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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1875)
THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. 6 fI something more limn walk and stuiul j cildcii candlesticks which Illumine tho alone; In- must be able also to think and pages of ancient lore, lie neglected. You talk alone. Bui we will let Mr. Mim. an- wlll need these to ornament cacli column, Mvcr him. minaret, and spire, to overlay each ehapilcr, This question whether wo should lie , pllnih, and architrave, and lo adorn the in taught the classics or the sciences, seems n,,,.Sllu.luiU.y 0f the heart, the sacred ora- ::; ''XX"'"&1: "''" '"i1"" ""'"" :; -"' '","";""; coloring, or, to use a more homely express ed, gently whispering lo us tho swootcsl o ion. whether a tailor should make coats or j knowledge, that of our Inner selves, through trousers. I can only reply lo the question, j ,(.u.,Hum of the soul's longings, passions r-u'i;;: iff "-xsiS-SiW: """ - r teaclios us lo think, and literary education , Jews, without these costly adornments, tho io uur uiuugiiifi, mi v inn iiuui- icmpic oi me hi.mi, hi himuii i " '"on MoildtlV ovonlll" .III lit' VM The 0V0II- Kl.W'lK ,"" ",!,f n,,,"T,,m TtWs i-'vorahle, Except Iha't .he almos- dc'noiom'ln Sthof? ' I praise that will " he pleasing lo lie gods," 1,,. wns -H ,, 1M)1,sslv(, Thl. .... .. ' ivonhl lui lnui in Inim Wed. ns If il were' . ,, .,,,., .,., ,. ... , erary educalion Lot our professional mid Industrial schools he recouslrucled, and tho standard of scholarship required for admission ho greatly raised. If this he done, we may hope lo sec our country lion, ored among nations for her sound wisdom, revered for her liberty, and loved lor lite boncllccnee of all her inslilulion. AiN N I VKUSA It V KXBUCMSKh. TIIK I'AM.MUVN KNTKUTAINM KNT. ho I'alladiau onterlatnmonl transpired on Monday evening, Juno VM. The OVen- i ....!.. -it., t.i !.. t.n, won (1 be. list as linpirlool, as il u woio ,., , MW .,, ,,,, .,,,, ,,,, .....n jmiiiiii, .in, i' iiwuih Mijf, hi iiuiuuiiim ..,,,,, , .. i ,i I viiiu" " " i,ii" .-.. ........ the idea of seeklnu a -joiieral education In dc-prlvocl ol pillar, column, or loundation (iH,t, ( m CJ., ,, Tu, ,., ,,,, the hopes of making such knowledge use-' """' Snirch the pages ol modern tliougm a(lm.u.(1 oni..s ,lttoiit Ion on entering tho ' I .....1 ..........!... l'.,,i ..iiiit, utiiliil.i ni ii-nl'iil'M I fill in active life: I "" I" "' '' ."" " """- i .i.i ..I.I..I. .. ,i , u-i. .....l mcntandsell-govornmonti bul do not do. to do, Ihe'llrsi condition of success is that ' spise those models of matchless symmetry li WW, IIU' III "i wiimvoiH -i , , v.- .. ...... , wo understand clearly the result which we and beauty which llie wise old philoso desire lo produce. Tho house builder does m(.,.m()uhlol, , which lie burled be- as. Marc. nnu'Sd-r ; .. -, .. , ,,,. --, a house will shape itself, out of lis maler-! Trust not this work 'o others. Delve lor ials. Wheels, springs, screw-, and dial- yourself, and learn to unlock the hidden plate will not cousiiiule a watch, unless sm.housc with vourown hand. Much fiat thev are shaiied and lilted wllh llie proper . ; , . v,.i:.n,.,,. ... .'.., ,,ii.,. , i- uiosi oeauiiiui ami vaiuaoio in mo (lean room, was (lie decoration, consisting of Iho portraits of Charles Sumner, Horace Greeley and others, and the Society motto wrought in letters of evergreen, and placed above tho stage. The .surroundings were thus rendered very pleasing and agreeable. The salutatory of J. O. Slurdovant did not depart greatly from the usual course and character of such productions. It consisted of a pleasing porlruturc of llie I'liiuiiiis hi inn- iintiiiii-i . i consisicii hi ii )iciisjiig jioruiliiuc oi iiic Is It not possible for Iho university Mu-' l'"'S'".ges, no translation can adequately lM(hlll.s ,.,., , . MH1(.,V work , em. in Iho broadest sense of the word, lo I 'nvey lo Iho mind. v must loan, to ,ra, a(, H ,.,w wonN (). ;v1r nm, ave an end or ".osi.ll" in view-a plan (' tlm-im- lorn- and beauly, by Inhaling the j W(lh,))m, Th, pi,Ul(.lloll wus vory ,.ml. ,fcwvuk-to Iho accomplishment of which breath and spirit ol them. henngoodly ,1rtllt. 1(( iMl, s allhough his rendition .. means to make every panicle of ,,."' ' aur.:, .as wm , cc.eii, ! WHS nol ,u.fc,.,. There was too much ca general knowledge l. acquires apply ? j l ( ; and (he labor ol building should (Uim.