Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, January 01, 1876, Page 7, Image 7

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i.'nlcrwoar and Hosiery at Sheldon &
Son's. (l0
Th devil was at work on our lippings
this iiic.
(,..is! Glove! Gloves! nil kinds al
Shi-lili'ii A' Son's, (tf)
. '.i Bailey Iiiih u class in Pcrspeo-
ilr I)i .iw ing this term. Prof, is very pro-
ilcii-iii i'i 'lie art. (
i overheard a lady in society the,
l1('i iwning remark about the Critic,'
tlmt In wa an pietty as a little doll.
Snnhnls in need of anything in the
line oi (Jroeerics and Provisions should
go to W. V. 12.nqi.isii. (tO
Noihkto Si;ucmnrcnB. Those find
injr an X marked on the margin of their
papii will know their subscriptions have
oiinl ittid will please .send in a dollar
iiniu 1 i't tv ! to tlu businc-s manager
Tin University opened this term with
shout ..in hundred and thirty students.
We in' ulad to welcome many of our old
frhii'l', and sec many .strange faces to i
(like :!i place of those who could not at
tend this term.
-A lass composed of one Senior, two
Junini-. ana one Soph, has been organized
to uuly the Testament in the original
Gn c k We understand they meet every
Sunday afternoon, and are succeeding very
-One of our Profs, accounts for the
ptcint Hue weather on the theory that the
Polar Seas worevory opon last summer.
Hi says, we will have cold weather near
siuing, when the icebergs form in the
North, and the wind can slide down on
-One f the Juniors says that Analyti
cal (tiometry is like Spiritualism, very
vujsue and intangible, but we think Spirit
iiali-m bears no comparison to it, for Spir
itualism jou can take on trust, and our
Pnl object to our taking Analytics in
the .mif way.
Piot (in French class) "I wish this
class to use only the French language dur
lug hi itation, in asking and answering
Student translates, "maman, quel chap,
can, .1 ipiel chule, prondraijcV" Mamma,
what hat and shawl shall I wear?
Pmf.: .la, das ist recht, moin llerr.
We lmvc heard a good deal of com
plaint for some timo, about magazines be.
ing taken from (lie reading-room, and kept
out for bcveral weeks at a time. Those
Miu frequent the reading-room should re
member that the magazines are to bo left,
m the room, as others have some r'ghts
which common courtesy should cause
them to respect.
There is a fino chance for some enter
prising student to go into a coal specula.
Hon; for a member of the Physical Geog
raph class informed us that there is
gri ii danger of the world freezing up in
fht million years. Wo would Invest in
tin i ntcrpri&e, but our ancestors have all
been ..hurl lived, since the Flood, and wo
'loin expect to live until then.
On the ovouing of tho 20th inst, Mr.
Uilcs H. Stebbins delivered a lecture, in
the University Chapol, under tho auspices
of the Ladies' Litorary Union. His sub
jeet was "Scientific and Industrial Educa
tlon." Mr. Stebbins was introduced to tho
miilicncc byMlss.Jonnnlc Field, president
"I' tin Sm-lHy, ly .1 Vu neat and appro
prlate remarks. The lecturer commended
our school system, as being in many re
spects superior to Unit of our neighbors
"over the water." Bui at the sumo timo
he thought that In many important partic
ulars, wo were far behind them , we had
loo much theory in our educational Insti
tutions, and did not have any that were
thorough enough, In any ono branch,
Tho lecture was interesting tluoughoul,
and the verdict of all was that they had
spent an hour and a half very profitably.
Financially, wo understand, the. lecture
was also a success, which speaks well for
the energy of tho ladies, who took hold of
it in earnest.
Recitation in Political Economy.
Chancellor "How many docs it take
to make a bargain i"
Senior "It takes two."
Chancellor "It requires two to make a
bargain, does it?"
2d Senior (Whose manner shows that
he has had some experience with the old
lady on the subject) "I think it takes more
than two sometimes."
Chancellor (in tho Logic class) Mr.
, if I define cow as a ruminant quad-
ruped,do I violalolho rules of rhetoric?
