THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. AuHioi'lllos, liutli mioluiit iintl modern, uremii lucking lo uphold' lliu rebellious jack in It 1h determination not lo bo made ii "dull boy" by till work and no play Ami by tli way tliia hiiiuo Jack must be of at least us remolo pui'LMilagu us the (lays 0f (he O.iesurs, for Porslus describes with lll-odiicculod glee his mischievous tricks U!) ii schoolboy lo escape Ills hated tasks mid (" il was ills supremo delight tohtiuh chances and compute sum llic larky dice would secure and wliat the fuliil aces sweep away! First cousin, a1 least, to the boy of tin period witsl his liomuii school-boy. Hut rercnons a nos M,mimis. Holli poets and sages, from the tho great Preacher himself down to the doming philoMiphurs of the present inys. I lifylng school, are decisive on one point l while the New and Old Philosophy agree In owning allegiance lo tho charms o "Youthful .lollity " and bow together be. fore the Oirconn altars of Pleasure. Il is true, indeed, thai here and there are entirely unpremeditated. It should be an impulse of (lie moment, au inspiration born of the perfect day and that gypsy ing spirit which yet remains In our veins. A spirit which, with vial as of Robin Hood have exhausted most of the sources of evil, Al any rate by making respectable many things that are now opprobrious we have removed just so many stumbling blocks from (he paths of the young and eyes ol Maid Marian, entices us to Hid fitlro forest To hum lliu foulus' hciiijj. Hut a moment Is needed, when called by the happy voices of companions, to gath er up a 11 tt lo to eal under the spreading beeches, snatch up a book, (a lln-cup, pro saic as ll sounds, is a very good thing to have along), and, suu-bonnel lu hand, to run out to the old wagon which, to keep up the pleasant travesty, h: mentally des ignatud as u "wain." The whole long day in the woods is one of dreamy enjoy, ment and perfect abandon. If one doca not chance lo moot Kriar Tuck or the Nut-browno Mayde till they are hiding somewhere in the leafy hollows too shy lo make llic acquaintance of tilth conlury i.w...i.ilo lOnip Onint mill S'iM'l. 1'iikil iii'm .. . . ....... A...... II... ...llll.lli.IK .........I ' v ,cw ....... mi. -,.... ..... OV0l.llU ini.edavlsnot one In Area. For instance, the w Itching tongue of Beau- , u miV(, jU u.m,llou ,h(. Mtr f ..1..... ..I' tt Cu.miliul f..l.. Ii.tli ill I. ' 111 ' ' mom niiign wi unvuiviii hiuiiiiiiiiij in 1.....1 strains mat wotru almost, win a oyuaruo to forswear all those vain delights which no u .....3l uu ' ' 01l lhill,P u ,aa been talked of nearly milled that the Mermaid was like lo I'""' iu ,n,mlht discussed in committee meet "quite different sentiments expressed over I , Uld aum,,,ml in the papers. Mir back to the beaded rim," while he undo wl n t0 Wliy ol- llrusau.s ,ulV0 u0(ll de. therestof that merry crew drank to (Hiick, 1 visC(luml ,lUlinlUiWb of Uio most hull ejed Pleasure, as ho himself terms the !gcalibl(! ,-oinpounua thai human ingenuity enehanlress-aiid moreover lliu rosy morn ' cm conc(K,,i hllV0 ijCcn prepared for the was quite apt to rise blushingly upon tliu 1 0CC11S0. Tho ever present 'bus is on end of many n noisy revel surely did i . , . ... UeiuUca pleasurc-seek- i in his Lincoln green and the laughing luado JuhI so many more Innocent amuse ments. Indeed many of our amusements aro Interdicted by the Church to-day only because a small majority of stern fanatics who burned witches and branded heretics decreed that they should be so, several hundred years ago. Whoa we have ceased to reverence authority instead of simply respecting It we shall have a change for the better. To make llic application of all this to those grave and rather ponderous stu dents who look down in contempt upon their fellows with capacities for lighter enjoyments, we parody our "text." Dost Hum think hec-nixo thou urt miuIIuiih. ihuie hIiiiII bo 110 more emi'iiul and hunt- tmll? Hut how does all this oiled us iw slu deals? Very little, perhaps, yet enough lo point the moral There are a class of peo ple to he found in University life as else where, who are no doubt sincere in Ihelr opinions, but who nevertheless do au in. Harvard find", as u result of the Elective System, a manifest decline of Class spirit and feeling. Some of llic college men deplore (his falling oil' from the ancient .customs while again perhaps llic larger number hall il as au evidence that they have passed from "the little old fashioned college" into the broader University life. On Iho other hand Columbia Is iigita ting the