THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. it n .. i 1 HESPERIAN STUDENT, I'Ulil.lHIIKD MONTHLY JIY Til 14 IIESPERIAN STUDHNT PUBLISH ING ASSOCIATION OK Til 14 NKBIlASKA IJNIVKUHITV. EniToit-iN-rniKK, . U. K. IIowaiid. Assooiatk Knrroit and Rkvikwhii, Emma L. Williams. I-iOOAL, ... W. A. MoAi.i.istku. II. II. Wilson, Htisinoss Manager. TERMS FOR SUBSCRIPTION. 1 copy pur college year - $1.00. 1 " six months .... Binglo copy 0.I0. TERMS OP ADVERTISING. 1 column one insertion - . $-1.00. y squares " " 1 .00. 1 " " " .yi. economy of our Legislature lias crippled lis purposes. Yi'l notwithstanding those drawbacks-tho attendance upon the Unl. varsity has increased considerably over that of last year. The present term shows a larger attendance than any previous one, which considering it is the summer term, is certainly encouraging. Tins Agricultu ral College, which was really put in prac tical operation at the beginning o" the year, now lias fifteen students cnployed thereon. Many more would have been enrolled In that depaiMmnt, had there been means to provide comfortable dor mitorles and a sulllolent amount of appli- ances. Pro I. rhompson, the Dean, thinks that at least llfty may be expected in that department during next year, if such necessaries are provided. Under these circumstances the lamenta ble cry of schemers and demagogues for the suspension of the University is very ill-timed. It Is to be hoped the good sense of the people will be too strong to bo At the beginning of last year wo made some Inquiry into the matter, and dlscov ered that not far from twenty students were anxious to enter upon the study of law in the University, should an opporlu. nity be olTered. His not an extravagant estimate to say Unit an equal number will be ready to enter next September. This would certainly bo a grand stride in the development of the University, and would a Hold thcoppor unity to students, having obtained their literary education in the University, of completing a profes- sional course hero also. Our University ought toallbrd the means of obtaining a complete education. Let us Western stu dents have the opportunity of obtaining a Western education in the fullest sense of the word.' The Latex Student takes us severely to task for allowing an article entitled "What is a JJook, and What It is to Read," to an- pear in (ho columns of a recent issue of All nrtleli'H for itibllctit ton flioiUtl bumlilroHnuri Killtor HkkI'Kuian Siuiiknt, Statu Unlvciwlty. Lincoln Nebraska. All nub-ciliitions, with thu address, elunild bo cent to the lliiflnosf Mnnngoi-. Subscriptions collected Inviirliilily In mlviuice. Advertisements collected monthly. VARIOUS TOPICS. We are now fast approaching the fourth year of our University's existence. Soon wo all shall have departed to other scenes of recreation and pleasure, among the blessed associations ami sweet attractions of home, or, as will be the case witli some of us, to engage in different kinds of labor in other Ileitis. Pause then and glance back over the path you have trod during the year. Have you left any monuments along your course that will ever indicate toyourown mind, if to noothor, Unit it has been one of progress in the right direc lion V Some w ill contemplate the summa ry of their year's labor with pride and satisfaction in consequence of the intellec tual growth they have attained the im mouse widening of their mental horizon's rim, as they hove advanced. Otheis will turn away with a yearning in their hearts and a sigh of regret, at leaving scenes of social happiness and pleasure. iJut with us the absorbing thought is the reflection that wc have made so many painful mis takes so many failures; that wo have missed so many opportunities for improve meat. The past, is past. Wo can't recall it by wailing, neither can wo recompense itstailuro with greater diligence; for if wo improve each day as it passes the very best we are able, wo are only doing our duty; yet for all that in the future lies our hope. influenced by the unreasonable attacks. the IIksi'khian. Tito editor condemns Wo regret exceedingly to see ono of our jtlie article as an exainpieof plagiarism of rcircnts i) a mr lie na ri o . i u as to hesn m" inosi inc.xcusao o c iiiracini- on tin --0 !