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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1875)
Hesperian Student. VOL, 4. University of Nebraska, NO 3. MAKCH, Qui ttonIroilolt.ToMolL. 1875. SkotvltoM or Now York Olty. I. Without wearying Iho patience of the render with tin introduction, I will at onco begin my sketch, commencing at the south era extremity of the city. The tint object to notice Is the Battery so culled from having been the site of old Ft. George. It Is u crescont-shnped plat of ground, of ten and a hair acres, now used as a park. South of the western end of this park is Castle Garden. This building, which is nearly circular in form, was once a fort called Castle Clinton, and was entire, ly surrounded by water; but since then the Bhore has been "spliced out" to It. Here, as perhaps all know, immigrants are receiv cd ami protected from the roguery which was once practiced upon foreigners. At the foot of Broadway, and nearly ad joining the Battery, is Howling Green, a email park upon which onco stood a leaden btatue of George III. In 1770, the citizens melted It into bullets with which to light the British. Around this park still cluster borne of the old buildings formerly the homes of the aristocracy. After leaving Bowling Green, wc find nothing of special interest until wo reach Trinity Church, which stands at the head of Wall Street, seemingly to guard and to watch over the busy, bustling crowd that is almobi continually surgin'g to and fro in pursuit of fortune. A merely pass ing notice of this church will not sulllce, and though most, no doubt, have heard and read much of Trinity Church, a few concerning it may not be uninteresting. An Episcopal Church was built in 1090 where Trinity now stands. This was con Mimed by tire in 177(1, and rebuilt in 171)0. In 18IJ9 this was torn down and the present church begun. The year lb 10 witnessed tin completion of tin renowned building. ' Ills 11)2 feet in length, 80 feel in width and the walls (JO feet in height. But leaving the body of the church let us ascend into the spire, which is daily open to visitors on the payment of a small fee. Wo iirst pass up quite a distance upon n winding stair way of stone, then finish the ascent upon wooden steps. About two thirds of the way up we como to the chime-bells. There were formerly nine of these, but the num. ber hivs lately been increased to ten. By this timo the journey begins to be tiresome, but continuing the ascent the top of the stairs is finally reached. This is said to be 250 feet above terra firma. From this po. faltlon, on a clear day, a fine view of the city can be obtained. South of us Now York Bav is spread out, dotted hero and there with ferries, or with tug-boats slowly drawing their burdens along, while occa. sionally a ship is seen departing for the Old World with Its burden of living freight, or returning, having passed in Bafcty through the perils of tho Atlantic. As wo look out upon the bay, nearly tho first ob ject that meets our eyes is Governors Island two thirds of a mile distant. Upon this is land FL Columbus and Castlo William are situated. To tho right, a mile and a half from us, aro two smaller islands, Ellis and Bedlow's, and about four miles farther out Staten Island Is distinctly seen. On the west of us is Jersey City, and on the east Brooklyn tho former separated by tho Hud son, or North Itiver, the latter by Eastttlv or, across both of which ferries are almost constantly plying. The most noticeable objects, as we look toward Brooklyn, are the piers for the East Blver bridge the Brooklyn pier almost completed, the oth er yet lacking several feet of the intended height. But with this hurried glance we will descend and notice some of the old and quaint epitaphs in tho churchyard below. The majority of the tombstones are sand stone and aro fast crumbling away. On the north side of the church is a large one of marble, restored by the vestry with the inscription of the original still preserved- The following is a part of the inscription: "Here lies the body of Mr. Wii.mam Bhadkoui), Printer, who departed this Life Mnv 215. 1752. aired 1)2 Years: He was born in Leicestershire, in Old England, in 1000; and came over to America in 1082 before the City of Philadelphia was laid out: Ho was printer to this Government for upwards of 50 Years; and being quite worn out with Old age and labour, he left this mortal State in the lively Hopes of a blessed Immortality. ' Ker.der, reflect how noon you'll quit thin Stage ; You'll lluil lull Tow itliiin to Mich mi Atfc. l.iru'i full of I'nln: Lot hero's n IMnce or Kent, Prepare to meet jour (.101)! thou ou arc lilcst.'" Upon a tombstone, the top ot wlncli is imikiMi itr mid which bears the date 1707, facts ' appears tins epuapn : "Tho Moreno lilnMf noiMoroii wave lime tod mo to nail fro In Spoilt of godB decree I harlmur here below Where 1 do now rV niiclior'rldo With ninny or our fleet Yet once nualn I must eet Mill My Admiral Chrlet to meet." Here is another: " Here Lyes ye Body of John Craig Who Departed this Transotorey Life September yo 14th 1747 Aged 47 years." With a notice of one more object ot in terest, I will close this already tedious sketch. I refer to a monument which stands in tho northeast corner of the church yard. A resolution for its erection was passed Juno 8, 1852. Upon one side of it is this inscription: Bached to the memohy ok those bravo and good men who died whilst imprisoned in this city, for their devotion to the cause of AMERICAN ihjjjsi'J!i. DENCE." Delta. What is n Book; and what Is it to Read? To have been spoken before tho Fhilo mathean Society of tho State Normal School, Juno 19th 1874, by W. Stewart Black, who was drowned in tho Missiourl river, May 20' 1874. One of tho most incomprehensible ob jects to tho savago is a book. A church he can understand. A place where wane people vorship the Great Spirit at once suggests tho holy tent in his distant camp. A festive galhoring would bo an intelligi ble