2 THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. as it is in a monarchy, to know who is the prince and after what manner lie ought to govern. Generally the people arc well qualified for choosing those whom they arc to entrust with part of their authority; this we discover hy referring to the Koinnns and Athenians; yet, as well as monarchs, they need to he directed hy a council' The suffrage by lot is as natural to dem ocracy, as that by choice is to aristocracy. Suffrage hy lot is a method of electing that olfends no one, but animates each citizen with the pleasing hope of serving his country. In an aristocracy the power is lodged in the hands of a certain number of per sons, being invested with legislative and executive power; the rest of the people hold tin-same relation to those, as that of tins subjects of a monarchy to their sover eign. Hut in this form of government the senators ought by no means to have the right of naming their own successors be Cause iii this manner they can perpetuate abuses. Montesquieu seems to think that "llit: more an aristocracy borders on a democracy, the nearer it approaches per. fection, and, in proportion as it draws j towards monarchy, the more it is imper fect," and the most impel feet of all is, that in which this part of the people that obeys is in a state of civil servitude to those who command, as was the case in Poland where the peasants wore slaves to tin; nobility. A Monarchical form of government "is that form of government in which a single person governs by fixed and established laws," and " the prince is the source of all powers, civil and political." The maxim of all monarchical governments is, "no monarch, no nobility; no nobility,no moil arch. And in studying the relation of church and state, wo find that "though the ecclesiastical power lie so dangerous in a republic, yet it is extremely proper in a , monarch', especially of the absolute kind1" j Political virtue is almost unknown in a moanrcliy, and policy effects great things , with a little virtue as possible. liwlcncribiug the character of courtiers , of the courlsof monarch", Montesquieu uses ' tho'followiiig language, they have "nnibi-l (ton in idleness; meanness mixed with, pride: a desire for riches without industry; j aversion to the truth; flattery; perfidy: violation of engagements; contempt of civil duties; fear of the virtue of t lit' J prince; hope from his weakness, and above j all a perpetual rldh ulc is cast on virtue." , It is exceeding dillluull for the leading j nit r. of the nation to be knaves ami the inferior to lie honest. It is not virtue but , honor Unit is the main spring of the form j oi government anu coupicu won iiiiioiiion it thrives. The despotic form of government "is Unit form of government in which a single person directb every thing by Ills own will and caprice." And as a natural consequence "a man whom his m-iiscs coiiiiiiii'illy inform that he himself Is everything, and hU subJurtM nothing, U naturally lazy, vol upluous and Ignorant." The manage, incut of public u I lairs he nctjhvls and resigns to the care of a vicar. The larger the omplro, the larger the seraglio. The more naiions lie lias to rule, the less he attends to the euro of government; the more. imparijmt hl nlhilrs, the loss ), makes Ilium the subject of his delibera tions. The people are Judged by the laws, and the groat men by the crprico of the prlnoe. The church and state are goner ally combined and tho church is usually higher than the prince. This kind of government requires pas sive obedience, and fear is "the princylo that controls the subjects in their actions Virtue is much more essential to a de mocracy than it is to cither a monarchy or despotism; and when virtue is banished ambition invades the minds of those who are disposed to receive it and avarice pos- importance, no one denies, .lust as impor tant their Are the means by which it is to be gained. What is mental discipline? Xo words of mine can tell you better than these " Hy mental discipline is meant that systematic and protracted exercise of the mental pow ers which is suited to raise them to their sesses the whole community. Moderation highest degree of healthful capability, and that proceeds from virtue is most necessa-1 impart a permanent direction to their ae ry to an aristocracy. As the most of the quotations in tills article are from memory, if any should desire to test them, I hey will find the most of them in that admir able work untitl d." Spirit of Law." A- E. 0. lro 1 V'.ssioim I 1C1 ucul ion . A long time ago, " Many an hundred year," a stern old Spartan ruler condensed the whole science of education into one of tho.se aphorisms