THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. 1 I r r' HESPERIAN STUDENT, 1'UULIsllhD MON'UIL JIYT1IK HESPERIAN STUDENT PUBLISH ING ASSOCIATION OK TUB M:itKVSKA UXIVI3KH1TY. EuiTOH-IN-CHIKK, 0. E. IIOWAHI). AsSOOIATK ElHTOU AM) RKVIKWBK, Emma L. Williams. Local, .... Amos. E. Gantt. Ed. P. Hoi.mkh, lousiness Manager. TERMS FOR SUBSCRIPTION. 1 copy per college year - - $1.00. 1 " six months .... 0.50. Single copy 0.10. TERMS OP ADVERTISING. 1 column one insertion - - $4.00. 3t-quare3 " " 1.00. 1 " " " .35. All articles for publication should bo addressed Editor IIesi'Eihan Student, Statu University. Lincoln Nebraska. All subscriptions, with thu address, should be sunt to the Business Manager. Subscriptions collected invariably in advance. Advert Nunents collected monthly. OUR LEGISI.TlE ECONOMY. Hear me. j u venerable core, An couuse! for poor mortals, That frequent pas s douce Wisdom's door Forglalkit Folly's portals 1 I, for their thoughtless careless sakci Would here propone defences, Thrir don-le tricks, their black mistakes. Their fulling-; and mischances. llobtrt Burnt. If you would understand the pretext for ionic of the strange freaks of our present Legislature, whose session has just closed, " go to the grasshopper, thou sluggard, con. sider her ways and he wise." The bonajxde 'reason therefor could not, in all cases, be to easily discovered. It is frequently the case, the great misfortunes and calamities of states and nations, which over-ruling Providence sees fit to inflict upon them, the attempted rem euy only hastens the catastrophe. Nebraska has been sorely afflicted, doubt less on account of her sins, and a proud spirit that goes before a fall. Her woes have excited the sympathy of the whole sisterhood of suitys; und.that her sufferings are real, is too apparent for contradiction. The people looked forward, with earnest and childlike confidence, to her legislature to lighten their burdens, and till their de pletcd larders and granaries. "We United States folks always look to our legislators for the remedy of every evil which public flesh is heir to. Our legislative chamber are our great apothecary shop, and our statutes our standand prescription books. Far be it from our purpose to insinuate that the poor people, in the present, or in most eases, have been the victims of mis placed confidence. But we fear the hum ble, but excessively industrious grasshop. pur would be wonderfully amazed could he gain a clear conception of the remarkable spasms of economy which, on account of his playful meanderings, have convulsed our legislative body corporeal. Whether the remedies, which have been prescribed for our troubles, will eventually prove to be greater evils than the afflictions them selves, facts will indicate, and time reveal, possibly, to the cost of some of our would. e economists. Many of our new-lledged Solons and tyro statesmen came to the Capi tol chock full of virtue, with "economy., written in unmistakable characters upon their stern features. They fully expected to llnd every State olllcial, from the highest to the lowest, and every poor olllcial tip. pointee with his hands up to the elbows In the public treasury. They had stulled their mental nostrils with metaphorical cotton, lest the festers and public corrup tion, which they fully believed to exist, and I which they irould diteorer whether or no, 'should sicken their sensitive stomachs. How our ears yet revcrlien'te with the elo- quenl ami virtuous appeals, "to guard the treasury at all hazards," when a few dollars were asked to aid an institution of learning, or to extend the cause of popular educa tion! What fiery denunciations, what scathing vituperations were heaped upon the heads of good men, unjustly and with out proof charged with corruption by men whose prurient hands were eager to clutch the public bounty! Every citizen of our State has just rea son to be proud of our advancement and standing in popular education. These 'advantages for securing an education to i their children, even in the far western por- tions of the State, have been the greatest in j ducement to immigration Thu inhabitants of our western counties are poor, mostly homesteaders. Our State school fund has been a rich blessing to them. From actual statistics, it is shown that nearly two thirds of the school districts of the State, and nearly all of the western districts, are whol ly dependent upon the State aid for the support of schools. Were this fund sud denly cut off, many of these districts must close school for one or two years at least ; and in the west, where there is little prop erty subject to taxation, for an indefinite period. Is this, then, the place for retrench ment? Does not our intelligence and in tellectual development imperatively de mand, that our school fund should remain inviolate, as the constitution requires, that the advantages of education may not be de nied the youth of the State? It would seem to an ordinary common-sense thinker, that now, more than ever before, does the West need the aid of the State school fund. She can no more do without schools, than she can do without grain and clothing. And it d-cs seem that some plan might be devised, in this civilized age, by which neither would be necessary. But we are not a political economist, as are our honor able legislators. They have seen proper to appropriate about $80,000 from our annual school revenue to defray the general ex pensesof the State! .Must the West ex change her school privileges for bread? Surely such u necessity should not exist i in our great Nation. And it does tut exist. Such an economy is only worthy of the dark ages. But our legislators were con sistent. On the very day the above retrench ment ( ?) was cllectcd, they appropriated an immense and extravagant sum one mill on the assessable property of the State for the completion of the State Penitentiary. What remarkable prescience! That astute body, in its wisdom, pluinly foresaw that the more they crippled the cause of educa tion, the more need would they have of a commodious penitentiary. The Logiila ture could relievo, with heroic fortitude, the burdened people, groaning under heavy taxes, by rel..:,j to allow the State Supt. of Schools a single dollar for postage, stationery, travelling expenses, oflice expenses, &c, requiring the appal ling sura of, perhaps, six or eight hun. dred dollars, thus destroying the whole clllclcney of the State department of edu cation. They could also appropriate twenty-five thousand dollars for their own epcnes, (10.000 more than was appro priated by the last