Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, December 01, 1875, Page 3, Image 3

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fg full of illustrations for philosophy to
dwell upon. Anil must wo nil or us follow
Callieles' Important remark, in his advice
to Socrates, that after one comes to man.
hood ho should drop the pursuit of philos
ophy V For that would kill half the vir
tuo of tho stale. Wilhclm, then, being
"not wholly senseless," will never sorrow
over his past follies, hut will find their
benefit. But wo must not omit meulion
of tin- Abbe's duty, tho conferring of tho
Indcntuio upon Wilhclm. Space will not
allow a verbatim copy of the document,
but it will suffice to sty that, it is full of
the wisdom a superior mind will find In a
retrospection of some 510 odd years of life.
This indenture gathers it all up into a
comprehensive form. Gives it to tho
youth in a hunch Hko a good gardener
put" his vegetables Into bins nnd collars
for easy access In winter. Tho writing
anys, " No man knows what ho is doing
whilst he acts well." A deduction, evi
dently, from Socrates' argument that what
is best clone, is accomplished while out of
thcilfsh; as it wore absorbed in reason
pure reason. Abstracted from ourselves.
The remainder of tho book is given en
tirely to his decisions and indecisions
about marriage. And while hero at Lo
(hair's oaRtlo, ho meets Werner for the first
time in some years. "Werner is enthusias
tic about his brother's appearance. " If,
ns I suspect," ho says, "you have spent
your time unprofltably, and have not
grown rich, you have, at least, become a
man who must surely win a fortune."
Werner, it must bo known, is a man of
trade " a melancholy man of business."
lie walked round and round Willalm, so
much as to embarrass the youth. " No,"
he cried at length, " I havo never soon
anything like it, and yet I know that I am
not mistaken. Your eyes are deeper, your
forehead wider, your nose is finer, and
your mouth handsomer than before. And
only look how ho stands! How everything
seems to suit and agree!" A compliment
in itself wonh tho honois of a Member of
Parliament, or of a Congressman. Wer
ner said it was tho result of idleness.
Well, say it was. But it was a busy idle
ness. Cultivation.
I know not tho book of Goolho's that so
well expresses his idea of education as
this. There is actually no record of age
in tho book; yet Wilholm must be 20 or
thereabouts when ho receives his Indent
ure. He finally finds a will of his own.
Drops tho influence of others. Occasion
ally shows a self will. Will allow no one
even of higher birth, to dictate to him.
Finally ho marries Natalia, a high-born
lady sister to tho Countess who so much
embarrassed him in-convci'diUion. And
that appears to bo the only reward Ills la
bors rocoivo. There is no romance in tho
hook. No humor Not even a pun.
l'hilina and Fricdrioh do enliven it a lit.
tie, but a grim, earnest, Gorman novel, the
book is, all through. Full of Wisdom.
Matter-of-fact. Keeping tho hero in low
bred associations, but evor having him
a .vorthy the company of the best. By mind
an nristocrat; by sympathy, a democrat.
But intellect, when well mounted, files
above sympathy, into a now heaven, find
lag a diviner lovo.
So Wilhclm left his meaner associates,
unconsciously, and became a star in arls
tocracy. Gcothe makes this hqro intensely
honest gives him a sincerity born for
culture. Tho book is but now becoming
familiar to our libraries 5 yol it is to bo
prophesied that it will riso out of tho dis
like at first redding of tho work almos
certainly gives a student, and become a
handbook of philosophy for all youth,
like tho Hamlet of Shakspeaio. Here is
tho best democrat that ever was, become
tho heat aristocrat, and all by a natural
process. Lord Bui wer Lylton came not
more naturally to the peerage than Gcutho
brings Moistcr. But, mind you, road it
not as an ordinary novel. It Is none such.
Lincoln, Dec. 10, '7f5.
El). Studknt: On Tuesday, tho 18th,
thoro was a meeting of some of tho Uni
vorsily ladles at the rooms of Miss Ftost,
and the result of said .neoling was tho or
ganization of a University Old Maids' So
ciety. Knowing the love of news, that
exists among the students, our society
thought the best means of breaking this
tender bit would be through our College
Organ. Wo theroforo'will bo grateful, if
you mention tho fact with the names of
tho officers. PresidiMil, Allio Fnwt; vice
president, Phcobo Carter; secretary, Mag
gie Lamb; chorister, Cora Thomas;
door keeper, Clara Crawford.
Rosp'y, Ai.t.ie Fiiost, Pros.
Maggie Lamd, See.
An "old maids' " society ! In tho name
of the Universit' ! By George! (This is a
favoiito oath of ours, and, in our cusc,
particularly innocent and expressive.)
