Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, April 01, 1875, Page 7, Image 7

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    t 'IT- :, I ill T
! nlTJLtttrXitttm
t"?r., IS ,.V.iLJ.rf-JKWV.
Chancellor 1ms tliu spelling lb(n)ver.
One of our Professors hns boon termed
One of our preps litis gained tlio ro
mantle iinine of "Horax."
-Kwrybody in the University should
siilM-ribe for I lie S'ivdnnt.
Synopsis of a discourse, delivered at
ilu I'liiu-rsily lalely-"as il were."
A. H- Waitt hns received a full line of
the latest stylus of Hoots and Shoes, (if)
Our Kditor-in-Chiof is very proud. He
sni he wont room with anyone of less
degree than an editor.
There is a Lamb iltut attends the High
School eveiy day, and yet the children do
noi laugh and play."
The Chicago University, which is
conducted under the auspices of the Bap
tist Church, is asking for aid.
Oar drawing class is progressing linely.
Afu r iIu-3 finish, they can tell the- names of
all the object, they have drawn.
.John Grioo passed through the nil)
last month, en route for the west, where
ho will continue the practice of law.
The boys should patronize those who
.-land by u-, and P. S. Sheldon & Son keep
a nobby stock of hats, caps, &e. (tf.)
The boys met on the 1Mb inst. to or
ganize a singing club. One said he could
paw the ivory if thes other could howl.
As the gentle southern winds arc blow
ing, our enterprising janitor is pr paring
torn ake our campus look like a little Eden.
Friends, the students arc wor';!.:ig to
make our paper an honor to the Stato. Wo
need more subscribers and advertisements.
The boys arc practicing base ball every
day, and we expect to see a University
nine, that will be bard to beat, organized
The Studknt is run on the "cash in
advance" system and any one in arrears
for subscription will be stricken oil' the
The student who woke up his land,
lady at the dead hour of night was only
reciting the sleeping scene from the play
of "Macbeth"
Mac. Cobb was favorably spoken of
aa a candidate for the olllcc of city clerk
at the late municipal election, but he de
clined the nomination.
Burt's New York Hand made Shoes for
Gcutlcmcn--the best shoe made Ladies'
line, hand made, thin-soled shoes. Give
him a call. (tf)
One of our Sophs was boasting the
other evening about what company he
could get. He said ho could got the skele
ton down stairs. Birds of a feather, etc.
At a meeting of the Hoard of Managers
of the Stident Association, Amos E.
Wuntt was authorized to solicit stibscr'p
tioiis and advert isements for the Studknt.
We mot ono of the students a few
dajs ago rushing around, to ascertain
what was the moaning of the term "for.
ger." according to the code of this Slule.
The reason why one of tho University
students, who is n" a legislative turn of
mind, was not examined at tho oloso of
lust term is that he nightly attends the
f Students should bo careful and patron.
izc only those who advertize in tho Stu
dunt. For those who have enterprise
enough to advertise will sell tho cheapest
every time.
Studknt: (to friend who did not pass
examination.) Are you going to attend the
University next term? No. lam going
to an eastern college where a fellow can
learn something.
Now that the prairie is becoming cov
ered with verdure somo of our students
will not be so lonely, as they were during
the winter, for they can llnd much that is
green besides themselves.
Prof, (in Rhetoric class) Can anyone tell
mi' the meaning of the word "bathos?"
Soph, (who is noted for his vocabulary)
Hath-housc, Professor? Why, isn't that a
place where people go to wash oil'?
How provoking it was, when that
Fresh took his girl to church the other
Sunday night, to have the usher put her
in ono pew and him in another, when
thoro were good seats :n the house.
Those fashionable neck-scarfs can in
procured at P- S. Sheldon A; Son's where
you will Hud all kinds of collars, shirts
and everythihg that a young man needs in
the way of stylish clothing. (tf.)
