Wr'Utm iwm'nwrtiwawi bii wwmwi 2 THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. , '" ,ri. HESPERIAN STUDENT, l'UULlBHKI) MONTHLY HY THK HESPERIAN STUDENT PUBLISH INU ASSOCIATION OK TIIK NEBRASKA UNIVKUSITY. ElMTOU-IN-OHIIU', A. W. FlKLD. A8800IATK El)lTOIt AND RKVIUWKK, J. L. Shank. Local, ... W. A. McAllibtkk. TEHMS FOR SUBSCRIPTION. 1 copy por college your - $1.00. 1 " six months .... 0.50. Single copy 0.10. TEHMS OF ADVERTISING. 1 column one insertion $1.00. 1.00. .tf!i. 3 squares " " i ti i ii All nrtlclcH Tor publication tjlioiild bo addressed Editor IIkhi'Kuiak Studkst, State University. Lincoln Nebraska. All subscriptions, with thu address, should bu Hunt to J. L. Shank. Subscriptions collected Invariably In nilvuncu. Advertisements collected monthly. LAW DEPARTMENT. At the last meeting of the Regents they referred the mutter of establishing a Law School to the Statu Bah Association, asking that they should report us to the feasibility of opening this college, and make such other suggestions as they should doom proper, The Association have referred the subject to a committee to consider the matter and report at their next meeting. This is a step in the right direction, and we hope that the committee will realize their responsibility, and givo the subject the attention that its impor tance demands. It has been proposed that a coutsu of lectures be given before the students upon topics connected with this study. There can be no objections to such a plan if it is intended only to prepare the way for something better, but if this is not the case we fail to see any great good that would result. The real question to be de termined would seem to be, whether the time has arrived for opening this depart ment of the University. To determine this there are but two propositions to be considered, namely: would there be sulll cient financial support? "Would the num ber of students who would avail them selves of its advantages, warrant the out lay? Judging from the present condition of things, we would consider that the question as the financial support it would be likely to receive, is of vital importance. Already there are more demands upon the resources of the University than can be met. As stated in the last issue, the Agri cultural College has been continually em barrassed, and can only be called a partial success, simply from want of funds. To establish a Law School and place it upon a satisfactory footing, must needs take money, and until this is secured we would consider the opening, or any other move that would require uuy outlay, as prema turo. All friends of learning wish to see the growth our educational facilities keep pace with the material progress of tho State. But so long as legislators show their igno- ranco of true economy by meeting the de mand for increased educational advan tiigeB with reduced appropriations, instead of steadily Increasing these supplies to provide for tho rapidly increasing popula lion, just bo long will our schools be crip pled, and the many needed improvements bo impossible for lack of means. This being the state of allairs at present, unless there is a certain prospect of this school receiving n hearly support in the near fu ture, It would not be policy to open it as yet With regard to the second proposition, as to tho probable number that would at tend such a school. There need be no fears on this score when we consider that in the many towns throughout the Slate there will average from two or three, to twelve or fifteen young men who are pre paring themselves for the legal profession. If proper facilities were oll'cred, a large number would avail themselves of its ad vantages. Then the main question is one of finance. Before the school can com mand the respect of students it must com pare favorably with similar institutions in other places, and for this it will require the outlay of no small amount. We hope to see this school founded, and as the legisla. turo meets tho coming winter, with proper encouragement, the necessary funds would probably be furnished. Let those who have this matter in charge push it on to success. If this college should be estab lished, with tlie Agiicultural College, and a good prospect of a Medical College, we would have an institution of which the State might well bo proud. FIXED PRINCIPLES. The importance of definite convictions of right and wrong can not be over esti mated. They are tho pillars upon which society rests, without them there could be no society. Law, the safeguard of civili zation, is only a grouping together of ideas that in tho course of human history have come to be considered as just. The formal enactment of a law is only fixing tho seal to what has already exibted. Progress is due to the stubborn adhe rence of individuals to their convictions of truth. The foundation of civil liberty rests upon tho constancy to the principle, that till men are created free and equal. The freedom of America and all its at tendant consequences were made possible simply by tho continued fidelity of one man to his fixed belief, that across the broad expanse of water existed a now world. Who would have imagined that when a few years since those wild enthusi ants were laboring to convince the people that human bondage was opposed to our idea of liberty, that they would live to see the realization of their dreams? But such hi the result of an honest observance of an honest conviction. When, to sustain tho supremacy of Christianity, it was consid ered necessary to cling to the idea that tho sun moved around tho earth, ho was a bold man that dared suggest the possibil ity of tho sun being tho center of tho Unl verso and tho earth ono of the revolving bodies; but what a revolution in tho sci entific world did the labor of ono man bring about. Tho many inventions that have blessed humanity owe their existence in many cases to a life of toil, sacrifice and steady devotion to an idea. Many re forms have failed, because tho motive that actuated tho leaders was not duty, but the advancement of selfish interests; hence their fidelity to tho cause wavered as their personal interests would seem to dictate. It might seem that this conservatism, in. stead of aiding, would stand directly op posed to progress. So it would be, if by conservatism we mean the adherence to the principles of the men of tho past; but instead wo would have men judge for themselves and to whatever conclusions they arrive, remain conservatist forever. Independence is tho cry of to-day, and un der its cover much of evil exists. A weak