Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, April 01, 1875, Page 4, Image 4

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sorting to Homo modern invention In llousoom very strange, Hint ninn 1ms boon
thereof: tudo inile-societii'H, ehurciMcsii-1 crouton wiin so many joyous or iiiiruuui
vals and Aulhor-curdB from which lor
lures may merciful heaven preserve us I
No v there is some real pleasure and a
EuiTOIl-IN-OIIIKK, G. 10. lloWAIll).
Ashooiatk Hditoii and Rkvikwkii,
Emma L. Williams.
Local, ... W. A. MoAllihtkii.
Luoiuh B.Cmmcii, Business Manager.
game of genuine cards, but "Authors!" If
there is any virtue at all in thai sublor.
' luge, it must be the amount of christian
' patience and lortltude required to carry
, one through a game wllhoul profanity.
Deacon B. considers the game of bil
Iiropensltics, so many desires for pleasure,
and yet he must engage Ills entire force
of will In sliding tbein fullering the
chance for exhibition of skill in a quiet '"old man, Allium" thai an Omniclont,
and All merciful Creator should (111 the
world with so many facilities and oppor
tunilles for festivity and pleasure, and lit
man to dcsii'c and enjoy them with a keen
relish, and yet ho Is not left free to choose
thai which suits Ills own palate hesi, but
1 copy per college year - - $1.00.
1 " six months .... O.fiO.
Single copy 0.10.
1 column one i.i.strlion . - .$'1.00.
3 squares " " 1.00.
1 " " " .:JiS.
liards, oven in the private parlor, a "sinful must Martini all but the most insipid?)
amusement;" but croquet is perfectly or-, i Hose amusements the popularity ot
thodox, notwithstanding the Tact that the , which attest that they are the choicest,
llrsl is a graceful, and Intensely iutorestiii , must bo abhorred as unholy,
game, requiring a surprising degree ofj It is our private opinion that there is
mathematical skill, perfectly trained inns- ,i screw loose somewhere. Herbert Spen.
cles, and a practiced eye, while the latter Cer, in his Genesis of Superstitions, lias
is attended with dust, blisters, round admirably shown the origin of manv of
shoulders, and a Min-burncd and freckled H' cherished fallacies and bug-bours in
complexion. In fact we have not livcfimo j irla to which many good people still
educated up toa sulllcienlly rellned stand- tenaciously cling. The superstitious ills-
ard of morals, to understand why the an- .crimination in minor morals, we have at
thorities of our institutions of
fault which he should guard against In
future. Ills oration was well received
Mr. Hardy recited the "Flying Ma
chine" in a style we have never seen ex.
celled, lie is a decided success in thin
style of recitation, and should develop hH
talent. Miss Frost's essay was elegantly
written and replete w ith thought, but rath
or imperfectly read.
Mr. Martin's oration was an anomaly.
The geometrical definition of a lino
would describe it, perhaps, as w
as anything original we could devise,
though the breadth would have been
more apparent, had it been contracted to
about one tenth Its length. It certainly
showed a weakness or else an amazing
sight of cheek on I he part of the speaker,
to impose a rambling, extemporaneous
speech of thirty. live minutes, on an iiino.
cent and unsuspecting audience, who had
come out in search of pleasure and amuse.
incut. We imairine the Christian fm-n.
ritiesof our Institutions of learning tempted to illustrate, might be explained I tude of the President of the Adelphinn
jre are a few exceptions) do not furnish j in much the same way. Churchmen in society was put to a severe test, judging
billiard rooms for the use ol the shutouts. "" anxiety 10 rcuucouii tilings id urcou. from the nlav of emotion noon hU .v
.base ball, foot ball, cricket, etc., are al- ,livf attempted to prescribe dogmas uml i preanlvc features, during the irjing or
t's"!uo uXvwHlTy! ' 1,nml ,m(1 u"0'r"S1 llt t,, expense of tenet to control the actions of all men in j del ,,y muny) tht gcll,0Illllll.a MlIjJl.ct
tM0 , uroKcn iiiiiiw, injured liealtli, and even , manors, which, in our opinion, oacn man ; w:l8 considered entirely out of place, but
or. the sinful practice of betting, m much 1 1 only competent to decide for himsulf. j wc uro llot piopuiud to rule any literary
All nrtlcloM Tor publication
Kdltor IIkwi-kiuan Studknt, Statu Uiitvurnlty
Lincoln Nubrnakn. All HUbfi-rlptlone, with
addruaa, Rlumlil bo Hunt to tliu lliif-lnosH Manager,
Subscriptions collected invariably In advnncu. dreaded in connection with some other .This or that pleasure Is interdicted, be-
.AUYeriiHcnimua couucU'U montniy.
production out ot older, or any respcota.
ble subject, ponulur or immilur. which
. . . .... i t ... i . . . . 1
v good brother Irom (lie rural districts , may oe mane ine agenioi vice, nils up- i,ua library merit, and his remarks con.