Student: Yes sir, for the cow Is not the
only ruminant quadruped.
Student No, 2 (who is noted for his use
of high-sounding words): Chancellor, a
ruminant means anything that produces
lactoul fluid, does it not?
The Chancellor, overcome by his emo
tions, silently pointed to Webster's Unabridged.
The following is the way tne Preps
do business:
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 24, '70.
Miss G. M. Kind Mi3:
If congruous to you, may I be permitted
the pleasure of escorting you to tho Socio-
),. -.ii nnvl lOi-idiiv iivfuililir V
Respectfully, N. S.
Centennial Year, Jan. 2.p, '70.
Mr. N. S. Benign Sir:
Tho Literal meaning of your billet be
ing man' R&t to me, an acceptance w-itli
immense gratification is tho conclusion.
With condecension, G. M.
One of tho students received tho fol
lowing card, being his first experience in
Leap Year inxitations. Ho showed it lo
us under strict promise of secrecy, and
asked our advice. We advised him to let
her "sit."
"Between ourselves, gentle sir, may I
have tho pleasure of seeing you homo this
evening? If so, keep this card; if not,
pleaso return it to
Miss L. S. '
If I cant see you homo, may I sit on the
'ragged edge of a fence and see you
The "college news" of the IIksi'ISHUN
Studbnt, each month, is decidedly "gush
in" in character. Wo advise tho man who
wrote 'em to get married a little and settle
down some and then ho could look at a
woman without going oil In a paragraph
ic gush. Ho would bo able to write upon
some other subject tlian tho "bullet.," and
the "gurrels." A dissertation on an old
hen, or three legged stools, might vary the
present long continued raphsodles, to the
benefit of gushlngless readers.
The above wo clipped from tho local
columns of the State Journal, and think a
part of the advice is excellent. But tho
Lord keep m from any one who would
have us wnto of three-legged stools. And,
Mr. Local, it is said that "women and
wino rule tho world." Wo ilont And any
fault with you for occupying so much of
your space with the latter- oveiy ono
hi- tusle, you know.
The other morning tho class in Craik's
English of Shakespeare had that well
known exercise, "Many a time and oft, have
you climbed up, to walls and battlements,
to tower and window, yea to chimney
tops, etc." When It was read the Chan
cellor linked a learned Junior what llgure
of speech It was, and before the Junior
could bring ills ponderous brain to bear
on the subject, an enthusiastic Senior,
with his acute countenance luxuriating in
self complacency, vehemently roared out,
"It's i'. pleonasm."
At a special meeting of the Hesperian
Student Publishing Association, held on
tho Mtli r Dec, l87o, the following offl.
cers were elected for the ensuing year:
Clarence Rhodes, Pros.
Cora Thomas, Vice Pies.
A. W. Field, Editor-in-chief.
W. A. McAllister, Local Editor.
J. L. Shank, Assistant Editor.
J. F. Cornell, Treasurer.
W. P. Rhodes, Secretary.
At a meeting of the Hoard of Managers,
held on tho Otli of Jan., 1870, Wayland
Bailey wa elected Business Manager.
The new Hoard of Regents held their
llrta meeting Jan 0th, and drew lots, as di
rected by the new Constitution, which re
suited in Regents Adair and Fitleld draw
ing the six year terms, Tattle and Gannett
the four year terms, and Holmes and Mob
ley the two year terms. The various stand,
ing committees were appointed, as also a
special committee to draft resolutions of
respect in memory of the late Regent J.
M. Hungerford. The board passed a res
olution that the hedge be removed from
around the dormitory on the Agricultural
farm, and the grounds be beautified as
much as possible. A resolution was also
passed that the fees paid by the members
of the Chemistry class be expended for the
benefit of the class. The election of a Chan
cellor was called up. There were several
applicants, anil the Hoard took the matter
under advisement, until their next meet
ing, which is on the 24th of March. Tho
committee appointed to draft resolutions
on the death of Regent Hungerford sib
mitted the following:
"The Hoard of Regents of the Univcr
sity of Nebraska, desire to place on record
this tribute and memorial to the ability,
services and character of Hon. E. M. Hun
gerford, late member of this Hoard.
