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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1875)
&$ JL l feasBui'"Trrv t-f T-i. ,,i.v . .', . MuMMaUu2; Hesperian Student. 1. VOL. i University or .Vchtutsha. NO C. I 4 Jul non Prollolt.Dollcilt. 1875. 5L-- Scraps from my Note Hook. XII. 1IAVK 11KAHTS SOILS? llmu-ofton pondered over tlio passage , BcclctliwlM HI., J1, which runs thus: Who know cth the pirit of iniiii thai go al, upward, und the xpirit of llii" boast ,l,it gocth (lownwaril to tho earth" lit the original, tho word translated "spirit" blhc same In both uses; thus seeming to jrtognfoe an limiiortnl principle in the kH though of an interior destiny, since It goeth downward". We are told of a -now heaven and a nnr earth," that are jettobc It is not impossible that the foU-otinl" resurrection body of the man win) comes out fairly from the Day of .hulireiiient may be tilted both for the "new heaven and time- new earth;" and that the irrrcstriul" resurrection body of the iM-a-l inu be suited to the "new earth" jl.ine; lut that the beast that has been by Adam of St Victor, from Abp. Trench's collection of Medheval "Sacred Latin l'ootry:" "Oil. iitiim Mix, (iuim imiucliirn Kill I llll'C "IlllltlH lllll, Hiihoiis Ajjnl cuiikiiIiio, Agnl mIiui iniiciiln, iul iniiniliivll tiicciilii Aliiinllijuo cilinlnc!" and again. " llln jkt bl lilnn VNtn ll Inn Sliuil iiiilimiliii; A iillmi!tiiu vln, Kornil tunu ilUlxn, (itii ud iiuiimilln, uto." It will be noticed that the Latin poets of the Modiioval time forsook the outrageous ancient method of versifying by quantity, and adopted, and taught modern writers the use of, accentual vcrsillealion. The gain to the music of the verse was inllnite; for the music of accent can be immediate ly felt by everyone, but it requires elabor ate training to appreciate quantilled verse, liillifal to its pari, like the man who has 'and eery elaborate training to write it. hi'i'ii faithful to his part, will enter upon, Among all the Oxford and Cambridge ,111 improved condition seems to me tar , writers of Latin verse, not one in a doen triiin improbable. 1 am strengthened in jean quantify music; and what, in that re this conclusion by the fact that St. Paul ispect, Is not done at Oxford and Cambridge ll Cor XV., !MUV 10,) descants about the , is hardly worth mentioning. Vincent virions kinds of tlcsh; a of men, of beasts, j Hourne has perhaps had no equal; while whoever else was n begetter of variance and hatred. XVI. of llshcs, and of birds; and straightway, and as if might be consequentially, informs u of divine bodies, the "celestial," and ilu- terrestrial." Milton, Cowpcr, Gray, lleber, Milman, Macaulay, etc., may well be supposed to have surpassed all continental writers of inferior genius who have tried their hands .lii'in Wesley has a sermon in support of j at quantilled versillcatlon. the duel rine of the future life of beasts. The accentual system of Latin versiilca lie suppose, that while men advance to the ! tion may probably teach Us the true proiiim lomliiion of angels, beasts may come up elation of Latin words, tn something near our present condition ; XIV. wt not li Involution and Natural Suloe- Said an Knglishinnn, "There is no oc cupation so independent as Farming: you can just lie in bed and know that your ciops are growing." Ah, if this were so; if lying in bed and linn. Inn b the grace of (Sod. XIII. I.VUIC l'OBTUY. If l lie poetry do not posses, the olo mini hi music in form and sound, it is of little consequence that its thought bo just j knowing thai. our crops are growing weic ami beautiful. Not that sense, is ever to ; the very essence of farming, would we not In-siirilleed lo sound; but that measured jail be farmers? Alas, that the Hiiglishinan iiiiml is never lo be lost sigbt of. Prosy j was .o far from the truth! Alas, that brie tniirlil better take the form of prose , farming and everything ol.o costs so much ,ii once ' of positive hard labor! Alas, that there is European lyrical poetry (not Asiatic) hie no o.cue from the curse " In the sweat of i'Ufcia lint.' of its own, that no one j thy face shall thou eat bread!" mills understand the language in wiuoli it '-written lo feel the spoil of its illapso. Hire, for example, 1 a fragment of an old Herman song, which I find in a book "liont Nuremberg: Winn fliier Duiit-eliliinil kuinii'ii I'ikI l)i'ittchlniul llobon roll, winl iiiim Una Narnliorg iii'Iiiumi lli'i Killon Kiiiinto oll; l)r nlniniorniolir urulte' llinroiii', llulMf'uo Snail. Wo Diiruiv Krnlt newaltot I' ml Sach uiHoiiigon lint." Xobody, allhough ho may not oomprc 'end a word of German, needs bo told "ml ihi,. part of a lyrical poem. The 'litn.u cannot bo road so badly as to destroy ii" metrical cadences. Its How is like that "liiswlfi brook, that come- dashing out lr" the hills to Inspirit the meadows and 'renk the monotony of their existence. Equally lyrical, and equally Impossible t confound with prose, are the following XV. AN I'NKVKN NlMUKKOl- bTAllts. In his "Highlands and Islands of UioAdri. ailc," 1'aton says, In speaking of that pari of the l'alnoeof Diocletian, that was used as a temple of .Jupiter, "A lofty octagon was ascended by a stair of JfflecH stops; an un even number being generally used In the temples of the ancients, that, beginning lo move with the right foot, they might of course, place It Ikst ") lll uppunnust stop in order lo outer the tomplo; a form which was accounted respectful in ap. proachlng the Deity." Our University entrance stops are HI an uneven number. An ancient architect would probably have nvoiuV making anything 1 51, for 1 is the most fatal of all numbers. In Scripture Chronology it is the equlva lent of Schism, Hevolt, Apostasy; and en ters into the names of Peleg, Ishmacl, and .KSTIIHTIUAM'SKS OK ltK'.ll