revival ol the Cap and down going backwaid several centuries Instead ol pi ogrossing with Iho rest of the cdu cattotud world. Leavlngout all discussion concerning the questionable utility of tho fashion of wearing gowns, the fact that it Is an old dead and gone practice long ago laid aside with other college customs, is sulllcieut evidence against lis advisability in the present age. It had its day and au attempt to revive ll now is simply foolish and absurd. There are ninely-soveu Colleges, Acade mies and institutions, in this country, in which Ihe sexes aro educated together just too many. Ala. Univ. .Utmthlu. Precisely ouisonllinonts. Owl. And emphatically ows.Xiayara I minx. Behold, how good and pleasant It is for Hut a picnic conducted on strictly calculable amount of harm in their well- j brethren to dwell together in unity! his American principles is au entirely differ, meant clfort to do good and one of your ,jst a little comical to see what wonder- .tupid-sinccro people can do nearly as , fl unanimity of sentiment against co-ed- much harm as downright sin. ucallon, there is among the '-Ojllogos ners. Of Ibis class are very apt lo be ' Academies aud Institutions" which have those students who have "an Object in never tried the experiment. Those that life" aud who make that mysterious "ob-! have, take It as a matter of course and not celebrate the pruisos of " lovely Mel. micholy." Since practice and theory, as often happens, did not go hand in hand wo need scarce hesitate to class him among the devotees of Mirth. Kuripidca may bo cited to give a still man- ancient testimony indirectly in our fit or. For though ho declares 01 nil tho (Ircimii of IiIIkk thorn urn Not lo ho horn U bent by fur, lie immediately adds as a sort of half-way consolation, Noxl bent, by far the bmt for mini. TO itpuutl W fllMl lH HH'('(l hit fHII, which advice. wo, of Iho present age, aro ers to their place of torture. It is sure to rain or be so hot thai it is an exertion to breathe. Speeches and tlirtatlons aro tho order of the day. When did an American citizen ever think a speech superfluous? What American girl could resist the tuinntalioii of a nubile tlirlation? And 1 so the day passes, eacli one, at nigh I, con Isoienllously trying to persuade himself ject" a very Moloch to whom they oiler up all that is joyous and pleasant in life. They condemn all amusements as frivo. Ions and vain and there is a visible "Thank God 1 am not as other men" on their fa ces if there is chance mention of billiards, croquet, cards, or dancing, in their pros- would never dream that it could be a question of dispute, if itjvere not for of ficious outsiders. The Nation thinks that uudcr.gradu atcs have nothing to say which an audi ence would care to hear for its own sako atul therefore decides that 1. 0. L. contests. ence. They condemn them on Ihe worst ( imJ ,,,,-y facilities for the dovelopoment possible grounds simply through igno. vauce. They have heard other people ex. press their holy horror at. these "instru. meats of the devil" aud they follow suit with n sort of a martyr-llke spirit. A , great many of us prldo ourselves upon be- tlutt ho has enjoyed it. Saint and sinner, priest and penitent; ing martyrs. I hey do not know, or they alike discover tho need of some outlet of forget, that the evil in these things lies in thai superlluous .animation which if ro-1 Ihe association wholly, and that the sooner . . i .1.. .1. ...... ..,.,'..... .... ! tlimr mid nil tlu iktliin inwiil mmilit of tint pressed renew in lummy ui'-Ht-ssuui, m : ". " - o- i--1--- tindoublodly pulling Into practice, though bronks out, at last, in deeds of violence ( world band together to redeem them from iirobubly with our characteristic irrovor. ,wi nisitiiitv. What is more evident lltan taee for the authority. It has been said ( tmt it is well to give it outlets which are of us so often as lo have become a trite Sllc ,uUi pleasant? Humanity craves ex. Aphorism, that wo as Americans have no i eitement. It is a positive necessity to tho liiiio for enjoyment. We aro so immersed i well-being of each one. But everything and overwhelmed la business as to leave ' ,miv j0 uhnsed. Therefore tho less harm- no leisure for pleasure. The truth lies in!j our uinusomoats are, tho better. There a nutshell. Wo do not know what enjoy their evil associations, the belter il will be for them, and nil concerned. Wo have but few of that class of stu dents among us licit' and hope to reform the few we have. The faculty bind us with no rules. If ,wc get our lessons and keep out of the saloons they care very little ment itself is. Wo have limo and wo take time enough for what we call amusement but it is uo moro tho real thing than our vile decoction of logwood and alum is the old Faleriau whoso praises Horace was wonl to celebrate. ..1- .. i .iKaiiI miflitil ll' (1 Jtf 1wiltliJil t1wllilt tltkt is no doubt thai Happiness is giviuiy pro-, - - ..