One of the boys appeared very much
excited, and, upon being asked what was
the matter, said: "It'll don't .stop es-
coning Miss home from the Universi
ty every day he will certainly be slaughter'
Sweet williams are beautiful llowcrs,
and wo have several in chapel every morn
ing, both summer and winter. Hut some
of the boys in speaking of them call them
by the inelegant though common name of
If the University boys were as near
the river as the Students down at the Nor
mal School are, wo would organize a boat
club; yet, none of us desire to develop
our muscles by rowing on the unroman
tic Salt Creek.
Prof. Aughey has prepared and pub
lisbed a cataloguo of the flora of Nebras
ka,adaptcd for marking desiderata in ex
change of specimens- Botanists will hail
with delight this llrst collection of (lie Ho
rn of Nebraska.
Commkndaiim:. Ono of tho students
came into chapel a few mornings ago
with a beautiful, long, yellow hair on his
'!oat collar. When it was pointed out to
him, ho blushed and modestly said: "0 !
that is mother's."
"Wk wore surprised on looking over the
stock of goods kept by Jacobs Bros. &
Oakley, and at tho extreme low prices at
which they hold their goods, and think it
will pay every one to give them a call be
fore purchasing. (tf.)
Ono of the new students was seen walk
ing proudly through the hall with a paper
in his hand. When asked why this was
tlnisly, answered, "I have just taken out
my naturalization papers to become a cili
zen of this xhebaitg"
He was with two young ladios, and
the shoe of one becoming unlaced, lie
very gallantly offered j tie tho same,
but tho other young lady most "painfully''
insisted that he should not. Of course he
complied with the request.
At a special meeting of the Huwehian
Studknt Association, the resignations of
A. E. Gantt, Local Editor, E. P. Holmes,
Business Manager, and Geo. S. W. Boborts,
Secretary, were acpted. The Association
then elected "W. A. iJcAllister, Local Edi
tor, L. B. Church, Business Manager, and
II. W. Caldwell, Secretary. Tho reason,
tho gentlemen resigned was, they do not
expect to attend school this term.
The ladhs in (lie chemistry class arc
rejoicing because they have discovered a
test by which they can tell when theyouna
men have been drinking alcoholic drinks.
Don't rejoice prem iturely, h dip-.; there is
no aleol- 1 in the Lincoln liquor.
--Wo , ad this month a number of Sir
dkntr to friends at homo and abroad, and
if they deem it worthy of patronage tho
arc respectfully asked to subscribe. Price,
$1,00 per year. For six months, .-). cents,
hunt's H. Curitni, Business Manager.
Wo visited tho kingdom of the High
School ,)ii tho 2(ith, tilt. The subjects of
that nation all discharged their duties
well. Wo wore especially pleased witli
their paper. Many of "Tho Barbarians of
the North" were there but they made no
demonstration to capture tho country.
Foiick Ok Ha hit. As a freshman
wascscorting a friend, who at their board-ing-houso
answers to the euphonious title
of "Pard," "California," Are, through the
University, they stopped into the Chancel
lor's room. Fresh: Mr. Par. . Cal.-..
good morning Chancellor. Exit Fresh and
Talk about the punishment of Herod or
Nero. Why, it isn't a circumstance to
what Prof. Olney should sutler for writing
the third part of his University Algebra.
It's the essence of a life of meanness, and
does no good in the world, but to increase
the student's vocabulary of the profane
Among our clippings, this month, we
reproduce a story from the Volante, that
exactly indicates the way in which some
people can botch a good thing. This was
the real style of the incident :
Ono table-waiter, at a St. Louis hotel,
said to another, while pointing at Thack
eray, "That's the distinguished Thaeker!"
" Is it ?".-aid theothciv'What'shedonor'
" D d if I know!", was 1ho reply.
And it was all about a handkerchief
Poor fello'v, he was unprepared for what
henceived. His landlady informed him
at the dinner-table that a married woman
had called to see him. Of course inno.
cence blushed, and meekly inquired
what tho lady wanted. "Well," said his
landlady, "she said that you have a hand'
kei chief which you think belongs to her
daughter, and that handkerchief belongs
to her, and she wants you to return it.