.cause you say the association is bad, it
ItlllK III! tllllilii tlwi lit it( a.!.. IM.t . ....
..uusiYJiijtijiMAiiHi. was terribly shocked when his pastor pears to be a very weak argument indeed. tallied some stray ideas, though imper.
rimination in morals Is lnsed , '''Wed'' horses, in order to obtain an , Vou tacitly acknowledge that the amuse rcctly expressed; but wo' do object toa
s ..Ithur nm.n hvimpruV m- unl,1,:l1 t,,ttl wouUl 8erva ,,i8 lwrlw bet. ( et is innocent of itself: , it is merely I man's calling au extemporaneous talk , un
? IIiIlMnlUUiiK may be a!lt'r- "Ul U,U s0,ul mu" tl".uight U ,l dln I tl,C U8e,,0.wh,oh il mlht bo Pl wbih oration. Every sentence of au oration
hematics and WI"U0VUI l" ,xcmins1' " uusneis ot u.ii.8.a.iiiuwmii-iiiiiiiiiii. uu you re- should be carefully studied, and expressed
mm. i,. .,,.. whcat w,th ll ,",fcr,luor to ob"'ll letter fiwe to learn (he us. of the fowling piece, n th(. 8troiitjosl and most elegant word
dial is riirlit ' qU ly rr st'c(1",' "r ,u barU'r his bu,,t'r Ucci,ll8e m " '"omont ol despair or anger llt one's commund. Whut right have you
nnooently in. nud ss for 8Ufc',u" u,ul tt''1, yU IUUy conimU 8l,lcWui or murrtor some I to lwIm off u careless, slipshod concern
Nice disc
In most cases
superstition, itair-spiiiiiiig may
very good thing in logic, mathematics and
metaphysics, but when you come to mor
als, the decision between w
or wrong, what may be Innocently
A Quaker friend scorns the empty fash. 0,,(i else?
as a literary production, when you are
il ttl nn 1 1 n.l tiili iit .. .L 1. ....! V
opinion, this delicate orocess is entirelv I m f UlC d. but l ,w V,lin of his ' Su,!h fld,i"S. is the most etVeclual I Clipnbie of aomi!,hlng hotter? If you are
- , " , oroad-ori
quisite of hi
of his tilth and his tub,
and drab coat, as a city ex-1 ""cans, of moulding weak and unstable tlUsJ cpablo, it is an open Insult to your
is Fails cut suit, or Diogenes luuacters. Would it not bo wiser to society iind to your audience to present
mil his tub, tench the child to choose virtue, or slum imvthinir of inferior miiilitv tnkinir tl.no
In our more depraved moments, we i vlco t)e'' ' To compel the child to shun i ,.nii clrouiiiatnncu into account. When
iKlit and wroi I l,KV s(,,U(!,lm('s ,l(,u,l whether a man Iniioconl pleasure, because it might lead ' tuoy Iire unfnvorable sav nothiug at all.
learly conceived I Ami roalli'enJi' religion, who makes ach ' l,) vil, is to furish him witli an excuse i Youmust have it vast amount of assuranco
i make nice di :Sabb,,tl1 ll,ore irks,,'! "" '' April ready-made, for going to the bad, when ' uml stf.0steem, or you would see that
out of place
No, you are entirely mistaken, we are i
not at all tiuctured with Olajlininm. This
ideals all that wo wish to illustrate, the
dividing line between rig!
should be so brond and c
tti ttitl .iiwi'a tttiiii) ao tn
crimination unnecessary. Nowthisisby 9bl''S''y 'or his children by forbid. , re and desire do beguUe him into you arc riliklng yuUrow.i reputation, fro
moih niiici U,"B" imium "iniii Him Hiuusoineiu, '"""!'""'"' a "- " ' the comnnrlMUi of vour production wi
no means admitting that all persons must
claim an "extension" of tlio .-i one line of
rectitude, nor that you can draw the line
for us, or wo for you, except on general
It is not our intention, in this note, to
revise or review the whole code of morals.
We shall content ourselves with a brief"
glance at iidiiib of, the minor allairs of
every-day life; as, for example, its festivi
ties, games, and other amusements. i
Some people are so excessively good '
and so devo.utly orthodox borrowing
their ideas of the correct tiling in morals -and
religion, or course, from some holy .
father gone before tlmltho dilemmas they ,
fall into, in the strife between allegiance
to their creed, the ll;sh and the devil, are
really amusing.