--,'---- - w V Scribes and Pharisees. It speaks very lit-, part of the writer, alleging that it was la tlo for his modesty or his wisdom. We I ken from Dr. Noah Porter's work on fear that petty local prejudice is at the J Books and Reading. bottom of all this hue and cry. How long. I Wo freely acknowledge that the rebuke o n t .....i i.... i...... ...,,iii... .,..i.n n iitwi ?,.., Ciiijm.i :.. .......:...!. e.. j liiiiu, mnv miii muni im- plume; wi'iiatO bo sacrificed to local greed and jealousy! Tt may seem untimely and unrcasona- bio for us to urge any further increase of expenditure In connection with the Uni. versity; especially now, when the two colleges already in operation tve so poorly sustained financially, when the cry of "economy," and "relief from taxation" is borne to us on every breeze; whoa, not the Ihife Student is merited; for, unon ox aminatiou, we find ths article to be almost a cerliatim copy of portions of that work. Plagiarism is n crime so contemptible, that we dosiro to oiler no word of extenuation whorovor It may occur. Wc have never had the privilege of reading Dr. Porter's work until recently; hence our ignorance, not our intention will account for the publication ol tho ar tide. Wo presume wo might safelv state withstanding the fact that the University that there are many valuable books which has prospered as well as any one can expect, wc bavo never read, and perhaps wo and that we have a princely endowment. . would bo equally safe in saying that we yctourlaw-makeis have so circumscribed Jaro ot Hie only one among college editors and restricted the disposal thereof, that (tmU mlglit makollto same confession. It the snood v and most successful dcv.-Nm has been our earnest deslro nm- mtL. .. w j, , ,...,. ,,.,1,1, ,,, ........ .,1 n. . i'..:,..,....!!.. i. i .... i iiiiiiiiuii iiviiinii.iii,.,, i'.... .i... ii 1111.-111 in im; v .uioiij .tin in- "rriinsiv """""" . iwiiiuui'jii nil mi; 1 1 r.SI' I AN retarded. "We freely admit that we are a . fororiginality. la (his desire we trust wo sentimentalist, an enthusiast, an impracti-1 hnonot oeon utterly disappointed. Wo cal dreamer, and all that sort of thing, yet , vt,,,3' deeply regret that an Imposition so it does seem to bo a sorrowful condition .damaging should have been perpetrated of society when ignorance is considered i U1))M ,IS- We dosiro to say one word how. the least dangerous evil, and our eilnoa- i vot' in exoneration ol the author now tional advantages must bo curtailed or do- deceased. He was a young man of roput- ed high moral character and rare talent. We are persuaded that lie himself would stroyed, to foster an.l build up those so nulled morn m'jwtlfiil !iitiivuf lYmii u'l.L.l. w j....w.. ..w., ..,,... MIIIUH I . - '"""VII ...Mllll money Hows directly, as tho immediate '"ever have suffered the article to appear reward of labor. Tho locusts tire not I lx',,(H'0 "io public as original. Tho weight Tho condition and prosperity ol the University during the year has been very satisfactory when all things are consider ed. Tins Slate lias been grievously atilic ted. Tho grasshoppers have devoured the fruits of the farmer's toil, and depressed business in all circles. Indeed the pests bavo uotyot finished their ravages, but the corn and wheat mo being reaped and glenned before the harvest time, boding suffering and poverty for another year, perhaps tho shock will be felt for many years. Another serious dlfllculty to wliich the successful management of tho Univer. nity lias been subjected, has been want of means. The narrow and short-sighted merely destroying the corn, barley and wheat of tho farmer, and bringing physic al huncrorto the homes of many, but quite unintentionally by the unconscious insect itself, through man's own stupidity, it is in danger of entailing mental famine, and intellectual want upon the whole commit, nity. We raise our voice against this sordid policy rather prnpcnuitji of bu man nature. Let it be the fond boast of Nebraska that, (luring her hour of gloom and depression, tho star of her intellectu al growth wn swiftly bowling towards the zenith, tiiat while her palaces of Com inerceand Trade wore crumbling 'imi tot terlng, her temples of Learning wore send ing ilieir towers heavenward. But what we sot out to say Is (his; Can not a college of Law be established at the beginning of Hie next year? The addi tional expense would not bo great not as