Her husband came with her, and I would
advise you to return it as soon as possible."
The next wo saw of him lie was hunting
up an exptess-man to deliver tho same.
The recipient of a gift is generally
happy so long as he possesses ho present,
b"t some of these honest young men
woulif never keep any tiling if they knew
they had no right to, but still wo presume
that the fellow who had thatdaii'ty piece
of blue ribbon tied around his wrist by
one of the beautiful and fair joiing ladies
will ever preserve it ab a memento of the
past when ho was bin i led upon, evui
though the blue ribbon belonged to an.
other young lady, who would rather have
seen it on a any other gentlemen's wrist,
before it was placed on his. Moral tho
girls should not lend their ribbons to
every girl who asks for them.
At a special meeting of the Board of
Begentb held on the 24th ult. a committee
was appointed to consider the feasibility
of fitting up the basement and third story
of tho University for the use of gentlemen
students, and to fit up the rooms under the
chapel for a kitchen anil dining hall. This ,
would accommodate sixty or seventy stu
dents. It is also their intention, we believe,
to erect, as soon as possible, a brick dor
mitory on, or near, the campus, for the use
of young ladios. We think our present
Board of Hcgonts mean business, and have
no doubt but that they will do all in (heir
power to forward the interests of the Uni
vorsity, by furnishing the students with
cheap and comfortable boarding places.
But as their moans are limited, would It
not be a paying investment for the citizens
of Lincoln to build a dormitory for gentle
men, similar to the one contemplated?
Cheap board is one of the essential things
to till tho University with students.
The Chancellor appointed Saturday,
the 17th, as arbor day, and requested all
tho students to come and 'set out somo
young trees. We arrived on the campus
about 10 o clock, and shortly after some of
the boys who wanted to leave a monument.
at their alma uvter that would endure lor.tr
after they had passed away, sot to work,
digging, preparatory to planting the tiees
which were to bo -.out in from tlu ag.lcul
tural farm. A good many b.id boj-, who
would sooner play than work." began
throwing a bM from 0110 to the other, thus
wasting many a precious hour which they
should have improved. "What made it
worse was, that alltho Profs., being too tired
by their week's work to be present, trusted
to the honor of the boys, and that is the
way their trust was repaid. If these boys
don't reform thov will never die young nor
get their names in a Sunday school book.
Thanks are due the Janitor for the way he
rushed around to borrow spades for the ac
commodation of the boys.
C. V. Martin is rusticating.
A. E. Gantt is reading law at Neb'aska
W. II. Nocdham is grangoring near the
A. W. Field is grangoring at Yankee
Miss Alice Frost is teaching at Fair
mont. Charley Little has gone to (each the
young Iowans.
'74. F. P. Html has been teaching for
some time at Vesta
"Judge" Show-alter is attending tho
University this term.
IL II. Wilson has ceased tcachm" at
Bennett and is again in school.
'74. W. M. Stevenson is grangering
mar Unidilla on the Midland B. B.
Prof. Church win advanced to a full
professorship, at the late meeting .if the
Board of Begonts.
W. H. Wosiover has gone with a drove
of Texas ca'tle to the gold mines in Brit
ishAnioiica. It will take him till late in
me iai: to arrive at his destination. He
goo, from there to visit friends in Canada.
V. P. Jthodee is attending school again
He lias been visiting in Now York for
three months, viewing the sights of the.
great metropolis. He says he is glad to
get buck to the sunny hills and gentle
zephyrs of Nebraska again. Welcome.
'.'4. U. II. Malick made us all glad by
a shake of his honest hand. He is study
ing medicine at Sutton preparatory to en
tering a medical school next fall. We
Mere too modest to ask his business in
Lincoln, but upon being questioned in
reference to'rho nnnnlutinn w c.,i.. i.
said: "There -was but one young lady
and she was ifi Lincblri-nt present."