(. . hi V((Uii. (o(( m)U(i (1(lc,mmi(m We alllrin that upon Ibis depends Iho "l' iih'-long. h) 1k, sl),lak,t.,s syk. ,. ,i,,uV(1. , U) superior value of a general education it There is an organization in Ibis country gn-at care cannot be exercised in unking is the duly and the privilege of every of recent origin, which is exerting a pow- j ,, nrat SlHmi fIVs, and nalural. Clieal younir man or woman, who is titled lo en ' erfui iiilluence on all our material and ed- j ,lu a,,,,,,. ,mt f (he idea thai your ler college, to have his profession or life-1 uealional interests. The (5 range was or. ( Spm;, js committed, if possible, work chosen. Who, that has done this, ' gani.ed for a good purpose; its mission is Howard Caldwell recited the beautiful lias nol b astonished lo liud how much t praiseworthy: but its practical workings pm.m, "Cover them over,'' with marked knowlod-o ho could find everywhere, at all lllive b-'L'n m my liw",-,, unfortunate. vAywU Tu.ri. Wercdefecls'in his rendilion, times, under all circumstances, which!'1''10 '''' inlluenec of this clement y(( ,, i,,.,,,,,, nl,t t. j.aihetic force and would aiqdvlo the realization of his ideal y'l,,w 1,,,M ,n,,r(' 1I"1 v'"i Hum llml l ! beauty of manv passages in admirable JIow easily every portion and parlielo of professional schools, in subverting (he best sty,. knowledge falls into its appropriate place ' interests of literary education. The iiinnl- The humorous recilalion of W. A. McAl in iho structure we arc huildin.g when wo j'sl miM,n is llmt ,1"' '"'Ooi'ily of its vol- Uur .Tlll5 jjliviii, was well rendered, and have sueli a structure! ing inenioors are men ol utile or no cui- 0hc,uii rounds of applause. Nolwilh. If thai lhoor. which teaches thai llie "' ! consequeiUly far-reaching views, ami ( .manding llie fad, Mint those gentlemen did true aim of education is lo accumulate a ' M,UMtl 1"H1T ' regard lo educational tiienisclvcs great credit in Ihi'ir rccilalioiis, mas. of miscellaneous facts, without a def. ' i'Hlers can nol be expected from them. in ,,,,..,, probably no member of the inile icsiill in view, but with a vague, Hul l'iJlH.v endowed with power l lW,i.y would lmvp cxct'lli'il tlinm,. vol IhN dreamy hope that somehow a noble career "lm(1 lo l,s ()VV" l'l:(,-S nd where ll tri- ,ortioii of the programme was a little out or usefulness will "shape il-elf out of the utnplis, wisdom and experoliu-omust lake )f p,Htl, ltl HI.,.,y (Milerlainmenl. Tho mnlerliils" (bus collected, be dangerous and ' " Unn'1' M,Ml ,,r hl' "'""pled in the dust pw)J,,. CU0 , i,,.",, , ti. m.ighial talent pernicious, Hint other Ibeorv which would Hu'ough ver jealousy and envy The re- , u y,!,., l)t lu .Icilainalion. tt have us learn lo do and lo act. without Ibis M1' ' ,1"l ,lu' Pl'll' ' beginning lo do- will nol (1() , ,isappoint your listeners general knowledge is far more pernicious. lua"(1 'hortcnoil roup--, of education, and (- ,,y (.,nc. , .a. n-ading or recila 'There is noihing so terrible as activity ! ' l"'fer men of suporlioinl attaium.-nts ' ioll) ,lu. ,rIgiiml eloquence in the withoiil insighl,' says (Joktiik. 'I wnulil "",1 "uliiiicntiiry knowledge as Ihuir lead- wol.,i wl ( satisfy them. If Ihoycoino open every one of Aitous' hundred eyes. A mere refnrenoo to Ibis point must l() ,ea. fori.g Wuiurwitr priMimi'ihumn before I used one of Bui vitKi's's hun(irctl h,,,' ""' "'.von wmilil lost the truth ( 1nniu tiiloni, though iullnitely superior, hands say. Lord Bvcon. i ,r ,MI1' 'bdcinent, you have only to study wil , appease their disappointed expec Mr. Fu(iri)i:'s iiu'liiplior of the ' ,hl' l'sr.V of legislalion for the last three " ,1H The same auilience that would builder does not seem to be altogether a .V"N- '" ,llosi' slates where tin Grange listen lo an hour-aiida-lialf sermon on a perfect one. 'fhe building of the iiilcllec "ment lias prevailed. ; Mllry Sabbath, with Christian resignation, lual lemplo is very like the building of the ' Behold, then, here is a glorious work would his-, the student oil' tho stage, for a Temple at Jerusalem. First, you should for us to do! Shall we sutler the anlagon. twenty minutes' address, superior in both reieive your ''plans and specifications" ism existing between ignorance and culture thought and eloquence to the prosaic from the great A lieu iTKt'r himself, as did lo imperil the glory of our political iiislitu- homily. Tho many is a wr exccnlric Solomon By this is meant thai God-given tiois? How shall il be counteracted? and capricious beast, which requires a aspiration to become something, or to no- Plainly by moulding a healthy public deal of pelting. complish a certain end, llie realization of opinion, If we would nol have our liber The literary uieril of A. W. Field's ora which, by means of severe labor, receives ties eiidangere.l, our material prosperity lion, published in ibis iss5,c ol the S'it the name of Genius. Then , on must gath. impaired, and our institutions desimyod, dknt, will speak for itself. Mr. Field