Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, June 01, 1875, Page 7, Image 7

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mink' l' tfrrio ami trenchant though!, and
romp"'1 sentences. Tin' llrst qualification
makes tin' popiilur lecturer; the second
Iho standard writer on lllerary subjects,
fhe (Hie fascinates upon tlio stage; the oth
er htm tin- most power when studied in
Mr. II. II. Wilson, in his oration, "A
l'isou from History," sustained his cuvi
l)( reputation ns 11 line speaker He is
unsurpassed hy any in I he force of his or.
..iiiri Not only was his delivery excel-
lent, and his thought interesting, original,
aiui logical, but couched In huantifnl inn.
L'Uiigc. and strong phrases, replete with ad
iiriitueiit It was uiiiversully pronounced
Mr W's best (libit.
Mr. W. C. Sliowaller's "Prophetic Vis
lmi" was the best of the humorous produc
tion for which he has obtained a high rep.
utiition- He wa interrupted frequently
by storms of applause and peals of laugh
lir. His imitation of the female voice
wis perfect, and convulsed bin hearers
with delight. Mr. S. lias added new lau
r,.s to those won in 1874, for a similar ef
fort. The production which justly attracted
mure praise and more oommcnl than any
i-M'ielse of the evening, was the original 1
p.ifin by l' M. Luinborton. U was the
third poem ever nrodueed in the literary
inck'ties of the university, and the second
which was of great merit, was by the same
author The plot was very interesting, the
coloring and description fuscinaling, and
the humor inimitable. Very little, if any
llilng, was thrown in for Jilltny. We have
mul many 11 poem, fi 0111 authors of nation
al reputation, of far less real poetic merit
limn Mr. Lnmberton's The production
doubtless cost the author much time and
labor; but he lias not lost his reward.
The Society has just reason to b proud of
the poetic talent It can boast.
One of the most charming features of
the Adelphlan entertainment was the mu
sic, vocal and instrumental, The instru
mental music was furnished by Misses
('. Session, L. Wilson, and 0. Thomas.
TheirelVorts were highly appreciated by the
lovers of music, who warmly applauded
tlie young ladies a' the conclusion of each
lierlorniauce. Miss Slaughter's vocal so
lo was chaining. She is universally nc
knowledgcd, in musical circles, as one oi'
Lincoln's sweetest singers. On this occa
sion she surpassed herself.
Several of the speakers were greeted
with bouquets by persons in the audience.
Like the I'alladian, this entertainment was
Mipcrior to ail previous elforts of the So
ciety G. E. II.
Each of the society exhibitions was
a decided success tills year.
Wo were sho vn the class badges of
the classes of '7J1 and '74. They arc very
iH'iil and tasty.
(Question ol the day: Are you going
to attend school next term Yes, if the
g. hoppers don't devour nut before that
Since the heavy crop of timothy lias
been mowed (herefrom, the campus pre
sents a beautiful appearance. If we only
bud a few shade trees!
-We wore sorry that W. II. Suell, '7:1,
and I'. H. Mulick, '74, wore unable to be
present at our closing exorcises. Wo sad
ly missed their gonial faces among the
iiluinni present.
Hurt's New York Hand made Shoes for
Gentlemen--the best shoo made Ladies'
Hue, hand made, thin-soled shoos. Give
liimacall. (tf)
Professor: (explaining an example in
University Algebra,) Do you see it, Miss
Miss A.: Yes sir, while I am looking
ut it.
It is rumored that Miss Flora Alexan
der was the fair c.munander, whose taste
and skill marshalled her bevy of gentle
warriors to the decoration of the chapel
for the Adelphlan entertainment.
At a recent debate in one of the soci
eties, a Soph was excusing himself for
not being belter prepared. 1 le said, "there
have been so many thiiiy running through
my head lately thai I could not think of
the question."