in which the Greek de lighted. Said he "Teach the boys that which they will practice when they are men." Philosophy, as well as History, re peats itself, and to-day the wisdom of the old King is recognized anew. There is a large class of people who consider an education as an end in Itself. There is another class, constantly increas ing, who look upon it as only a means to an end. But this latter division is a house divided against itself. Since many are content with regarding it as a preparation for some general end to be hereafter do. termined upon, while, on the other hand, there are some who strenuously urge that an education, to be a true one, should be a means for the attainment of a specific end, which the student should have in view, at least, from the beginning of his college course. Hy the term "education" is meant ! at present simply the acquisition of knowl edge during what is known as collegiate life. The first class it is not worth the while llvity." Notice particularly, f pray you, the last clause "(fu Impart a permanent direction to their activity" There are then two objects to lie gained by tliis discipline. FirxtU) raise the fac ulties to their highest power and mcoml to give them a permanent direction. This is the ideal of the higher education which the present age is demanding at our hands. Since but a few years can be devoted to acquiring an education, in a technical sense, the strictest economy is absolutely neces sary. Both an economy of time and what is far more important an economy of men tal force. A thing which is priceless, and which it is one of the highest offices of ed ucatlon to teach us, is how to economize and when to wisely spend. That we do not know how always to do this is self-evident. It is a fact which every one of us has made his own by experience, that there must be a concentration of the mind upon one point, or all study is in vain. The mind must have a central idea around which to group the knowledge obtained, to which to fit each truth observed, adopting every tiling which lias connection, near or remote, w ith the end in view, and rejecting that which is useless. The student must be, for the lime, a sort of cuttle llsli, with long arms radiating in all directions, lying in wait for un&uspool. ing prey, ready to convey it to its voracious mouth, yet nicely discriminating between what is, and what is not to the purpose. This central idea, this pivot upon which every tiling should turn, is possessed when to dwell upon They are rapidly decrcas-. , miaS vntvrit V()U wi(l hjH ft,H. ngasi is being recognized that the qua.,- , ,,,, H),n,t.u , tity ol know edge s no so important as , .. . . , .. , . . .,, ., T , i ,', .which attracts the c()rrelalie and repels its quality that indeed real knowledge .. . ... ,, ...... . . . , . ' B the antagonistic. Henceforth lie has an consists not in an acquaintance wth nianv i n . i ,, . , , ,. ..... ., . , , ," aim. He takes up this branch and guns laels, but in the right Use o a few. Those .. ,, . , ,. , . ., .. . ? . . . , to , .lroin it what there is in it ol use to him ; who look upon an eduea on as a means .i . . .i , ' . ,, ,"l"";i then turns to another to repeat the process, toward a general end, lay great stress up-; ,. w,m , , ,, , ,(, , ... hepo in., tha, should nun a a com. '; , h-dros,, which in its. urn, may Pletetra n ngo al the a.ul.ie.s1andf,,,,1Lsh '1)0fe lt, , ,, j ' the gro , nd-work for a lu.tirc development I F(. .,,. , ,,, , ,,. ., , M sh-i -im- win's, uy .siiDscqiicni course ol professional sludv. This ircncrnl end thev ilium which will not contribute to his store. f .11 Mil. 1-OtilHll if tllf.l-.. 1.2 ..... .. oti..1. .1.. express by the p.,,,. ...,, (lis,ipIill(,, , , , , ;- , J"V. whlJ ' wll H claiming that such and such studies give I ,.,,. ,,. '... ' ". oii.l. .mil ot..l. .lt...t..ll. I I.e. ".... i"'" " M'"i " ' "HI" nil " ,,,v " ' 'i'""1' iw wiui-ii'iii litem- ties of the mind, so (hat the final result is ii iuii ami Harmonious development of the parts, into a symmetrical whole. By this means, they further claim, the mind lias profession or industry for which lie Is pre paring. Not, as was intimated by a late writer would be tho case, that our embryo chief justice should only sludj enough Latin to .mm . ..1.IH....1...I l ,.. .i t .. ui.iill sw imilivilll'll 1111(1 Hiri'llUIIICIICU I III M ,., ,. . u Li'j.t:.. ...in ....' ....'