The University of which ho was an efll
cient oillcer, and the State of which he
was an honored citizen, have each by his
deatli suffered an irreparable loss ; and his
associates of the Hoard of Regents, a per
sonal bereavement.
That ho brought to the discharge of
every duty most pains-taking care, inde
pendence ami zeal, his wide-spread honor
throughout the State attests.
That he was honored and respected
iiiiniio-iinnt this State bv all who knew
him, for his fidelity to duty, his energy,
and his ability, must bo a source of com
fort to his widowed mother and other kin
died in this their time of greatest bereave-
And this Hoard hereby tenders to thorn
and all others thus sorrowing for his loss,
their fullest sympathy.
S. J. Tuttlk.
C. A. Holm us.
Wm. Arum.
Board adjourned until tho 24th of
Palladia Society. Tho first meeting
for this term was hold on the 7th inst.
The Society was called to order by How
ard Caldwell, ex-president, who called E.
P. Holms, president-elect, to tho chair.
Mr. Holmes delivered a short address,
which was full of excellent thought, and
was well delivered. He reviewed the past
history of the society and spoke of its fil
iate prospects. Tho first thing on the
programme was instrumental music, by
Willie llolunann, who understands tin ait
of bringing sweet sounds out of the or
gan. Next was a declamation by Mr.
Unangst, which was well delivered, and'
Mr. Unangst bids fair to be one of tho
best declaimers in the society. Mr. Sam
English followed with ono of his humor
ous essays, which never fail to bring
down tho house. Mr. Bonner followed
with a declamation, which lie delivered in
a lino style. Next was an essay by Mr.
Snoll which was well written and full of
fine thought. Mr. Illnton followed with
one of his humorous declamations, and
there is no one in tho societj' can render
a humorous piece with as much success
as Mr. llinton. J. C. F. McICosson then
read an essay which did him great credit.
It was one of the best we have hoard for a
longtime. The last in the class was Mr.
Hancock, who delivered an oration. Ho
delivered it in a very earnest style, and it
was easy lo see thai he was in earnest, and
understood his subject. Tho oration will
bo found In this number of the Studhnt.
.Miss Barker favored the society with somo
very fine music. Next in order was tho
deb tie. The question was, "Would it bo
fo'. the benefit of the country, to furnish
dd to the Southern Pacific R. It." McAl
lister, alllrmative; Field, negative. As
they are both very modest, we will not
say anything about the debate; only that
the audience appeared well satisfied. Tho
performers were all volunteers, and judg
ing from the rapidity with which the va
rious classes were filled, we should say the
members mean business; and we predict
this will be one of the most successful
terms in society work since the University
Prof. Church delivers a lecture, onco
a month at Crete.
Miss Maggie Lamb is teaching in ono
of the City schools.
Miss Jennie Jerome lias returned to
her homo in Irwing, Kansas.
Luther Kulhman is attending a Theo
logical School, at Gettysburg, Pcnn.
Charles Hrainard is teaching tho
young idea how to shoof near Beatrice
Miss Ara Williams wrote to a friend ip
flic City, that she would not attend until
next full term.
Miss Emma L. "Williams' our ex-assist
ant editor, is teaching in the high-schoo
at Pawnee city.
'74. "W. II. Stevenson was in the City
at the close of last term. He looks health
ier than when lie was attending the Uni
versity, Mrs. Avery (formerly Miss Ida Walk
or) writes that she is located in the land of
"Flowers;" as "mistress of the Avory
Mansion," and she thinks it is "one of tho
finest lands under the sun."
Homer "Walker was in tho City last
week. He is riming an opposition freight
lino between Seward and Lincoln. Ho
says unless the Railroad comes down on
tho freight rates, he will "bust" them.
W. II. McBroom is attending the Uni
versity tills term. Ho says "it is much
plcasantcr here, than it was roaming over
the prairies, In an Indian country, locating
homestead 'corners;'" but when askecl,
how it compared with his visit to the Elk
horn, says, "Shoo fly, don't bother mo!"