6 THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. i '! CRITIQUES AND CRITICISMS. The Kates Student for April Is the first exchange which wo take up to notice. It is n improvement on nil lis predecessors. Tho article on tlie "Rolativoalty of knowl- edge" is especially good and tlic editorial on Riography Is worthy of special men. lion. Tho University lleportcr lias some very sensible extracts from the Kdinburffh iV m'ttn on " Religion and Science ", and an editorial discussion on the best plan for running a College paper. 1 1 advocates the placing of the whole responsibility into tloual Attendance on Recitation" and "What Product ?" Is above the average of such brief essays. "The factors of life i..... c. .1.1 n,.,l ..t..,in niillltt' mill yen mu niu-iMiii, uwugiiwi 1'u'i'v right to vote regardless of the conse quenecs that would necessarily follow the granting of such a right while we would not forgot that, wo protest against in exerting It. One has been llxed by our i tho combined and merciless attacks made Maker, the other must be determined by ourselves. Tho product of these factors is the measure of each life." Though we cannot agree with all the Ideas of the writer on "Professional Education" we are bound to admit that he brings a strong iiririimuut to sunnorl his nosltlon. This upon a comparatively defenseless and guileless race. They, Indeed, have rights, and, without regard for tho consequences, we fearlessly advocate the same. In our peregrinations through life, and in those relations we are compelled to sustain in the great social arena, we have limo and article is the best thai has appeared in time and again been called upon to wl the Crescent. ness the most embarrassing and helpless V,. n..ii n'-(."iimiiiiimr ii niiiiilli" in 'condition of bachelors. There can be no the hands of the business manager, slipu- ,e ,)0,.so of lhc lMhousie Cazctlv, if it ! exaggeration in saying thai nothing is lalingo.dy lhat it be run in the inloresls (mv bp snU, (() hV(i ..pe.son ... Wo1'"0"5 cnlcululed In enlist tlio sympathy of the inllege or university. This prob- 0,sewlim. co,nmcu,cd on the nature lnd condolence of sympathizing friends, lem 0M10 v lo place a college paper on " j 0-lts aHHoi.n but must sav u little more Un romuin, and most ungracefully paying b.isis U .me which demands a bmU ., 1( mn. wo s;ntomenl8f ono vvoa-the title of, an old bad,. Yet, how. speedy soluMon JuM at present I hese pa- ( ()). wh,cIl h m,gp nmi )h(, olhpi. () s , over deeply humiliating and mortifying pers have spnu,-up all over the country, lurtsI) mnbKM10Us, The IIksi-kuian is '! " application or the cognomen may be 11101 ol them upon a very precarious loot-, com,ue,,cl b ,,. 1WessOI.3 of ,ll0 lV,- there can bo no relief exeepl in a surren .ng .ndecul. an. I.ave been conducted for ivcrsluulntiviiMvas tr wl,lol.s m.(i Uer nf Iong cherished and .jealously, a vear or so bv private enterprise, and . , , . , , , .. .. .... ... I mniriinii rlrhis The Miiesiioit letmlvus , , , , '. ' ,, ' students who have control ol its columns gunmen iigiua. m, question itsoms now that the IIMVeltv llils Worn O 1 are lhl- , , ,. . .. . ., , linir nmrolv into this- Klinlt lliev nlVr ... , and admit such sentiment- as thev choose, "sen meici into mis. sunn ino.,niici Ole to suspend .llddeillv 1' lit nest die a .. ,, ,. , ., .. ctuminliiir tlw current (nvt mid lirnvctvl ' . .... , I lie Professors are welcome contributors sieniining tnt iniiuii inc, uiiu iuuui.) llllferinir UOIII I. I IC plllll Ol tjlvillg ev. ' . .... , . , .. , r ft,,. , ,.nis; lit. f.rinwnil nl l.wl mill ...til, ',. -. , , , . , but in but one instanee has nil article of "ol cnis, ue (oeiceu ai nisi, ami wiin erything into Hie hand ol a Htisinoss . , , ., .,. , . , ninitiMlli.u lmnnlitce nsnopi Iihkh'v snimiii .' " i theirs appeared in the editorial columns ciosiinnon, nopoioss aspect nasi j suoniii Manager si-enisi he most lonsible-provid- ,,,.',..,, ,.,....,., . 