great in proportion to the number who would cater that department, as is the present expense to tho number now In the Literary department of tho : University. )f blame should fall upon his instructors. Had we not supposed tho article had passed under tho eye of Gen. T. J. Mor gun, of the University of Chicago, then Principal of the Stato Normal School, of which the writer was a student, we should have been more cautious in testing its an thonticity. It was then the policy of tho Normal instructors, (we have since learned) upon which much stress was laid, to advise stu dents to read particular works before pre paring their themes, and then to assimilate tho thoughts of the author. This, to say tlio least, is a perilous method of instruc lion, and ono calculated to destroy all In dependence of thought. Students arc not apt to read more Uian ono work, and the chances aro that an attempt to assimilate the author's thought will result in plagiar ism. Of course one should read, and read much. It is a safer policy to read several authors unon tho Rnmn flithiont -. i,:..,i...i subjects, before writing, and then It will bo possible to preserve individuality of UIVU(jlllt Tim painful position in which wo lmv0 been placed, will, at least, teach us a vulu. able lesson to exercise greater caution t. itorlally In future. Hd.-in-ChT. DKATII OF CASSIUSM.CROPSEY. Again wo aro called upon to record tho last sad chapter of a human llfe-,ni chapter wliich reads so much nllko iTcbb- ll "Died, on the morning of Juno 7, at hi, homo in Lincoln, Casslus M. Cropsey." Cassius was for several years a student of the University, also a charter member of llio Adolphlan Literary Sociolj, f which ho was ono of the 'most talented workers. Thus a second Una. has tho So. duly been bereaved of ono of M M honored and beloved mouthers. His depnrttiro was very Hiidden, but not unexpected, for '11111 fell and remorse disease, Consumption, had long since marked him for her prey. About a ycr ago he went to Europe to join his brother Consul at Chemnitz, Germany, in hope f recovering his health by traveling ihvn amrainong tho mountains of Switzerland Vain hope. A few weeks since, wan ami emaciated, ho returned to his native land iodic. Ills ashes arc now laid to rest be side tho grave of bis mother, who preeeil cd him only a few weeks through the Dark Valley, while her beloved son was absent in a foreign land. It is unnecessary to pause to adorn the memory of ono so well known and uni. versally beloved, with lofty praises or Hat. terlng eulogies. It is enough to say, tlnit ho was n young man of manly, and nV markably welbdovoloped character, a gonial companion and a faithful friend no was one among tho few who really up. preoiato the aim of true education. He felt that tho object ol all study should be to develop character and true manhood, "to bo something" as well as "to knoit something." u WIW ever actuated by no ble ideas of "life and living." hjh . timely departure has cast ,ri, ... sadness over many a heart. Many an eye is uiin, many a cheolc is moist with the tear of grief. 1,111 ,,u ,lus only anticipated us nil u tho fulfillment of a destiny which we can none of us escape. it is hard In youth to j ield up ia. vhvr. isliod plans ol a nobio life-work which every aspiring mind designs. Yet for alt that, Deatli abridges a ,g catalogue of lunula lum anxieties, together with tho bright hopes and anticipation ho destroys. Let us shed a tear over the memory of our friend, and then bow In meekness to the will of Providence. THE NKGLECT5f HIGHER KDU CATION, DANGEROUS. The greater the privileges which an hull vidual or a nation enjoys, tho more peril mis aro the dangers to which tho Individ " or uio nai ion Is exposed. This state. went i a truism which will bear roped ton and reflection. I a republic, like the United States, the people have far more reason to dread tho evils that constantly threaten them, from tho abuse of thf moat sacred rights and privileges which heir very constitution insures to theui, than tho Invasion of hostile armies or the dispensations of Providence Wo Americans feel that the rlglft of uni vorsal suffrage is just as much an inherent prerogative of human hidi, ., .i. ,.ii,. to breathe the bountiful air of heaven. Yet this very privilege of 8itffro Is the JLiT ' BJ , , ,f l ' i, t " . ,,T ? v . t