Wo sat thunderstruck, conscious that
something was asked of us, by way of
comment, either of approval or disip
proval, but unable to express a sentencr.
" 'Scuso me," at this point interrupted
tho Brunette Typo. " What the d dickens
do you want?" said wo amiably. "Tho
fact is, I havo an idea," said ho. " II
heavens!' said wo. " Yes,1' c mtinued he,
" I have just got the poetry machine tuned
up by tho 'Nebraska Poet,' and I should
like to try her a whack on this subject."
We thankfully yielded to'his desire, and
here is the result:
Awake, my Musol Arouse, my Lyre!
Hreatho forth celestial, wlth'rlug Uro!
For now no plaintive lulu of woe,
Ho ransacked city's lurid glow,
No solemn tnlo of bloody strife,
Or forlorn maiden's blasted llfu,
Allurcih Ihluu avenging blow!
Not lluti'nN rape, or siege of Troy,
Nor all tho deeds which (lends employ,
Havo half tho clamor for thy vongoanco,
As this foil freak of femalu nonsense.
Sweet maid, wlmf blast of Fortune's breath,
What evil demon, ghoul or wraith,
Hath wrought such hatred in your heart,
And steeled your breasts 'gainst Cupid') darts,
That you would shun chain hymeneal,
And v i'd virginity perennial?
SK i rglui! youthful, sweet and f.ilr
At leant, who'll average young, I swear
To lorm a league with such Intention,
Is too unnatural for Ilcay'uly function.
Pair Maggie, gontlo s ecrotar.v,
Why you ougago In this wigury?
In there no lotlm for thy glance,
No tender j 011th, then to entrance?
Wherefore the power of those bright eyes,
If not 'ogMlu Heaven's doaiost prlzo?
Wherefore the charms or lovely tresses,
And stores of tibhons and new drosses,
If not to w in tho goal of life,
And, iIiuh, become some Man's fond wife?
Or have you tried them all and scorned them,
Or, else vile thought porhapB, and lout 'em?
Forswear this vow, return, repent thee,
Ami do tho work for which Heaveu sent thco.
Sweet Cora, gontlest of the fair,
What urgeth thee to UiIh despair?
O, Thou, whoso gentle hand and grace,
Whoso laughing glauco and Joyous face,
And all the soft and womanly charm,
Which none like thco so well adorn,
Gleam llko sunbeams, thro' life' tears,
Dispel her shadows, qM lr cares
Thou, falr-lialred maiden hero wnst sent,
As Heaven's latest, dearest testament!
Why then so cold, with stern resolve,
Do Hitch I'o vows on thee devolve?
Hath tickle Adonis deserted?
Or Is your tickle Taney sated?
Is seniors' homage too In vain,
Thy sinilns to win, thy heart to chain?
Or, maybe, accents sophomorlo,
Have lulled lhu potion soporific?
Arouse, fair creature, from such tinncost
Some lover slglioth for thy glances.
Disclaim this league despicable,
To thee 'tis not at all np;cablo.
Do still, my trembling soul, bo still!
Jtuvolt not at hard Fortune's will.
Wae't not enough that Sophomoie,
And Fresh and Prep should unllo no more?
Must thou, too, Alice, all lorlore,
Unmoor thy bark from Hymen's shore?
Let Junior treachery's holy hate,
Warn thee, Senior, of their fate!
Since Learning's garlands deck thy form,
Iuighyoti Love's witcheries to scorn? fii
E'en Mother Eve, In pristine Joy,
Though happy, pure without alloy,
Lovelier than we, and wiser far,
Did not with Adam vainly war;
Hut, as sacred writers state,
She climbed tho tree, the fruit she ate.
O, frigid DIan, obdurate Frost I
Let the Illlnd Doy but once across,
Thy Icy heart, his arrow toss,
And, spite of all the zeal you've felt,
Tho Ice cftsoon in 1)1 Iss will molt!
Fair maid, but misplaced president,
Return to Love, otllclal vows repent.
As Plinjhus in his glittering car.
Dispels the clouds of stormy war,
And with his mild and melting beams,
Dreathes life and Joy through Nature's veins,
So thou, bright Phoebe, by thy power,
Shed'st lite and Joy o'er sorrow's hour.
Why, then, quench thy womanly luster,
And with this hand of old maids muster?
Unth Misery sealed thee for her child?
Or Palladia's Chief on others smiled?
And Flora, violet of the Mile,
Diffuse thy sweetness on llfes's gale!
Nor rest content alone to share
Thy fragrance with the desert air.
And, Thou, whose name "Illustrious" means,
Clara, light of Hesperian plains!