-.v ...w..ft.. ....... molivo of good morals. Thai keen and i did not. succeed in that, so for as the girls practical philosopher, Becky Sharpo, re-1 were concerned, during the Crusade. And murks with her accustomed shrewdness, ' thereby they show their wisdom, for the ti.ut inmniness and success go a great way , liberty is acknowledged as our right and 'towards making people passably good, so is seldom abused. We may dance, play Wo find the larger part ot our nappi. i-nii'iu-i ". s -.. o .m.- The difllcultv Is that instead of makinir ..., t. ... amusements. If wo can goi , theatre, but rarely to the detriment of our oar work, play, wo make our play, work. UWHy for a while from ..ur work and los lessons. Ix-sh often is Ibis the ease per Witness our national game as an example. ;oUr0aresand ourselves in lliu pleasure of, haps, than if these things were strictly We make a settled business of getting tl0 l0iu- it is a very good thing and one , forbidden. happiness as we do of getting money aud ' which by all means wo ought to do. But i like any other capricious daiasol, the more iKJi-UJigaiu la our question In morals. IT.CMS KOITORIAL AND OTHER. wo will, tho more sho won't. Wo havonot , yyull su our amusements be? Wo' J yet reached the conception thai It may bo i imv n groat deal about stealing the livery Pennsylvania claims to have tho largest wall for 0f imuvoii to servo tho deil in, but the namucr 0r bcIiooIb of any suite in the Union. Sho has 10,305. The number of colleges in this country is 822. Prof. Shaler will open i. Summor-School of Geology at Cumberland Gap, Ken. tucky, on the first of July. Its pupils are limited to twenty-five and the manage ment will be upon tlie plan of that at belter to sit down qulotly and liupnlaoss to coiuo lu its own good time 1 0ihiu hlo of iho shield Is seldom present but wo must rush around la frantic search ' 0lit Why do wo not boldly take tho livery with a sort of consolatory fooling that Lf tn0 tieVll und consecrate it to the ser vice of Heivveu ? There is a great ueaioi it that need it. It may he Unit this would tnko away tholr zeat and liuinnn ingenuity .....M ImtnnillAtelv 80t itSOlf ttbOUt lu. veatiiiK now sluu to be forbidden., ut V.B,"'1o. . . .... 1. il,Mani I'Oarfl lutlflt- even if wo do aot find it wo are, at least, doing our duly. And " duty " i nch a atisfactloi to tho American heart I Au an instance of this, take that peculiarly Allcrtrun tiiutttntlmi 11 nlp-Iilfi. NrtW. to be perfectly, .enjoyable, it -pfe-nlc ahould be ;Uie wcd,!.! yVws , wustj neke.. of "fluency and assurance." Undoubted ly most of us already have enough of that -more perhaps than wo will have in after days when the rubs and knocks of actual life have taken some of tho conceit out of us. But, surely, out of the thousands of" young men and women who throng our Colleges and Universities there aro. half-a-do.oa who "have something to say.". What, are Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Wil liams and others doing what have they been doing all those long years since tholr founding, if thoy cinnol now, setting: aside natural abilities, furnish culture ancl thought that would "interest for its own sake?" Vassar, Holyokc, Ami Arbor and Oborlia ought to furnish, by thlui Unto, something of worth. We dont want. 'sweet girl graduates" of seventeen, froia them, or half-fledged boys of twenty from' other colleges, no one claims they hnvo anything to say worth tho hearing but. cultured men and women worthy to stand side by side on the platform and present. the results of their study and self-uisoi plino, as something Mint is worthy for its own sake. This, we contend, tho I. 0. L. contests will in time show us, aad if the Xation not wish to see and hear so much "fluency aad nssurnuee," let it stay at home ad growl nt a distance. By way of reparation for -his "heresy of the prayer gunge, Prof. Tyndall has hi." vented a fireman's lint in which life Is snfo for half nn hour in au Atmosphere- whtcli" ' could act bo endured otherwise for hidf a minute. President Robinson, of the New Hamp shire Seminary and Female College,. oji. in press a work entitled, Infidiiy 4:., attend whether copcluaively andforver,., anpwered ian.oj stated..!. ..'' . ;,. .,jj ..... 'jr-SM. i "