i...liiiU,.i!.jiyii wywA I Ac;4W THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. ix&fixmM I3t legislature. In order Unit wo may clearly uiiilcrstnud tho rulntlvo roproson. lalinn, of tho various profusions, wo will glvo tho following schedule, showing tho number of representatives from tho vari ous occupations. Iloust:. Fanners, 10: Lawyers, 7; Mci chants, ft; Real Estate, ft; Oiw Co. Supts., 9; Millers, S; Carpenters, 2; Editors, I; Ministers, 1; Bankers, t; Watchmakers, t. Total 511). SltX.VTK. Labors, !: Farmers, ft; Physicians, t ; Slock Growers, t: Smelters, 1; , 1. Total 1:1. It will he seen from the foregoing table, Hint hut sixteen, out of the thirly-nino members of the House, aro fanners, which could certainly have given them no ma jority in any direct Issue, even If they Itiul wished for it; while of tho thirteen Senators six are lawyers and only three funnel- Thus of the whole- number of rqiieseiilutivcs, fifty-two in all, nineteen are fanners and thirteen are lawyers. And farther, we are credibly Informed that not mure than seven, out of tho fifty -two, are Grangers. While the limners have the We little expected when wo made tho statement Just quoted by our critic, that It would call forth so llerco a rejoinder, yet It was not made hastily, nor without knowledge of all it linpllod. Wo have not space nor Inclination to enter Into an extended argument on the Grunge quus Hon. A brief reason for "the hope within us" must suniee. The Grantors heretofore have stronu ously denied that they were In any sense u political organization. Ostensibly they, probably, were not. Politics may not have entered into the programme nor the discussions of their meetings; but in real ity they hiwo exerted a mighty iniluenee over the politics of the West, and this in lluence, we are firmly convinced, has not been for tho best welfare of the country at large. Whether, as a body, thoy in tended to exert this Influence- or not makes subserved at all hazards. The good poo. pie must be hoodwinked by wholesale economy somewhere else. The schools were attacked because, taking the income from thopermuinont fund, which cost the people nothing, to lighten direct taxation, looked like economy. Hut It was not econ. omy. It was an outrageous Injustice to the youth of tho Stale, and in the end no diminution of the burder of taxation. The Grangers may have been innocent causes of all this. If thoy were, let them rectify it by their votes in future. Our Stale is not the only one whose ed. ucationul Interests have sullcrod from the iniluenee of the Grange clement. The same element has materially damaged tho educational system of Illinois, while the ads of her past legislature, tho most cor rupt In her history, arc notoriously infa mous. And the political Influence of thu not a particle of dill'ereneo, tho fact is the I Grange has been greater in Illinois than same. Toe Grangers, as our critic very emphatically observes, are the professed anywhere else. Id). Universities. The lament is often uttered over the enemies of monopolies, especially rail road monopolies. Yet from the nature of i I Iiiii i' Miirtmt'Stittfiii lluii Ittntit itMtiti.il .. I nmv ,iiiifrl,l.'n,.l,r! ..,.iiii....i i H..u- , Amerk'iin University that it is inferior to greatest number of representatives, yet wojuml olllce seeking demagogues, in whieh, l!,,u . E"fc',,!,!,.,r M' t,l,MC",1 8i'8.um of oipitii. Now, Mr. Editor, will you in the face of these facts call it "Granger Legisla tionv'' You charge the Grangers with doing that which they were utterly mi able to do. Are you not just a little in consistent, in blaming them for subsidiz ing rail roads, when you must know with what hostility they have always opposed Mich subsidies. Neither is it probable that since thev are aroused to their own interests, they are seeking to destroy their i witness the regulation of rail-road tariff, ojily hope of final success the public school system. On the contrary, the Grangers are avail ing themselves of every educational ad vantage within their reach, and at the same time they are striving to increase their facilities for practical education by nil honorable means. The time has now of our past Legislature were, in a great come when the laboring classes vill no J measure, due to the influence of tho longer submit, unneard, to the biased die- Grange element in the State, was incor taction of (heir more cxaltedf?) brethren irect. On the contrary, his statement iiioi iw.....ii r...... i. -ii ... . ii ! u. in in ii nut uiiiMi omei s experience passed their course of University