The dodges and makeshifts rosortud to ,
by many t OAtract a little natural pleas
ure and enjoyment from this world, with,
out violating some orthodox tenet or su-'
peptitiou, are ludicrous and pitiable. If j
a game or amusement of any kind is in.
dulgcd in, it is nol the genuine one,
parihon ol your pr
those of other performers.
It is.to.be hoped. .that tho society will
continue to give these public entertain
or who tills their little hearts with sorrow 0 ,liey will
and disappointment, by never allowing t
them to attend a circus or menagerie, or i The recent entertainment given by the
by leaving their little stockings empty on Adclphian Society was, on the average, ; muntfl but Io, pilal m5stake, lwlll to m
Christmas or New Year, when Santa "rcditable and enjoyable affair. Hut it provimeiit in the future.
Cuius is so ardently hoped for, but who, i was by no means satisfactory in all re.
nevertheless, "comes down" regultuly spools. Many of the orators and essay
with a liberal "quarterage," or subscribes ita spone very indistinctly. If you want
heavily for the conversion of the heathen, .to tantalize your audience, and create a
All games of chance are forbidden as 'reputation for yourself as a first-class he
amusements. If you demand a reason, !', "speak your speech" in a thin voice,
you are promptly informed that thoy arc ld with thick indistinct enunciation,
the devil's playthings. Granted; but Mr. Simmons deserves great credit for
where will you cease to discriminate? ! tl manner in which he delivered his reci-
What kind of knowledge has not boon .talion. His personation is good, the chief I
perverted in its use by man?
knowledge of Scrip r-precepts lias of.
which thev would so muni, ilk., i.. ..i... ; " ""V wiii squituiior inoir lortunes in
but they must resort to some wretched VU ?'1 ft 2'20 trOlt0r? You "Uist havo a
substitute, unpalatable and insipid, ho. gffKeal of faith ia tho virtue and sta.
cause all the virtu and flavor w h,. i b,,uy ot cwctar of your daughter, to
Dost tlioti think bocniiHo thou art lrtuoiix, tlicfi
mIi ul I bo no more cakua and ulu?
Every mortal of us all has his portion
of what Jeremy Taylor quaintly calls the
"festival spirit." A upirit which irresis
tibly urges us to bid dull care begone, and
w.., V..V .I1V1 , ,... .!...( ly. .........V... ... .It.. 'PI...
Kven the .element ol oratory. ,. . , ... . o , , . .
Mr. Lamberton's Parody was well writ-, " ,.'::' V' . ,r "" ':l
tnn. in .... -.vil 1..u.r I. .....I.. .1 , 'Ikii u.l wllli. A.SH.,.1 ..l, I !.. rt.... ol,,u,. """ '" "ul I"" l "' ,,",n'" " "" ""
of committing the worst sins. Tho On passages. Both of the gentlemen last ol H S T. vX! L !i ''."!.
pel robes and vernacular frequently con. named can improve in their articulation. Hlnco Indeed
1 he eflect of many of their funniest pas- ti lmKht 1U( mirti,
sages was impaired by a loo hurried and That ktopn tho bmty rrom tim earth,
indistinct utterance just at tho point. '"'hnrles Lamb, when ho went out on what
Mr. Wilson's oration was a sound and i he was pleased to facetiously term a
logical production, delivered tn tho beat I ' gautl'," (uml if ever festivities were in-
stylo, perhaps, of any oration of the eve. . nocont, surely those of poor Ella wero)t
ceal avarice, blotb, hypocrisy and lust
Do you prohibit your children from be
coming accomplished horsemen, because
theic is danger, either from their love of
tho accomplishment, or the animal,
strained out of it. Instead of dancing
or pfavltift'-caras; thoy, like little chlldiert,
play that they play cards' tiahi;c,-by &
game of whist, she wlU eventually dovol-
i?y iuvu n jirtu-uiiiHtt guilipier. .
Does It not sorac'tinies puzzle yHi 'aJid
nlng; though the oration of Mr. Rhodes
was equally pleasing and well written,
out delivered in not quite so clear a voice,
suppose, that, because she can play a Mr. Culbertson's oration was one of the
best productions of tho oveblng, but a
hesitation and frcauent ren.'tUlnii nr .,
traces on' the part of the upcakor was a
clearly obeyed the impulses of this spirit
Even Solomon, most staid of moralists,
recognized its existence when ho smiled up
on tho time to bo merry, aud Hilton, most
ascetic of poets, celebrates, in his inlmU
table L'Allegro,
8port tUt wtakMemierMM.. .
Anil LaMghtt r kotdl&g feofti M mam,