'm (heir indefafurable foes? Echo an- UIIVI IIIVII "IUJ llll"llM 1IIV.U 'i JjFtiV-Vi v;o.- - - 0 r.A ti. oak nniifii i niiniwilnitl iit.m At. fl..k in tir i nil ULiiui ii V.IMU iini in iiiiiii i ii iiii- . . . i ." .......i i . . t ..:........ 1......1 ..... , . . , ,. ,'. .. , , where. The (hu,tU suv, "We lind Jive wvera, ixner; i.e. s)himl-is nnwi uiiu nlaee. tin is ny all odds the most respon- . , . , . . ...... ,.n.ici.inwci. limrnii iimir i,n.i., .,Aiwiii5.ii ... . ., ., ,, , articles signed with the same initials," ceuselosl bewail then lonely condition , siblc position, much more than the editor's ....... , , . , . ; nr,. i .t iimir nniiiimnnw nml ,,,, i leaving it to be inferred that lliev were in mine. Lei then anathemas and exeei a-1 for the excellence ol contributed articles, ,. . .,. illmisllL. ,m,Ul(i remorselesslv nl our de I i uiv inwiittiini nuniULi nniLiin nn liiui. ' i . . bankruptcy. Let us have competent Bus iness Managers by all means The Stephens College Chaplct is at hand once more. The April number is spicy and well written and compares very favor, ably with its rival, the tfiiir. JFissourinn. Indeed we are inclined to award it the rfuiplet. The worst tiling about it is its n'limc. The Packer Qaartorlj is also before us IIIILl' IIIIIMM I I II' ! I 1 I I 11111 I IIMI IIWlMUlll'l' lllll - ... . ' i .' ' '", ...ic,;....- u',. i. ..... .... !... 1. 1 i ... t !r n...i li'iieelem heads. 1 Iioul'Ii we lnnv i,,1.u,umr1!!i',p cummma v:i,"",M s,,,u ,,lir I-'-l'-'r irom ... nl. , ,. tu . ,., Vllfil ri0f.lin or Bllllu bil.ssliIll.ss. u.t.1, . iiiiiioi()V4ti iiv iniiii iiutu iuiiuii tiiv inu i' - --0 -wT j articles but he did not lind them in any scarcely a light-house to guide us to the j one number. Hereafter we hope the Ga- J shores of the great beyond, yet Hie con zette will confine itself strictly to the inith. 'sciousness of the holiness of our cause The.JCAKme,7.Whasapoeni,iam1 ,he m,SCI Wl" nro ,n-ug " l' I "The Tippler's Dream," which suggests a ' humn" ract' morc ,,,nn rcn-- " f'"' ' suspicion that theaiithor has "been there" S,,l,Vl'in' seirdeninls and inconvenien-' and althe same time makes us hope that he ;ces- Now, paradoxlciil as it may seem, neveruieiess n is irue, uiai wnue touis ' will keep his further experiences to him self. Society reports fill most of its pa have written of love and of all its kindred res. bin ns ii is e.in.l.ie.ied in ti. ii,.,.,..- ! Ji. scairccl.v a word lias been said of the but does not fulfil our expectations of f e S()l!lo0lJ lhis is perhll.)g (, un. i'ys and sorrows of the old bar!,. And we n1..il n..1l I,. n..i.i..ilnhi., 1V...1..... T..l!l..l.. I ' 1 4. 4 ll 1 . M.I what ought to comc'from Packer Institute Most of the articles are too sentimental the common fault of girls' writings. "Scintillations" is, perhaps, the best, and the Editor's Table is an improvement on tho cbii'tributed part of the magazine, able. might exclaim, in the languniro of the im- dulgcnce, liabil, vice, or lack of will-power of their own, that it isn't much wonder sho is often angry. Poet- picturo her as n sort of a twin sister to Fimv. Hut wo don't blame her in tho leasl ; if wo were Fate wo have no doubt that our own sweet temper would sometimes get milled. In our opinion Fatb is a myth. Slio will do well enough to preside