spoke or the materials foi your siruoturo. While the voters of the hind miM be taught to re in f (dear, manly voice, yet viry faM, and j ou are cutling out llie solid granite of mod- sped talent and learning; lo prefer men of in loodoclamalory a style. His produo ern science for Iho foundation, and hewing culture and breadth of thought for their lion was among llie host of the evening, the live oak of recent though! for the leaders; and lo carefully exclude ollieo- and was well received, framework, lot not Iho fragrant ce-1 venders and quack politicians from The debalo on the " Civil Bights BUI" tlars of Lebanon, or the cunning the exercise of aulhorlly. Allow us ' was in some respects Iho most interesting workmanship of Tyre, the costly dyes ' to repeat, that Iho only sure way to create ' portion of the I'alladiau enlertainmcut. of Phumicia, the jewels and prcc- J a correct public sentiment in this respect j Wo unhesitatingly pronounce it llie bust ions stones of Colchis and Bulla, the is logaurd.inagnify and glorify our facilities ' public debalo over given In the University. pure gold of Ophlr and Parvalm, or Iho for acquiring Ihe higher scientific and lit- Air Wooloy, who ( sidored the Bill un-' while Miss just and unconstitutional, did himself much credit. Mr. W. lias a line hI(o of delivery, lie labored under the dlsii(m). Inge, however, of advocating Ihe uiiioi. tllar, If not the weak, side of Hie question. Mr. G. M. Sturdovanl made a strong mul admirable reply lo Mr. Woidey. No p(.r. former of th evening excelled Mr s in (bought or slyle. In spite of the wi,ifC and elegance of Mr. Sweet's oration, or Ihe sound logic of Mr. Field's, wo are In. cllned lo give Mr. S. Ihe mead of ,r warmosl praise. The oration of Willis Swoel was a splen did production, delivered in Iho easpti', Ishcd style of an experienced speaker Mr. S. Is vory popular. Tho people al ways expect something good fioin him, on Iho present occasion he more than met their expectations. lie chose "Compul sory Education" for his subject. He ad vanced nothing new or startling in argu. mo.nt, but the pleasing style, and tho beau, ty and elegance of the adornment empo. ed was excellent and fascinating. The valedictory of Frank Uii) iin.n.1 was a neat address, which did the .speaker credit, and was a pleasing jinnt to the e collenl entertainment. The music was furnished by Iho Orches Ira. We have little lo sy in its priisc Il merited bul little. Tlieonlorlaiiimenl was the bosloverpre. senf.'d by the society, and its grand sue cess was a moot reward for the energy and zeal manifested by the society in its prep, aration. TIIK ADKI.I'IIIA.N KNTKUT M.NMKN'I The evening of June 2:1. was the I line appointed for Ihe Adelpliian entertainment but unfortunately a heavy shower of rain made il necessary to defer il until the fo lowing evening. This evening was aNn unfavorable, as it was the occasion of llie grand banquet of Ihe Masonic fraternil. Notwithstanding this, ami the fact Ilia! many of ihe sludenls had deparled lo their homes, the largest audience of the week was present at an early hour. The hall was beautifully decorated with a profusion of emblems, nioltos. and maii. portraits and paintings. If the adornment of Hie hall surpassed thai of Hie I'alladiaiis, it intisl be accounted for from the superior taste of the young Indies of the Adelpliian The oration of C. A. Hardy was Iho first literary cxcivisu of the evening. His sub ject, "The Last Century," was one whidi gave hi... an opportunity lo recount out national progress in Hie mechanic arts anil iircntions, as well as our intellectual progress, compared with that of the old world, for the past hundred yea is. Mr II has a very allraclive and animated slleol speaking, and gained much praise on this occasion. The ossio, of Miss Cora Thomas was ,i carefully wrillonand well read produclioii. Although her subject was "Life's Bo maucc." the essay was entirely free Iroin romantic llighls." She described in beau liful language ihe true aims and objects of a noble life, and the damrei's which nuM be oii':oui.iercd in realizing them. Miss T. is one of Hie iihisI talented members of Ihe Soclcly, and gained for herself and It much honor on this occasion. We will nol pause to comm -ill' on the oration of Kmuia L Williams, which will be found in this issue of the Uiikiiin Wc i onh, stale Unit Miss Williams de livcred her oration in her usual graceful altitude, and with remarkably clear and distinct ouuiicialioii Among all tho oxer cises of the two societies, we would select Mr. Sweet's oration as an oxnniploof what adornment and Ihe ant use of llliisinilloii and extraneous matter will accomplish . illiams' oration is a fine wnmvHBH i&UKti IJS22XS!