dVr&ui' :f;'-&f, fcktakffi., -r;-,;; ;;,,. y.; n...;i.rht y.,.;, ,i THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. .4 a&ftftftKWKi. r. & . HESPERIAN STUDENT, l'UUMHUKD MONTHLY 1IY TUB HESPERIAN STUDENT PUBLISH ING ASSOCIATION OF THE NEBRASKA UNIVERSITY. Editoimn-cuikk, G. E. IIowaiw. Assooiatk Editor and Rkvikwku, Emma L. Williams. LOCAL, ... W. A. McAlLISTKH. II. II. Wilson, Business Manager. TERMS FOR SUBSCRIPTION. 1 copy pur college year - . $1.00. 1 " "six months .... 0.50. Single ' copy 0.10. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. 1 column one insertion $4.00. 3 squares " " 1.00. 1 " " " .;Jf5. All nrtlclus for publlcutlmi eliotilil bonddiosscd Editor IlKsr-KMAN Studknt, Stu University. Lincoln Xubrnkn. All subscriptions, with thu address, should bu sent to thu UusliiCHsMniuigur. Subscription collected invurliibly in ndvnnco. Advertisements collected monthly. and friendship (or the Hksimciuan, in tlio future. Before we descend Mie tripod, allow ua to mention tin ideal we liavo long cher ished, in reference to the Studknt. It is this, to convert the paper into a magazine as soon us possible. It would imply little increase of expense; while the same amount of matter we now publish, arrang ed in thu new form, would make a month ly magazine of over fifty pages. Tins plan wc commend to the wisdom and con sideration of those who succeed us. To the able gentlemen of the Junior Class, into whoso hands Jlhe 11ksikiuan now passes, we cheerfully relinquish its fortunes, fully believing that "progress will bo their watch-word, and that merited success will crown thoir dibits. Once more, dear friends and readers all, farewell. GRATUITOUS SUGGESTIONS. VALE. The time is at hand for us to bid adieu to the Studknt, and our friends, in an ed itorial capacity. No less an authority than Dr. Samuel Johnson has observed that no one can look upon anything with which lie has long been familiar, no matter how disagreeable its nature, and feel that it is for the last time, without experiencing an emotion of sadness. This sadness the convict feels for the cell that has so long witnessed his sighs ami shame ; the slave, for his chains, the insignia of liis humiliation and bondage; the soldier, for his sword; the woodman, for his ax; the laborer, for his shovel; Robinson Cru soe, for his Island; as well as the wander er, for his home and native laud. Some such weakness is our, a& we take up our pencil, well worn and stumpy from two years service, for a parting Ilourish For thcjnhor we have expended upon these columns has been both arduous and pleasant; it has been at times irksome, often thankless, but more frequently, full of satisfaction and intense interest. The work has grown lo bo habitual ; so that now wu feel like taking a good old Moth odist hand shake, on saying farewell. In the many things, foolish, indifferent, or pertinent, which we have said, we bespeak the charitable remembrance of all, espec ially the student and members of the Association, who have been directly inter ested in the welfare and management of the Ilusi'KUiAN, for the honesty of pur pose and good faith, in which, we believe, they wero all written. To our many friends, lo whoso aid and advice the Studknt owes whatever of merit it has possessed, during our super vision, we tender our sincere thanks. Our exchanges have been the sources of much pleasure and profit, both for their criticism and for the pleasing and intfcllectuahissooiations they have allbrded us. Soino severe blows have been receiv ed and given, but those "It will only re joice us to remember in after times." Farewell, then, brother "Ex;" wo be speak the continuation of your courtesy There is a trait of human character which is the cause of more self-deception, and which is used as a cloak for more downright littleness and meanness, than many a more palpable and portentious evil passion, or outcropping of human deprav ity. If we adopt the common and not inapposite figure of representing the va rious evil passions of the human heart, as so many ravenous beasts of prey, the ani mal in question is one of the most sneak ing, treacherous, dangerous monsters, which prowl about and infest the weak noshes of an otherwise ingenuous human nature. It belongs to that historic genus which hides its own hideousiiess under the Immaculate lleece of the lamb that emblem of purily and innocence. This trait may be defined as conscientious meanness, or wickedness and unnianliness, under a pretense of duty or obligation. People are affected by this complaint in a great many ways. It is manifested in every department of life: In business ditty is pleaded as the oxouso for avarice and fraud; in polities, for treachery and corruption; in religion, for malice, envy and sundry lusts ami peccadilloes. Charityj'whieh we are all commanded have driven him to tho painful step; ho really believes himself a martyr to prln ciple. Tho worst part of the business is, lie half convinces himself that lie Is hon est and sincere in the matter; when, if lie would but remove the scales from his from one another, or from their hooks, it would be, to say the U-usf, u very doubtful compliment. On the other hand, should sonio student presume to request the professor to treat him fairly, and be cautious not to eyes and reflect a moment, ho would see let personal prejudice or partialities enter that lie is playing the part of nn ingrate and a villain. A real "bolter" on principle, in politics, religion, literature, or c, private affairs is worthy of deep respect and admiration. Among tills class do we find heroes. But a "sorehead" who tries to cover up his sores and scabs, with a plaster of duty and obligation, is a tiling base enough for honest men to loathe and pin , and for tltc knaves who use him, to jeer and scoff nt. If you tcill serve the devil, do so under his own banner, decorated with cloven foot and forked tail; let the livery of Heaven alone. , I really believe that Judas Iscariot, be. fore ho betrayed his Saviour, argued him self into the belief, that it washisbounden duty to sacrifice himself, in order to paci fy the strife, which the doctrines of Jesus had caused among the Scribes and Chris tians, and at the same time, turn an honest penny, against the wants of his family, for whom it was his plain duty to provide if lie had