over tlio Past, bul let her not invade the dominion of tho Futurs. Tho future is absolutely in your own hands. "What you will to do you can do, provided, as a German phil. osophur says, "you will to do right." Hut you must do right in the little tilings ns weli as the gxviit things of life. "Can every one attain whatever station he desires to reach V Why you talk ab surdly ! Facts dont prove it. I donl be lieve such enthusiasm." Tlrd'n just it. You are like the old lady who praed for a certain blessing, because she had hoard thai, if ye have faith, ye shall receive, but being disappointed in her hope, sigiuh". cnnlly remarked, that she knew it would be so nil the time. The trouble is. jvv ever earnestly form tin determination to accomplish anything noble, or worth. while in life. The privations, toils, ;md discouragements, are too formidable the more reason why those who do possess the necessiry heroism and will must succeed; and every one who is thoroughly im pressed dial he has die necessary qualiti c.ntions,(( them, quod crat demonstrandum. Of course, niter you have shuilled your cards ever so scientifically, and arranged the "hand" you intend to deal yourself hi the most satisfactory manner, this same mythical goddess whom wo dont believe in will sometimes "cut" and disarrange all your plans. Hut you need not be dls cjuraged; "slip the cut" or "lake a new deal" leineniber in this game against the world and destiny, you do all the "dealing," and if you persevere you are sure to make a "lone hand" and go out on a "march" at last. I mnrtiil H'.u-d wliv ic tlilu IlillaV 1 U tn Aea -roady lothr -w liiu Unnrsi'i He. : ., , ,, . , ,, ,.- ,. , ..,'.. , , . ".' sible there is nothing in the life of alone new that other "sugar plum' it so put hoi- , , r i, , , , ' . ,. . ..,,., , , lv and friendless, vol siipremeh happy ically entreats, in spi'e o the act that I ., , ,. ,, .1 l4 : . .... , . man, that savors not ol the poetical? Is, so severely criticised us a shorl time ago. ,. ,., , ' ...... ! ''- ..f .. I 1 T I II IIIV311 IIW JFWVIIJ 111 1II,IW'V1III.-1V V , VIII), nn i '? i iii.. . . n - un- umiiyouuiu Ol IIUIIL'SI U SI 11 U . - , . .. . ., .. .. ,: The Archu nml has doubled is size since .,, . , , . , . ' if we but scrutinize Hie siluntion careful y -, , -.. y . i ontieisin, and endeavor to take ila rauo. , ,, ,. ,, , , . , ,J it last viaituif our suuclum and is oilier- , .... , and methodically, ample material may be i T v' , -, . lully as wo try tc give it. , , .. , , , ' wise unproved. We have qeon puzzled a . found for volumos ' 1 rhyme. To be sure Mu-imtuiuuuMuuiuu.ipiii iiiiinuer oi nisorali e v flers ner.isl n sneakiiw ol I ho 1mltmil3 sliirU inul U-indinl nvllc n ' ..... ... ,w v" vnu' . ell" ' DON'T DISGRACE YOl'RSELF A Ilia for UiK'Iielors. lonir time over the tone of Hie AvohniimJ We couldn't decide whether its boasting! ,,,e "'"'lU HulMiu and style of writing grnurally wa-. a vr a bit of refresh' ng honesty and inno-1 cenee. However, we like its pluck and; Hn i phila.iihropie mood, and are glad to so. :t every month. ihnvllg k,Ulre ,() ,,,,. . w,iJn) Judging by thy .April Jiumbcr, so long ' we allow ourself to ponder upon some of its wc.lui.vo the Qslcalovsu Oolteyv Videtto, j the great things of life. Perhaps we may we shall save the expense of a Classical j be mistaken in our conception of what Dictionary. The Vidrtd seems to be a could justly be called great, and some compound ofliv.es of classical authors j ill-natured person may possibly take issue and advertisements of religious books and with Us, when we state th it the notoriously tracK One of the latter lias the