training.. That it may bo seen how deeply this rog. illation strikes Into national life, observe what would be the effect of laws like the following. No teacher in aiiy academy orgrammar school shall be employed who has not passed through tho full public school course and finished with the College and received a College degree. No ono can be admitted to sit on the bench or prac tice at tho bar or practice medicine or bo employed In the public schools of tho State unless he has received the degree of A. 13. or B. S from a Stale University. Nor shall any one be elected to any olllce of the state, or receive any appointment in the civil .service of the country unless a graduate of a University recognized by tho state. Now such are substantially the requirinenls of tho German states in order loonier on any of the cervices In the professions or slate employments. Such a system would be impincliblu in this country, for public sentiment has not yet recognized any special value in such training in order to lit men for public life. Indeed, I might go furtliei and say thai practice is held by the majority as of more value than theory, and hence large" culture is believed by many to bo an ob stacle rather than an aid in the practical a flairs of life. Hence also the complaint that American Colleges are requiring too much and especially that they do not leach enough of the technics of tho vari ous professions and arts. Until we have a different and better public sentiment it will be impossible to have the German System of Universities. 51. There is no University In America thai aims to accomplish what the German Universities propose. Our Universities are collections of Colleges, each college having some special subject of culture, as Literature and Science, or Agriculture, Mechanics, Arts, Law, or Medicine. In Germany the University will admit, only those to its classes who have already ro coived the Bachelor's degree from some Institution under state control. Within the last few years there have been vigor ous attempts made to establish a. national University-which shaU- sustain the. same relation to tho various Colleges of this country as the Universities of German' do to the gymnasia of that country. At pres ent the undoi taking does not promise iri-.!i t KIIPPI'SS Tlil Il'lllnllev nf ar mn ,C votes. We do not care to enquire whether ... ... ..... n.,;,,,, ,..., ., :., ! iiiniililur instiiiitlons of iln noiim n,i .III .IV .V...W.., ... - 0 - -J ...... . J.I 1 . ." ; ine uiHiiiLsun uiiiuiuiu governmental con. troli for tho moment seem to naralvza .all lung in eflbrt in this behalf. For even this Unl. secondary ' versily, faintly modeled after the German venture the assertion that farmers, as a during the lasl two years, they have class, have the leasl representation per re iped a bountiful harvest, at the expense of their benefactors tho Grangers. This class of politicians, of which Nebraska has an ample supply, have laken up a new an I significant battle-cry' Economy, and Down with MoNoroi.iKb! while they have exchanged kid gloves and perfumery for the horny palm and hay-seed cos metics. The way they have attempted to crush monopolies is certainly unique, and not at all dismaying to railroad stock-holders by the Legislature of Illinois, for which piece of economy, Ihe good fanners of Iowa and Nebraska have paid dearly. Now, although we have carefully stu died he statistics of our critic we arc not at all persuaded that our statement, that the blunders and mis-directed economy urope. whenever the comparison is made between our Universities and those abroad, our work is disparaged and its I real excellencies overlooked. The quos I lion is often raised, why can we not have a University organization like that of; (il'l'lllllliV in M'llil'll till' irl'iinlnct tluu-miirli I ." - -e- ..... g,..- ness and system in instruction are pre scribed and enforced by the state. In this country everything is left to the ca price of each corporation, bolh as to the courses .of stud', and the extent to which they shall be pursued ; and hence diplomas, and other evidences of scholarship have no fixed orstandard value. After all th ithas been said, I believe il will be found that our College system is better for Americans, than would be the German system, If It could be transplant ed entire to our country. No doubt there are many excellencies belonging to the German system of Universities that might well be imitated in Ibis country, but ta ken as a whole, as the outgrowth of their national life, and meeting their pi o iliur