legislature,) salaries. &c, while In session, with equal compla cency. They could wrangle and quart ol, and well nigh close their Normal School, which ought to be the pride of the State, as it Is of the whole West, for fear twenty or thirty thousand dollars would be squan dered in sustaining it. But no extrava gance could be discerned in the bill great ly increasing the fees of sherill's, which were already large, thus implying an ad ditional outlay throughout the State of many thousands of dollars. The State University barely escaped the effects of their withering economy, and the operation of the Agricul'ural College was narrowed down and circum scribed for the want of sufllcient funds to manage it satisfactorily, and build dor mitories for the accommodation of stu dents on the farm. Thus fared our State institutions; but on the other hand the Legislature experienced no compunctious of conscience in bestowing with prodigal hand nearly all the public lands still pos sessed by the State upon a railroad corpo ration ! our way among the hills, for which tlio burg is celebrated, many and pleasing memories were awakened by scenes so familiar when we ourselves were u student of " old Normal." Involuntarily our step became more elastic, and our heart heat quicker as we approached the ground" of the Institution. It was too late in the even, ing when we arrived to llnd the school in operation; so we searched out an old chum, the initials of whose name, in coin mou parlance, are "Joiinnik Swan," at present the Principal of the city schools of Peru. After partaking of a few creature comforts, and discussing the dear old times that are past, but not faded, and boring liim, wo fear, with a torrent of interrogations, we sallied forth in the evening to visit the "boys." O, those terrible hills! We found that we had lost the " hang" of peregrina ting the streets of Peru. It take a a two years' residence or so to teach one how to preserve his equilibrium for more than three consecutive minutes while traversing them. Peru is not a good place for fluid refreshments either. But through ninny dire perils to our store clothes our uncer tain steps being supported by the strong arm of our experienced guide, a native, wo accomplished our mission. It would not , be generous to delay the reader with an ac- If we may be permitted to indulge in a ' curate account of all our visits. We will bit of prophecy, we will predict that the j simply mention that, among others, we effect of this winter's legislation will ! ,'0Ulul mir oUl Mvm iuul class-mate, I. L. be, to make the Legislature of 1875 fa-! Huiu'ii, present correspondent of the Hks- mous as the enemy of education, and for I'KIiia.v, deeply engrossed in a thrilling grossly misdirected economy. By the way, it is our private opinion, that this is a sample of Granger legislation, and we might further add, if we thought it policy, that we think the nation should celebrate, with due splendor and rejoicing, the death of that institution, whenever it may occur. "God speed the day!" Should you enquire why a body ol law makers would thus mercilessly nltack the educational interests of their State, we would assign this as the reason : Thu age is essentially utilitarian. The practical is sought after by all classes. Here is the diillculty. What is of the most prac tical value? Men of inferior culture im mediately respond ; "That which returns an immediate pecuniary reward." That profit which increase of educational facil ities will bring, is not comprehended by thu mass. It is in the distance. It looks unreal. Henco the legislator says, for we do not always have edur.utcd men in our chambers of State "We can curtail this I or that expenditure, or stop this or that poi tion of the machinery of our school sysleiit, for a certain length of tir..Nu with out much loss." Such argument is dan- Kuiuus us tuii as uuiacious. wno can est 1 narative of the strange adventures of one, J'jSKAh, and his associates; while for an invigorating exercise, lie unearths a few Greek root.". Perhaps we might as well mention here, as elsewhere, a fact that speaks volumes for the efllcicncy, and the correct manage ment of the Normal school the students are hard workers; though there arc nearly three hundred In attendance, during study hours, it is a rare thing to find a student on the streets. The rigid application of the Normal students to their text books amounts almost to a fault a very good one it must be confessed. Time should be al lowed for thought and general reading. There is danger of narrowing ones views, and prescribing one's ideas by a too rigid application to the text book, or h too im. plieit reliance thereon. We do not say this is the case in the Normal, however, ls. we were informed that much attention is paid to rhctoricals and the study of general lit erature. On the following morning we were pres ent al tlte opening of the school. Dr. Azkl Fkkicman, than whom a more agreeable and polished gentleman we have never nut, and the various members of the faculty. istimate the peril, and the loss to the State gaV0USIi ,u'arty Wl'lw)mj 1 sparwl no ncurred by restricting, oven in a slight de- Iml"s to pWo us "" "" lnbS,,il into ,ho I-jri-i., the advantages we possess for secur-! l'ra,1(",s of ,he "wl T'' fhiik-iiiH meet I.. ...... r.... .i . . . We aro still i luul"!l u - nioniiug exercises i no normal students in the "Normal ing intellectual culture? more firm'. v convinced. Unit should prepare themselves for nolltleul ,IuU" ,,ml tlwM Ul tho I'paratory Uo life while in college. ! lMJr1'"1 " chapel below. Thu majority -j. of tho htudents aro young men and women A VISIT TO TUB NORMAL. We enjoyed the privilege, a short time since, of paying a visit to our State Normal School, situated in the village of Peru, on the Missouri River. The Peruvi ans at this time are especially happy. They are rejoicing in the possession of a railroad, which they have long and patiently expect ed. To possess railroad communication constitutes the wildest ambition of a west ern town. As we alighted from the com fortable coach, and commenced clambering among whom are many experienced teach ers. The young men aro homtly enough, goodness knows, but tho girls! We verily lelieve that the fair ladies of thu Nonnul for beauty and Intelligence can safely chal lenge tho world the University, of course, excepted ! It is a real treat to listen to tho class ex erciscs in the Normal. Wo heard several recitations which were as pleasing and in structive as many a high toned entertain meut at tho Academy of 3Iuslc, The sys tem and discipline of the Normal echoo!