Pray wheiefore, thou bewitching Elf,
Expend thy glory on thyself?
Or. If by bettor interpretation,
Thy name Is "bright," the explanation
Is very plain, fair lady mine,
Let not thy light 'neath bushel shine,
Tho moral to our lay Is plain;
Pass It not o'er, 1 pray, in vain!
The 1Mb, which Holy Scriptures "mention,
' Was not meant for bone of contention.
Iiul to the side from whencuyoii camo
Incline, dear part(ner), not nVlavo?
Wo call attention to Mr. II. II. Wilson's
report, of tho finances of the IIkbpehiak.
It will bo noticed that for the four issues,
June, Sept., Oct. and Nov., since he gained
control of the business, not only havo all
tho monthly expenses been promptly met,
from the greatly increased revenue he hius
built up, but a portion of tho outstanding
indebtedness, has been canceled. Al
though the showing for the four issues is
most satisfactory, it will bo much belter
at tho close of tho present month. Tho
expense of the Djc. Ustio will bo mot,
and the debt decreased, probably, twenty
dollars. Wo could add nothing to the
compliment which these fact pay to
Mr. Wilson's energy and ability. Tho
pay lie has received has not recompensed
him for a tithe of his limo. Ho leaves the
Student with three pages of ads., not a
"dead" one among thorn. The thanks nnd
gratitude of the Association arc duo Mr.
Wilson, which he will receive.
deep respect of all his students, and tho
community. By his affable and obliging
courlesy under all circumstances, ho haa
endeared himself to all connected with tho
University. Tho sludenls know him an
their personal friend. His resignation
takes effect in June, when ho leaves to
lake charge of tho Indianapolis University,'
Ind. The kindest wishes for his prosper
ity in his new field of labor, and the sin
cero lovo and friendship of all' will fol
low him.
Prof Thompson's resignation was eu.
tirely unexpected. ' Students and people
as deeply regret tho step ho has taken,
as they are surprised thereat. Prof.
Thompson has labored under great dif
ficulties in organizing tho Agricultural
College, and establishing and oveiseoing
tho Farm. Few havo been aware of tho
great work ho has accomplished. Ho
has succeeded far bettor than could
havo been expected by the most sauguino,'
considering tho narrow financial support
ho has received. The Professor is a gcn
tloman of very wide nnd varied attain
ments, and much valuable experience,.
He has made himself an almost invnluablo
member of society. His loss will bo
greatly fell. Success go witli him.
The Hesperian Association is greatly in
debted to Mr. Clarence Rhodes, for tho
able and skillful manner, in which he haa
done the typographical and other mechan'
ical work on tho Student, for tho past
two or thtcc years. Tho labor has been
very great, requiring as much time as tho
three or four studies of the college course,
per term. Besides, it has been in a very
great measure disinterested, tho pay being
oinall and often not forthcoming. Indeed
the association is now indebted to him in.
a largo amount for past services. We re
gret to learn that he is about lo retire from
tho control. Clarence is a talented yoting
man, and if the girls can bo credited, "a
darling brunette." Robbins Little, Mr;
Rhodes' assistant, also deserves tho thanks
of the association.
Tho resignation of Chancellor Benton
has long been oxpoclcd, yet tho necessity
of losing him is deeply regretted by all
who know him. By his broad culture and
scholarly attainments, ho has- gained the
Help in Acquiiunci Knowledge In
acquiring a knowledge of tho English lan
guage, and especially in learning tho
meaning of words, probably no other
work, nor many other books altogether,
can afford so much aid as Webster's Un
abridged Dictinary, with its 5JO0C Picto
rial Illustrations, its precise and full def
initions, its careful discriminations of
synonymous words, and its many valuable
tables. It is, in itself, a whole library of
tho language. Let one family havo a
copy of this work, and uso it faithfully
and another be without it, the diffcrenco
in tho progress of (he two families in get
ting knowledge, will bo very great.
One of tho students, who has latol y
takon up his residence in South Lincoln,
was out rather lato a few nights ago, and,
though he had been over tho road several
times, missed his way, and brought up at
what he supposed to bo his boarding es
tablishment, and finding the doors all fast
ened, sot up quite a din. Pretty soon a
head popped otitof an up-stair window and
called: "What do you wantV" Our horo
answered that ho wanted to get in. "Och,
getaway wid yo," answered tho volco,
"I'm a poor, lone widow, and d.on't want
the likes of you prowling around hero
ibis limo o' night." Whoreupon sho
emptied a pitcher of water down on him,
and ho made himself scarce in short order.
He now declares that ho will havo nothing
to do with "lono Widows." ' '- '
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