The beautiful bouquets which adorn-,
ed (lie slago on (he occasion of the Adel. 1
phian entertainment, were generously pre
sented to (he society by Mr. W. Thompson, ,
proprietor of the greenhouse east of town. I
The thanks of the society are tendered to 1
Mr. T. ' '
At the recent, meeting of the Hoard of
Regents, it was decided to prepare the ,
rooms In the third story of the University (
for dormitories. These will be devoted lo 1
the use of the young gentlemen, while the j
present dormitory building will be occu-.
pied by the young ladles. J
A more obliging and attentive gentle
man than our Janitor, Geo. McLean, we
verily believe does not exist. Through
his untiring labors, in spite of the G. Hop
pers, much has been done to beautify the
campus, in the way of Mowers etc.
A member of the Holitny class was
debating on the beauties of nature to a
party of admiring friends; lie said, "The
polyyoiiian (tmphijbmn (lower Is one of
the most beautiful in nature."
Prof.: (in Physiology) Mr. 0., you may
give the situation and function of the liv
or? Mr. C: The liver is situated in the
stomach, and It purities the food before
Those fashionable neck-scarfs can be
procured at P- S. Sheldon Aj Son's when!
you will find all kinds of collars, shirts
and everylhlhg that a young man needs in
the way of stylish clothing. (If.)
One of the boys, who boards nl the
" third class boarding house," recently j-o
celved a letter from his duckio in which
she said, " My dear, you are getting furth
er and further from me every day." He
says it Is very doubtful about his graduat
ing now.
Two of the professors have pul (heir
worldly wealth into a common slock, pur
chased a pocket pistol and a silver dollar.
! They take shot about at tliedollar,aud (he
one who hits it carries it until iho other
! makes a successful shot. Distance not
At the Palladlan exhibition, a college
graduate, (not one of our graduates), ask
ed one of the students what was the
meaning of the first two words of the so.
ciety mode Forma menlt wtcma cut.
Ho said lie knew the last two meant "eter
nal rest."
Elocution. The following is told about
one of (he Adelphian orators, chosen for
(ho lalo entertainment. Mr. S. was accus
tomed lo rehearse his speech in his room;
and on one occasion, while delivering a
certain passage, which required the imi
tation of die female voice for i(s conect
lendlllon, the landlady below was so thor
ougly deceived by the dulcet strains of his
voice, thntsho m'stook them for the plaint
ivo chldlngs of Uio washerwoman; wnere
upon she rushed to the foot of the stairs
and exclaimed : " Hridget, you good-for-nothing
hussy, do atop your everlasting
scolding. You'r enough to try the pa
tlonee of a saint. 1 won't put up with,
such nonsense I" Mr. S. stopped in as.
tonishment, but on the whole felt highly
complimented at his successful persona
tion. That's what perseverence does.
Some of (he students have been cir
filiating slanderous reports about fellow
students without any foundation whatever,
and one came out with a card in one of
the dally papers of this city, witli the in
tendon of Injuring our paper and Uusl
ness Manager. Every one who claims lo
haven spark of manhood should frown
down all such malicious attack, and let
the perpetrators know they iiave no friends
in (heir sneaking course.
We had (lie pleasure of attending the
recent commencement of the High School,
held in the Opera House. The attendance
was very large the house was packed
fiom floor to gallery. Probably thirteen
hundred were present. Then; were seven
graduates, all young ladies. The exercis
es were all very creditable. The essay of
the valedictorian, Jessie Parker, Is wor
thy of special mention. We understand
dial several of the young ladles contem
plate entering the University to complete
their education. We hope die report is
On account of the low stale of our fl
nances we were unable to Issue the II ks
I'KitiAN for May. We have replenished
our treasury, however, to some extent, and
hope to proceed without further interrup
tion. It is duo the Association to say that
our financial embarrassment resulted prin-
cipally from mismanagement and neglect
on the part of those entrusted with our fi
nancial matters. Under the elllcient con
trol of Mr. II. II. Wilson, however, we an
ticipate great prosperity In this respect In
the future; indeed he has alroivdy done
As we were going through the Univer
sity yard, a few afternoons ago, we were
surprised to see our Janitor in a terrible
passion. "We stopped and attempted to
pacify him, and find out what was wrong.
He said, " I am a member of the church,
and try to live like n Christian should;
bul, after the grasshoppeis have eaten the
Mowers to the ground three limes, now
when 1 am trans hinting for die fourth
time, to have them sit in the shade and
wink at me it is more than human na
ture can bear."