national wants, it would boa violent dis- It i in Ilia Grange alone, that mar.y of shows us plainly, that this element had a ; lilC(.muIlt l() ,ocal0 thtll 8 .8tum ()f Clllicn. lie inhabitants of tho rural and sparse! v heavy bi.luneo of power in the Legisla- 'J. . ouj. jju)(j ...painted districts ofll.o West are brought ' ture.' Iiut we did not intend to assert that , l". ,.,, " fimisi(lm,;,i1)lls ...,.,..,. n I. ...n4t !!.!. .At -- i . . !. .1 1 iii.i'w C V ..,; .. isiiereinaiiueyuoriveamu- any measure was ca.r.ou uy uumgui , lm imi)rnc,lcaulHty, for the pros it Is here that they discuss questions of. a single member of the order occupied a . (oulll.v connomy mid equity; and we may add 'sent in the last legislature. This is not, j,, Uie German system ovcrytl that wL'beliovoil is here that fanning will the point at Issue. But wcdoasert, with- t, ' rmiirv sciloi lllu the sec m- muni.- iionoraDie ami the most indepon- out learoi (onirauicuoii, nun was mc , h(,,1()0j jnlrts ., I() tii University by care-' system, we aic compelled to wait. hut of all professions, in fact as well as direct influence of this order which . .,,...' i.mt,.a ti.)S h, order to do this I While we cannot roproduce in. this In theory. "God speed the day.' j prompted the policy of many of Urn lend-, "' " .... ..j. ' " orecl C0Il,ri ovor c'm,!,r-' ,1 mi mUch VUmU fWT as '! ; in i i , "". ...it it AVMi Hie State must nac puitu conuoi oti whole, still there are special features of Hut if, while bringing about this much Ing members of the Legislature. A I13 gy8t(,n ()f instruction. While excellence which we would do well to i.n- needed reform, they should sometimes those fearful throes and spasms of econo- ...,,.... u vrv attractive, and cm. Hate, and which may bo considered here- nut? -"-.i - w .(.. . make mlslakes, let us not censure too so- "O'i wn3' those sighs and groans over 1m vercly.bul remember errare humumnn cut. 'aginary corruption, on the part of nioii And above all, let us not arraign them for known to b corrupt, and eager to grasp an ollonse which the have never com niltled Lot us not denounce them as numskulls because they are unable to cope with veteran tricksters, in a polluted sys torn of vicious politics, but give them time to improve by practice, and to profit by experience. You havo enumerated tho short-coinings of thc'Logislaturo and havo prognostic, ted tho final result., and then you havo pointed to the Grangers-as tho cause of all this: Why do you not point to the in fluciitinl1 member, a lawyer by profession, who rose in his place and openly advoca ted the abolition of tho Whole free school system." ' ' H.H 'W the public treasure? Why did they cm tail all appropriations for the support of our higher institutions of learning, and rob the children of. the revenue for the support of common schools? It was done to establish a commendable reputa tion for virtue and economy in tho oyes of the farmers. Why did they not attack tho railroad corporations? Because under tho cir cumstances it would not have been to their advantage, either in a pecuniary or political point of view. Two great pow era were to bo propitiated tho Grangers and the 'railroads, the' oii6 representing YOtca, tiro otlronnbnoy. Capital must be be enforced where the spirit of absolutism partially prevails, in this country such a plan would of necessity bo held within stringent limits. It is regarded by some ablo educators quite nonnational to com pel the education of all in the primary school, and Ihe more would this be resist ed if enforcement should be required in tho higher schools. Wo can do much to harmonize all grades of schoojs, to savo waste of time and labor, b'ut until the state asserts greater control than it now seems likely to do, we niay not soon look for the. introduction of tho continental system of Europe iato this country. 2. In tho ne.t place, the professions and tho'civll service, pf tho German states can only bo ouleicd .bJsVcU'.afl have A. 11. B. (For tho Hcspoifnn Sttulont.) Honi) mid Trust. H.v A. A. C. , Whuti'vor cares ninytlieu nsall, Look for a bright tomorrow; 'TIb butfur fur to live iu'hopo, - Thau spend thy days in sorrow. Tho path of Ufa le dark enough, However yon may vlow ft; It Hiirely then wero wiser far, With brlghost llowors to utrow It. What if tho world should scorn unkind, And honor theo but slightly; More costly is a virtuous mind, Than gems that shlno most brj;litly. Thou tread tho path that Proyldonoo . lias placed boforo thy vision Accept Its joyp wfth gratitude, Its sorrows with submission. ' " i 1 $ 1 11 i f!