MKN. in his delightful poem, "The Descried Village," Goldsmith says " Prince mill hinto mny Mimiieli or nin.v rutin; A brciitb run iniiku them, n n bieiilh lin nindo; Hut u bold icnunlry, their country' pride, When unco detro,ved cna never be supplied." TIiIh is emphatically true; a bold, loyal yeomanry are the solid foundation of a nation ; and it behooves the rich and great to see to it that they are not oppressed and destroyed by taxes, rent-charge, aiid snap laws in favor of judgement-creditors. Uut while the yeomanry are the body and limbs of a nation, lis head and nervous system arc the men of thought and the men of wealth. Ucsides, as Alexander Smith says of "great seats and great lords," they "provide food for the imagination." It would be a dull, monotonous world, If indeed all men were equal. We require heroes, and heroes residing in princely homes, to stimulate and purify the imagi nation, to raise our tone above the little nesses to which we are accustomed, and to incite our efforts to improve upon present circumstances. A rich man may be a very mean man; but the expensive elegance of his, .state is a hwitiful pieturt hung before the eyes of all his neighbors. Should he add personal worth and family honors to his wealth, the charm of his greatness is universally confessed. XVII. scVI.I.V AND CIIAUY1ID1S. Acquaintance with the sea has banished the Maelstrom from our maps. Scylla and Charybdis seem also to have disappeared therefrom. And yet, in his travels in Sici ly, V. Hrydotic, V. H. S., puis down the following: " It was almost a dead calm, our ship scarce moving half a mile in an hour, so thai we had time to get a complete .. .. .. I. ..I' C....II., .... tin. view ol tne utmoiis ioi;i wi nim, Calabriaii side, Cape 1'ylonts on the Sicil ian, and the celebrated Straits of the Faro that run between Ihem. Whilst we were some miles distant from the entry of the straits, we heard the roaring of the current, like the noise of some large, impetuous river routined between narrow banks. This increased in proportion as we ad vanced, till we saw the water in many phi ces raised to a considerable height, and forming large eddies, or whirlpools. The sea In every oilier place was as smooth as glass. Our old pilot told its Unit he had often seen ships caught in these eddies, ami whirled about with great rapidity, without obeying the helm in the smallest degree. When the weather Is calm, there is little danger; but when the waves meet witn thisiolent torrent, It makes a dreadful sea. He says that there were live ships wrecked in this spot last winter. AW ob served that the current set exactly for the rock of Scylla, and would Infallibly have carried any tiling thrown into it against that point; so that it was not without rca son the ancients have painted it as an ob jtcc of such terror. It Is about a milo 'from the entry of tho Faro, and forms a small promontory, which runs a little out to sea, and meets tho whole force of tho waters, as thoy come out of the narrowest part of the straits. The head of this promontory is the famous Scylla. It must bo owned that it docs not altogether como up to the formidable description that Ho mer gives of it ; the reading of which (liko that of Shakspeure's CUlf) almost makes one's head giddy. Neither is the passago so wondrous narrow and dilllcult as ho makes it. Indeed, It is probable that tho breadth of it is greatly Increased since his time by the violent Impetuosity of tho cur rent. And this violence, too, must havo always diminished in proportion as tho breadth of the channel Increased. Our pilot says there are many small rocks that show their heads near tho base of the large ones. These are probably tho dogs that they described as howling round the monster Scylla. There are likewise many caverns that add greatly to the noiso of the water, and tend still to increase tho horror of the scene. The rock Is nearly 200 feet high." XVIII. ST. OKOIU1K AND TIIK DKAUON. The conflict of St. George and the Drag on is ai allegory. St. George represents Christianity, and the Dragon the old Pagan religions of the Uoinan Empire. St. George (Christianity) overcomes the Dragon (Pa ganism): and yet, the struggle goes on from age to age, and ever must go on, even to the time of the end. 0. 0. D. (iOVCI'llllHMltS. Gravina says, "The united strengh of in dividuals constitutes what we call thvbody jHilitii:" Montiscjuiou says, "The govern ment most conformable to nature is thai which least agrees with the humor and disposition of the people in whose favor it is established." And thus the" learned auth or would preclude discussion as to the best form, unless it is for some particular clime. The last named author classifies all gov ernments under three heads, c: Republi can, .Monarchical and Despotic, and says, "Some think, that nature having establish ed paternal authority, the most natural governini nt Is that of a single person." But does the example of paternal authority prove any thingV Suppose the power of u father be relative to a single government, that of the brothers after the death of tho father, and that of the eousln-germans af ter the decease of the brothers, refer to a gournment of many A republican form of government is that government in which the body or only a part of tho peo. pie is po&sessed of tho supreme power; and is divided into two classes as, "when the body of the people is possessed of the su promo power, this is called a democracy," and, "when the supreme power is lodged in the hands ol a part of the people, It is then an umtui'vaey.' In a democracy the people are in some respects the sovereign, and in others tho subjects. In this form it Is as important to regulate in what manner, by whom, and concerning what, suffrages are to bo given, i i ?m fi 'i mmmmmmmmmmmmnimm- mTumtm