.... . ...r . i. .. .. ... .ur ...... ... I a " ' ' "". j". i", lit is ready to take up any vocation; that in fact, the foundation lias been deeply laid upon which to rear an imposing structure of whatever design the future may deter mine Hut what would you say of that builder who spent the best days of his life 1 laying n foundation, firm and solid though it might lie, before he had decided what sort of a structure he should build bcus corpus iu t no mi mi iito; or that the aspiring itinerant should be content with a correct rendition of Impdzo or Uchcnua; aij.v more than that a knowledge of ttwtho. rax, the hmnal and naural arches, should warrant young sawbones in Hinging out ids sign to every western breeze. Such superficiality can not be too harshly con- ,i,:i;,: ;;;; ,;;;., ;,::;;'::;: i ..s ;--' -w- dimensions? And who might find when it was too late to remedy his mistake, that lie had wasted his strength in making it need lessly wide in some directions, while, in others it was irremediably narrow and in. adequate. That mmifiil disc'pline is tho real object of a higher education and of the utmost apt to strip off at an Inopportune moment. It is not asserted that there should be any shortening of the college course, or any hastening into tho professional. On the contrary both should rnthc'' be lengthened. No man can really succeed in a profession or industry who has not a broad and lib era! culture, whose basis is u ilmmn.rHi.. completed classical and scientific course of study. It is not that the student should neglect certain studies but. having his I'm. ure woik in view, pass by certain tilings in them as foreign to his purport'. Tlun his mind Is not burdened and weakeiit'il by a mass of accumulated facts, siowttl away without reference to 11113 centre of radiation, from whose conglomeration IP is some day to bring forth those which nmy lie of use to him in his profession. "Ihir. denetl" and "weakened" for it is a fallacy to suppose that hy any series of aimles (.x. ercises of the mind in various directions; it may be strengthened, or mental I'mcc gained for universal application. Against all this there may be urged two seemingly valid objections. First that when the average boy enters college h(. js too young to intelligently choose his pro. fession. But this "average boy" is the cause of a great deal more perplexity of soul than he is worth, or than is at allnec essary. He is full of possibilities, ills malleability is only equalled by that of the average girl. He is as clay in the hands of the potter, or, more poetically, as mar ble under the sculptor's chisel. Put jijm down to real, solid work and he will event ually turn out as good a lawyer, or doctor as lie would a preacher, or professor, hud he directed the same amount of effort in either of those channels. " Genius is well enough but it is work that pays." If Gen ins, the heaven-born, lias come down to dwell with him, she will make her presence known and there will be no need of " choos ing a profession." God luus done it tor him. But, in truth, it is one of tho evils of our hot-bod systtms of education tnnt our aver age boy Is, by the forcing process, carried into college too early. But once there a mong the most Important tilings he has to learn, is the relative value of his studies. The human fVuMillies are best developed and disciplined by the act of choosing. But how is lie to judge of their compam live worth if he has no standard hy which to gauge their use to him ? He is then de barred from one of the most elllcicnt means of discipline, if through his fourycarsof college life, he Is prevented from exercis ing his power of choice. Again, woiiid not llio increased importance which lids would give to both courses, tend to nine, dy a growing evil- the rush ol oung niea into professional prnutic.e before they havo sulllcient general and professional knowl edge ? Tho second objection is Hint this method will do much to make what are called "men of one idea." And this, I answer, is what we want ami what we hope to gain. The American jack-at-all-trades is tho worst impediment in the way of our edit cational and scientific progress. He is a parasite whoso all-embracing tendrils smother our growth. We want men who devote their lives to one tiling. Men who develop their talent exclusively In one direction, to its highest "healthful capability." Not a preacher who is now a politician and now a teach er not a mechanic who can turn his hand to doctoring not a lawyer who can cut and slash with the editorial sclsf.ors-.iot a statesman whose cliier recommendation is Unit he has been a soldier not a teach, or who occasionally preaches -nor one who flourishes tho rod until she can get married but men, (and women too when the time comes) who choose their profes sion in early life and adhere to it umlevi atingly until they reach deserved promi nence in its ranks men who are emphat ically of one idea. And in passing let me MlAii. I'itBRTvffWf "'fhf