affair Tho more closely he observes, the more numerous tho points of resem blance he can trace between fashionable ami barbaric society. A military parado ho might comprehend at onco. Tho measured tread or gathered legions would indeed differ not a little from the wild rush of his own barbaric clan; theinspir ing call of trumpet and horn, of drum and fife, blending with all those numer ous iustiuments which make the music of war so splendid and so spirit-stirring, would bo unlike the horrid dissonant noises with which the savage sounds out his bloody errand. But the object and purpose of tho display would bo scon at a glance, and wake up all the warrior within his bosom. Show him some fine trophy of art in tlio form of a painting and it will suggest to him tho rude sketches of horses, warriors and buffalo chases traced on his robe with charcoal and red root, or the llKeness of birds and beasts tattooed on liis own skin. But place be fore him a book, or take him Into' a public library and ho is utterly confounded. True the tiers of books, and the laby rinthian succession of apartments would evoke his admiration. Tho red, blue, pur- pie and gilt, and various other colors of bindinir. miirht please him very much, but so many blocks of wood painted in different colors and arranged on the shelves would suit his tancy equally wen. The mystery of tho library to the savage would be tho hooto in it. What are they, and for what are they made? T.f.t linn llni'nr now and watch the movements of the inmates and his won dor will increase. His eye will rest now on the naturalist as with anxious look and hmtlinu air he reaches from shelf to shelf, takes volume after volume from its dusty retreat, looks into each as the con. juring medicine-man at home gazes into the fire to see tho spirit in tho coal?, cop- ies something from eacli book in strange characters, stuffs the manuscript in his pocket and walks proudly off. I he man of science sits for hours un conscious of the presence of tho wonder ing savage, and seems more and more be wildered as he gazes upon a single page. Ti.n 0nvnrr. watches a third individual reading a favorite poet and marvels at tho inllucuce that dilates his eye, kinetics mc cheek, and sends madness through his frame. He is astonished at tho reader of fiction, looking upon what seems to .him a vacant page, and yet seeming to seo spir. its, living, moving, talking, loving, hating, fighting, dying. Should ho sock an x planation of tho enigma, it would deepen rather than solve the mystery, xuu iu. him through an interpreter, "Here is a book by tho aid of whoso characters lean tell you how your people live at home." Point to the passage and read, letting the interpreter explain. You then taKO an othervolumoandsayherols one which, . .... n 11 n1nllt tllA when I look at it, tens mo "" -great white man who came to this country long ago, in the time of your great great irmndfathcr. when there ly road and understand would show you that tho sun docs not move as it seems to, nnd tell you how largo those stars aro and how far it is to them." And so you pro coed, adding mystery to mystery, till tho savages are lost in amazement. But there aro other mysteries about books which tho savago would not oh serve their power to cletermino the char acter and destiny of cortaln individuals. A few pages of a single volume falls as It were by chance under the eye of a boy In his leisure hours. Thoy fascinate and fix his attention ; they charm and hold his mind; and the result is, the boy be comes a sailor, and is wedded to tho sea 'or life. No force can undo the work be- gun by those few pages; no love of fath er or mother, no temptation of money or honor, no fear of suffering or disgrace, is an overmatch for the enchantment con jured up and sustained by those few pa ges A single book has made a boy a sea man for life perhaps a pirate, wretched in life and death. Another book meets the eye of some youth and wakes his ho ly aspirations, which ever afterwards burn within his breast. Another youth in an' unhappy hour meets still another volume whioh makes him a hater of his fellow men and a blasphemer of God. One book makes one man a believer in good" ness and love and truth ; another makes another man doubt and deny tho sacred verities. A book then is indeed a wonderful thing. And it is well that we rellectocca sionally upon the power which lies in tho written page. What is a book? What is it to read ? These may seem trilling ques tions. Nothing is more familiar, and nothing seems better understood. I wish, however, to define, somewhat formally, a book, and the process of reading. Chil dren, as we know, are generally taught that whatever is printed is to oe regard, cd with deference above what is spoken. Tho mother says to tho little girl, "Mary, dont let baby have the newspaper, he will tear it." As a consequence of this, many children learn to esteem books as oracles of wisdom and truth. Henry Crabb Rob- inson tells us in his diary that when a child he was corrected for misspelling a word on tho authority of his spelling book. On being told that it was printed wrong ho says, "I was quite confounded. I helieved as firmly in tho infallibility ot print as any good Catholic in tho infalli bility of his church. I know naughty boys would tell stories, but how a book could contain a falsehood was incompre hensible." Not a few men live and die with the same impression, and never cease to esteem a book as in same way en dowed with a mysterious authority by the very fact of its being a book. There are, too, many who would never think of spending fifteen minutes in listening to stupidity or commonplace from men's lips, but who make it their duty, and im agine it is useful, solemnly to read, bo- Kinrn tin nmnr Itnvn nnrl nnflrtran nnv nmnnnt nt inalnlri. "And hero is another " ... ,. , , boovTouiay'-whlchifyou could on- ity which an accredited author choses to I; IHi ana-imwi MWinwi miw timm tnM hi irrw7rafl,iriiiV.rtjinpr nug mafl-Tw 1 1 iinii i