one! Here also may be found an explanation for much of the fanaticism, corruption, and Incongruity in Religion. People mistake the monitions of their own in lirmltics, their jealousies, pi ojudioos, pas sions, narrow views, and warped judge nieiits, for the sweet and still small voice of conscience; while it is the voice of Satan, tickling their own desires, and insinuating the blandishments of perdition in their ears, all tho time. The world has entirely too much eon- suieiiuc inai is. sucn 113 I s. lis is a nto his decisions on the examination, he would be reprimanded for insolence with, out delay. Neither does it become the dignity of a professor to make ludicrous comparisons, by way of reproof, in reference to nny student, however delinquent or stupid, Nor, should a student call attention to some apparent authority on any point, nt variance witli tho professor's statement, U It altogether tho kindest and most judic ious mode of proceedure, lo settle the question arbitrarily by Inexorable lint "I tell you It is so; let that sulllce." Tho statement that " kindness begets kindness, and respect secures respect," is applicable in the recitation room, as well as elsewhere. NOTES ON EXCHANGES. No. 1, Vol. I, of the Adrian Colhtje Recorder is received. We have perused it carefully, and have been well repaid. It is extremely well written and edited. Wc are slightly surprised, it must be confessed, to discover so fresh and sens' bio a produc tion emanating from a sectarian school. In this remark, however, no reflection is intended upon all our Protestant sectarian exchanges, nor upon any of our Catholic brethren, who are all quite liberal and unfettered in their views. The Ut carder Iuib a bright future". Tho Niagara Index suggests that the appearance of the IIksimuuan would be improved by placing the editor's picture on that blank page. The Index editor is plant that is not improved by gining. evidently trying to get up a little flirtation Away with your hybrid virtuos-tho nnt- wl,h mn' Kvicwer; for ,.f course it is her ural fruit is the only healthy and nutritious 11, " want. Unfortunately that fair liuiy is ni)3om mis leiin; uin, u sue were present, and were agreeable to his mild diet. There is one suggestion, which we would like to milieu, in all deference and kind- ness, to soino of our respected instructor to practice, is, an excellent thing, il it is touching a point of chiss-ioom eli. it is tho -rjglft kind of charily. But! quelle. This is a day of progress in how many people try to conceal their! school government and discipline. The and greed, by an applied-J old system of force, and surveillance in tiou of this beautiful maxim, slightly pur-1 discipline.when the instructor regarded his aphrased! " Charity," say they, when so- pupil as so much passive and plastic licited for any benevolent purpose," begins matter, to be moulded, or punched, or at homo," saying it grrvoly, with that pe-l pounded, into whatsoever shape suited his euliurly contrite and resigned contortion ' sovereign pleasure, is now pretty much of face which, like a gauze curtain, cannot discarded for a more natural and more conceal tho heart of adamant behind. 1 humane method. It Is now generally no- verily believe that ninny persons think kuowledged that students have sonic rights this maxim is to bo found in the Bible, that are not relinquished on enlerinir col they quote it with such solemn reverence. Charity which begins at homo always ends there. It is astonishing how ninny well-to-do people, of good purls, mid boasted pedigree, aro thus willing to bo self-constituted objeets of charity for tho torni of their natural lives. They ,see no more indelicacy nor immodesty in accept ing repented and continual alms from themselves, thus confessing themselves paupers m the sight of all men, than a Milan beggar, in taking a shilling from an American traveler. Conscience and moral obligation are the argument and excuse offered by nlhrai tors and conspirators, wherever found. Ho who deserts his friends through jealousy, pique, or wounded pride, always does so for their good; it hurts him terrlqly, no consideration but duty oh I no could logo. A student may possibly retain Hie instincts and sensibilities of a gentleman, or lady, and consequently be entitled lo the courtesy, and that careful and serupu Ions regard for his manhood his feel, ings, which may always be claimed by ono gontleinaii or lady from another. No harsh criticism is meant by this. Yet a little clost r application of the principles of discipline, inculcated by tho grand old Master of Rugby, In n fuw Instances, might have been excused. For instance, should a professor, on examination day. when stu dents, who have been faithful to him during the L-rln, and whose honor ho has had no special reason to sus. pecf, appear before him, pie-" face tho examination, by austere ly cautioning them to avoid stealing bint, wo quite agree, that the Stvdi.nt would have an immense advantage over the Index, even if it should emulate the example. That's where wo "mixed schools" " have" you, brother Index. The JMicroncr Collcgian,Vh.,his excom municated the IIkspkuian from the ranks of College Journals, and, at tliesnmelinie, relieved itself of any quantity of .spleen. Is it possible, brother UolUgiun, that you, an eastern (V) journal (O, ho! an east ern journal! That's good enough!) are jealous of Us, a poor frontier starveling? Else why such animosity and venom, us you have displayed? Or, penidventuro, you're sick! If so, you're in a sadly chronic state But seriously, we do not intend to champion all the squibs of our local columns, the one in question in ptir- ticulnr. But if lack of taste constitutes ti low order of wit, calling names, ami ap plying malicious and uncalled-for epithets is a still lower and more contemptible or der of criticism, besides evincing a eonivjo nature and infantine weakness. How U the expression, " A sickly horror obtained," for a literary journal y Come West, my eastern friend, and we'll lend you a ru.'i mentary work on rhetoric. The Ihtlhoihte Gazette pays tliellKsrini ian a rather questionable compliment, in regard to the quality and quantity of its matter. We can pay tho Guzette a bettor compliment, Aye think; for its appearanco lb much improved, by its new drees, and its matter h now readable.