charm J sweet-tempered class of individuals known ingly alliteratiw title of "Follies of Free its old bachelors are mlunderlood nnil. Thought, which for the low price of 20 treated, scoffed at and abused to such y. "g """"' wiod, you old brute I", cents proposes to annihilate Pantheism, I an extent, and with such Impunity, that Wt' nu'roly call your attention to this , Darwinism, Spiritualism, Materialism and the necessities of the case absolutely do- mallor nml vvilh,)Ut nirthor comment maro ; all the other isms of ancient and modern man 1 a rigid investigation of Hie causes ,U, BUl,Jcct ln 3'0Ur ll(lri- S. invention. The editors have also mstitut- that lead to such a state of affairs which belong exclusively to the life of the bachelor; but we answer all such argu ments by saying thai (here is no rose without its accompanying lliorn. Hut to look for a moment at the other side. No lice, if you please, the average benedict: note the frightened explosion on his face, the nervous apprehension he evinces upon the approach of his brtUrhalf; catch the wild expression of his eye, if you can, when she, addressing him in an endearing tone Using her accustomed phraseology Has Futc. eel a "new departure "from the tlme-hon- this onco honored class (of whom Paul! -ftr1 llWktlwwlti StfCtavt nlriiwa nnlM... !ni.ni!.. I - ! 1 .. 1 i . ..I . " . " , ... " , V "B. "' wjr ",sv', l,,,B wus ll Ul,r 81llIo; "o rigms m mis age of j ..Whut bus been was, and what is to be will be," thcro's no dodging that. But is poefry in'the editorial columns. Tho Orescent comes a long way behind time but as we arc delinquent in that ro Bjtact ourselves we cant afford to criticise very severely. This number is 'however tlralicBt wcliave received. "Z. X." ad vances good arguments in.favjor of .'.'Opf the world that the human race are bound to respect? We would most emphatically deny the insinuation that they have forfeit ed in any way their ancient rights and'p"re rogatlves. Wo would not forget that this is an ago of progress, an ago in which women are vociferously demanding -thoir this an reason why you should shift the results of your own laziness, errors, and weaknesses on to Fate's poor l;oul dors. 'Fate has to boar unjustly so many miBhapB, miseries and didos of pcor mor tuhybrought on generally by some in Students will have their fun, and so they ought. In fact, we all rather enjoj a cute trick, or a good-natured prank. Hut ovory poison's dignity and sense of pro. prioly, it he have a spark of noblli y in his make-up, will keep him within de cent bounds. Those young men little boys would be more fluttering under the ciicuiiistances who emptied Hie .Janitor's can of kerosene Into Iho University well Friday night, and tore up die trees plant ed last Arbor dti , and then set them out again aflor the stylo described In Hufod's dream, certainly imisl have a dearth of comniou-sense, or tin1 would not be com pelled to resort to so silly and low an ex pedient for amusement. You have put the professoib to much inconvenience and damaged the properly of the University, while you have received in exchange therefor only the contempt of your fellow students, and the self-consciousness Unit you are a cowardly sneak. Try to bo manly under all circumstanoes. One need not lay aside his honor and manhood for tho pake of a frolic these are the real el ements of genuine fun. The persons who are guilty of this last meanness aro pretty well known, and if they have not already left the University, will be invited to spend, a period with their ma's, if their sharp-, ness is repeated. ' ' g-' ' . Proof correcjion -l is ro,ig side up. (