anchor is better than none. A nnn with no fixed principles is like a ship without a rudder, an army without a leader; all may go well, but there is no surety. To tho young man I would not advise tho hasty formation of opinions. Tho world does not demand it. The general reluctance to placing matters involving any principle in the hands of a young man clearly proves this. But a conclusion once reached defend it boldly and to tho last. Never compromise at tlie expense of principle. Never accept permanently a neutral posi tion. Be either for or against every con sideration that involves a question of right, otherwise you might as well not be. We say bo true to your convictions; we might add, bo sure you have convictions. Some men pass through the world without hav ing a settled opinion upon any subject and are tossed hither and thither by every popular breeze. Others have beliefs, but before avowing them, must see them ac cepted by the world. Wo know not which class should receive the greater pity. Your success will depend more upon tho manner in which you support your prin ciples than upon the principles themselves. The world allows for a great diversity of opinion, but has little sympathy for tho man that will btttray his trust. Men be come great by becoming the representa tives of a great principle. Often tho most unpleasant personal characteristics are lost sight of in the more important con sideration of fidelity to duty. Personal happiness demands fixed prin- ciples. It would be impossible to con. ceive of a more unpleasant state of the mind than that claimed by those ancient philosophers who doubted everything. One of the chief sources of pleasure is in imparting knowledge to others. Tills can be observed from the child teaching its younger protege tho mysteries of motion, to the learned statesman expounding some of the intricate problems of a oMllzed government to the less favored multitude. But without fixed principles this source of pleasure would be denied us, and we would find ourselves in tho exact condi tion of Pyrrlio and his followers believ ing nothing. We do a violent injury to the finer sensibilities of our nature, to re fuse tho sanction of our Judgement to any. thing upon which the mind can build. The ellect of the many false ideas that have prevailed throughout the past, by giving tlie mind something upon which to rest, has made the present possible. It may be replied that men are not to blame for what they believe. Belief or disbelief is under tho control of tho will to a far greater degree than is generally supposed. Wo can argue ourselves into tho accept ance or rejection of almostanything. Our first duty to ourselves is to see that wo are established firmly upon principles by which tho acts of our lives can bo regulated. Students! There is no better way of re deeming those odd moments of which tho Chancellor was speaking, than in propar ing an article for tho Studknt. Tho meeting of the Board of Regents on the 24th of last month, was fraught with more interest to tho Univeisity (i)nu any meeting since tiio founding of the in. stltutlon. Tho members of the Bonrd were all present. Regent Fitlcld, who was appointed at the last meeting of tho Board to look after the Indian curiosities collected by tho late Regent Hungorford reported that lie had made arrangements whereby they would soon bo shipped to to tho Museum of tho University. The committee on Education, to whom was re. rerred tho subject of accepting the dornil. tory on tho Agricultural Farm, reported that tho building waB completed accord ing to contract, in every particular. Their report was accepted and on their rocom. mendatinn the laud which was to have been given in exchange was deeded to Mr. Rufus Yard, ono of tho contractors. A coinmunidation from Gen. McBrlde, re questing tho Secretary of War to detail an olllcor of tho U. S. A. to givo tho students military instruction, also to npproprintu arms for their use, was received. It was recommended that tho President of the Board open correspondence with the prop, or authorities for tho put pose of securing a military Professor. Regent Holmes pre settled a memorial requesting tho Board to open a medical department. It was re furred to tho State Medical Association, and at their last meeting a special com mittee was appointed to take tlie matter under advisement, and to report at tho next regular meeting. The Secretary called up the subject of purchasing a safo to hold the books and papers of tho Uni versity. He was instructed to purchase one and have it forwarded immediately. Regent Tuttle presented tlie subject of tho care of trees already set out on the cam pus, and also of setting out more, and de sired that some action be taken in tho mat ter. A memorial eulogising tho lato Re gent E. M. Hungorford, also expressing profound sympathy for tho bereaved fami ly, was adopted. The Secretary was in structed to send a copy to the mother of Mr. Hungorford, at Ottumna, Iowa, and to others of his friends. The election of a, Chancellor, in tlie place of A. R. Benton, resigned, and who goes to Ills old homo in Indianapolis, Indiana, to take charge of a college situated there, was called up. Hon. Edmund B. Fairfield, L L. 1). Pros- idenr of Pennsylvania State Normal School, was elected to tlie position. Dr. Fairfield comes to us with the best of rec onunendations. He has several personal friends in tho city, and they all unite in praises of tho wUdom of tho Board in their selection. The Doctor is a man of about filly yenis of age, was president of Hillsdale College, Mich., for about twenty years. He was elected to several honora, bio positions in the State, by the people of Michigan. lie has traveled quite exten sively in Europe and America, and studied tho educational institutions of both conti nents. Willie we are sorry to part with our present Chancellor, who has fostered the University thiough the first five years of its childhood, and under some very trying circumstances, yet wo nro glad to see that so able a man has been selected to take his place. Tho salary of tho Chan cellor was increased to four thousand dol lars por year. Tho Board passed an ap. proprintion of $125. to pay oil' tho back indebtedness of tho Stuoknt, and 100. to pay for studeut'slabor on tho Agricul tural Farm. Regent Fifield moved Hint tho subject of opening the Law depart ment in tho University bo referred to tlie '-"JJOTW'HW ' 'fv ;' ",,v' -iwi..t ",., j.pb$a f" y . i t .j. -n.LrjsJr.' ftfW-ii&Vif r ; y. S rzsmmmmwiF''. iw?mx$7 nww rrrr- ? fwrrf-. 'wf,TTiTwmiflHKBiiHiiHiHiiH