simplicity and delicacy, which the world is so much devoid of. Hrazenness, assimilation, deception, and all that's false would be swepl into oblivion; and that which is ennobling, purer and wiser, .ulil nfM'iinv their nlaco. A. J. Fashion. Fashion, considered hi its most eoniprc iiunsiv meaning, includes all those vari ous functions in human life which Shake- spearc terms "the forms, modes, shows, or uses of the world." It is the way and opin ion of the many; the thought, sentiment, or style which is held like a jotnt-stocK- company for the common wettare aim in terest of everybody. It Is popularity, upon the tide of whose opinion lloals the com placencv of every man. If this common sentiment or style is local in character, or somewhat limited in its range, il is called ciUnn; if pertaining to trivial matter, ,.,,n.iii.i dialect, rant. Hut Nl is nation al, or of wide extent, tliu general nppeiui- lion, "(''. i tJJvt'n " One man cnu hardly think or originate Ideas alone. Several individuals must think together in order to think at all, while occupations, language, and genoral habits, become similar in different indi vt.luuls. and bonce, fashion springs upas a natural and necessary outgrowth of the demands of society. To gain tho good opinion of his fellow beings, h tho first interest or second duty of man. For pow or and for pleasure tills preliminary influ ence is alike indispensable. To win this popular favor gome are relying upon wealth, some upon educational accom plishments, while others look for it as a reward for political labors, or patriotic act ions. Hut among all this crowd of com petitors, no class is so numerous or com mon as the votaries of dres. It is in con nection with the dress of people Hint the term fashion is nwwl commonly employed, mid il is wllli this meaning that we would now ue it. The personal appearance, or dross, is a matter of the lirsl concern in society, and is one ol' the peculiar characteristics which forms it distinguishing mark between in. dividual men and nations. "Clothes nmko people" because they represent outwardly tho inward mind. A person dressed neat ly, and without ostentation, will be taken anywhere in civilized communities as a cultured and refined gentleman; while on the other hand, the rude garb and tattooed body of a Hottentot would indicate well his untutored intellect. So intimately is personal appearance related to intelli gence and culture, that we can readily discern a nation's rank in civilization by the dress of its people. For illustration, when we are told that the Hunnic hordes, migrating westward into Europe from the plains of Tartary, were men clothed in the skins of wild beasts, which they wore williout change until thoy hung in tatters around their half nude bodies, we are able lo determine quite accurately tho state of their civilization from their dress alone. So, too, when we learn that tho Aztecs clothed themselves in cloth gar ments, and had beautilul gold and silver ornaments, we conceive as Instinctively as we judge accurately from their ruined cities, that they were a race far more intel ligent and cultured than the North Ameri can Indian. The character, customs and superstitions of tho people of China and Japan have remained ncniiy stationary for centuries, their civilization has boon from time immemorial in nearly the samo plane, and nearly the same patterns of pig tails and sandals are in vogue today that John Chinaman wore years ago. We would only need bo told that this people have not changed tho stylo of their dross and wo would know that thoy had not changed their customs and institutions. There is a class of individuals who soom to think that, if it is not positively wicked to follow the prevailing fashion, it is at least not just right, and so, if thoy do not follow the stylo of their youth entirely, hey will ever be found a season or two behind in tlioir dress. Others, as the Qua kers, make il a doctrinal point not to change the fashion, and year after year pre hont the same outward appearance, until their dress becomes a monotonous burden to the eye, a dwarf upon progressive nature and aesthotical sonsibllitios. A ml what do I thev train by thus adhering to tlioir anti quated costume, and by their contempt of fashion? Only tho name ol being "a pe culiar people." Thoy do not escape the contaminating intluonco of fashion, for a I coat may cost as much, or bo a subject for