Our "devil" is a genius, and in every
great question that is before the people he
takes a stand far in advance of the times.
The present great question to bo solved is
"how lo get rid of the grasshoppers."
He has been experimenting, and says ho
has dually struck a plan, by which ho is
confident they can be exterminated. It Is
to take a quart of benzine, put it in a seed
er, and sprinkle it very carefully on an
eighty acre field. You must be sure ami
thoroughly soak every part of the Held.
He visited the Held the noxtmoruing, and
says, "The hoppers were ill dead; their
broken heads could be scooped up by tins
wagon load."
A oknkiious gift. The Adelphlan So.
clety is indebted to tlio generosity of Prof.
Manly for a handsome present, consisting
of Rodin's Ancient History in eight vol
times. They were presented as the nucle
us of a future library. The Society re
turned tlio Professor a hearty vote of
thanks. It is earnestly hoped that the So
ciety will act upon the suggestion, and
commence laying the foundation of a
good library. Professor Manly has been
relieved from his duties in the University
for a year, on account of his failing health.
We, as students, deeply regret to loso the
Prof, from the number of our instructors,
and hope that ho will return at the end of
tlio year with health perfectly restored.
A couple of the Preps who are nov
ices In the " manly art of self-defence,"
borrowed a pair of boxing gloves and re
paired to the fourth story to try their hand.
They supposed it was impossible to bo
hurl while they had (he gloves 011, so al it
they went In good earnest. No. I struck
out from the shoulder and knocked No. 2
down. No. '2 jumped up, pul in a good
one on the proboscis of No. 1 and spoiled
the bosom of his clean linen. No. I : "You
do dial again and I'll tell my big brother.
No. '2: " You hit mo so hard again and I'll
go home, so 1 will."
A. II. Wul It has received a full line of
the latest styles of Hoots and Shoes, (tf)
The boys should patronize those who
stand by us, and P. S. Sheldon A: Son keep
a nobby slock of hats, caps, A:e. (tf.)
Friends, tills irsuo of the sMiduut clos
es the present college year. We trust we
will be with you next September again,
recruited for a now start in the race for an
II. II. Wilson is now Huslness .Mana
ger of the Student, and any favors shown
him will be duly appreciated by all who
have anything to do with tlio paper.
We were surprised on looking over the
stock of goods kept by Jacobs Bros. &
Oakley, and at (ho extreme low prices at
which they hold their goods, and think It
will pay every one to givo them a call be
fore purchasing. (tf.)
'74. F. P. ilurd was In Lincoln com
mencement week. Grangeri ng appears
to agree with him, as he looks rugged and
'74. W. M. Stevenson was up to visit
his friends, during commencement week..
He is opening a farm near Unadilla, and,,
from various indications, we should judge
he has been studying the second chapter
of Genesis, verse IB.
Goo. E. Dovey came up from Platts
motith, to see the Palladian exhibition, as
he was a member of that society, when ho
attended school.
L. R. Ivuhlman is going with McBroom's
surveying party this summer, as one of
the engineers. "Bully" fellow, by tho way.
Dr. Suowden Jr., butter known as "De
mosthenes," has been studying Physiology
this term, preparatory to attending a courso
of medical lectures in Philadelphia.
Henry MuBroom has charge of a sur
veying party in the northwestern part of
the state. There is some danger to be ap
prehended from the Indians, but Mac. has
been practicing the" art of self-defense,"
and will entorlaln "Lo ' iu good style if
ho calls on him.
Tho smiling countenance of Sam. Eng
lish can bo scon ut his father's store.
G. S. W. Roberts has gone to Minnesota
to spend the summer. We hope he will
be back in time to attend the opening of
school next fall.
Our well remembered friend, II. K. Met
calf, alias " Hank," former editor of tho
IIespehian, graduated at Evanston at the
Juno commencement. Out of a class of
twenty-five graduates, he was one of ten
chosen to deliver orations. Tho Ohicn'o
Times speaks quite highly of his prodifc
tion. Henry contemplates entering tho
clerical profession; indeed, he preached
his first sermon in Chicago . AYo are much
pleased to hear of his success as a student.
May he bo equally successful, and may
a broad career of usefulness await him In
his new calling.
, i