Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, January 01, 1875, Page 6, Image 6
6 THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. tard lis highest development by even so small u thing as the sentiments expressed in that article. Audio say thai tho ac tion of fifty slMy school girls is "snlllo. lout evidence that tho two races will not harmonize" i pure nonsense In the name of Mineim and nil the di vinities who preside over our Ilnlls of Lr.irniii'j, we p'oicst against Ihe Toim CV . calling ii (11 .1 Colli go paper tin loss it eoiw-s li'ling its eoltimns with Con itrenco Ileitis and Correspondence, nnd compilations I mm the text books, sin li as the tn tides on "Tin- t'se of Chloro ' form" and "'Ihe Pulse." Kcn in the Local more than hull' Ihe space isdevol. ed to religious items aparl from college news. An exchange speaks of lite Dal- hnmic Ofiirttr as the dullest College paper it knows of htu ii assurcdl.1 ncer saw the Toini Cliini'i or it would amend iK judgement. It might make a respcclabh auinkur religious newspnpi r but as foi an.i tiling farther The ()ir make- its tippinrance wilh il explanatioti of the "Mstuy of Misnict ism," which, im doubt, i sntisl'.ictoiy to those who read Ihe articles. The autlioi of "Irish faith and I'm it-," makes alilur al Use of the piionaI pronoun "I" often sc which man who ought to know better will pcrsi-t in commilting. The Owh Is hae n gatln ling this month and among other pKasant i evolutions, give us their political platfoim. Tho "sapient Bird" gives also a -oleum wink at Prof. Tyndall. Tho Helfast address of Ihe Professor was like u stone suddenly thrown into a shallow pond it has sot all the frogs to croaking. The College Press especially .seems to think itself called upon to give Prof. Tyndall nil (ho sage rebukes at its command It is much, nnw-n-days, for n man to counterfeit another person's name lo procure food lo prevent sluivulion, when tho laws of liis country arc so unjust thai lie cnnnol provide for his wants honestly; hut it is but Mtlle for n man to make his whole lifo a counterfeit on honor and truth, if he does not directly 'touch tho pocket of some one ele. To counterfoil a smile and the wnim pressure of tho hand w hen the whole heart is black nnd icy cold is the daily lie of cursed society. (eotitlniicil from pnjjo 0.) pose, I venture she envied your joyous, ncss, and gayely, and golden tresses. And well she might. Intellectual strength nnd severe mental discipline, unaccom panied by thoso lender attributes peculiar to women, arc not the open scsomo to men's hearts or women's happiness and usefulness. For the less miserable one is the more useful, and the ncarei he attains the purpose of ills creation if Micro is nuv such purpose. Ibsih s ambition e or sleeps on n thorny j Bonds of dues owed from man toman couch. Ihe goal is never won. the nresneieil ami mil ol tcrroi, but hypo, i wrecks ,uc stiewn on all the highways critical pursers, dect itful smiles and all, and ba. Think not, therefore, that , the forms that arc bonds on human hearts, ' Alimi wus so much jour superior, or thai, may pass idly aslhc wind and n.-nc say woe . u transtormed into her exact conn them n.iv. w I II is a mistaken idea, by which our so. clel is deluded nnd mn- lnws ntvf.i-mul I " i ' .... n...v...v.., uneasiness to you was whollj gratuitous. , that a moneyed basis makes Ihe crime' You fear lest Israel should not be worth j hen ious. It is really no grnntot crime to the winning. "What sort of logic, my . obtain money through false pretonsos. i Ih aulilil slrangi i, have oii porpetraliil? : than it is lo make tho fHlse pretenses ue is, ou acKiiowietme, woimy uieexeei w mmiit oniaining llic money: nor does lnl E'phrosuii ct when he deliberntc i it make a person the Uss h criminal toes 1 cho.-es you, n weakness is diseox en d , cape detection limit though he wore oil in him which make Ihe counties! worth- ieledaiiil lmnishcd to the fnlli.i vim less. What iiaifpannt egotism: He Bui -iicli ore the premises on which so comes ) you not against the uitionscioiis iici nets at (he present time. Many who iinpulsi j, of his In ti( i nature, bin in olicil- isitotir jails and penitentiaries view' ience lo that divine instinct which icai n- tluii inmatis with mingled feelings of! es him to seek, first ot all, his own happi hoiror and disgust, thinking that they' ncss. Tho restful peace whii h vm in- ; arc of the lowest older of human beings, j spire and efiet is jusl as essential to his Hit! at the v mic time they are entertain-! mil nnd complete development as the I ing as their intimate fiiends and bosom I stern reouiroment of ambition. Israel, i coninanions those who vi. nmrniii. n,t. I ' " ulJ Vllllll- therefore, was right, and you should prize nal because they bn'e committed tho j before tho tribunals of justice to answer for the crimes which they commit; ct neither tho shabby coat nor servile posl. lion weigh against one, nor the fino clolhos nor high position in favor of an. other. n. Z. ' Ant until Ijouvon. teipMil, hat jour lot would be less tin li.ippx than at present. Another source of him ihe more for being able to nsist ihe magnetic attraction of Mimi's intellectu al endowments same (beds hut hnve failed to moot tho! .nine retribution. j Society punishes him who openly com- i i llad I been in his place, I should l.rob miK (""' P" 'belt to appease the huu. . i 1 i i. i . i! i i . ' iii I ..I l.t.. i.. !h,. .. : c. 1 i.Mj , ... aoiy noi imve enow n as ne uiu, ami tu Xetirlv j .' - - " - , ..i evei paper is in a terrible Under lest ' timmrii . vn-v uhli lmr r.r.m.1 i. ..,,i. cbrisiianity and religion, theii ciei dsand ! bed for my hardihood, and allowi d to hin: beliefs, an-in danger, and hasten to as. n. di bones of disappointm. m the ui sure us they are not. Instead of trying to ' (1f mynutural life. Israel was rUii, m refute his arguments. All of which . (!,. HeatPy, as you m, doubt si u i! m Shows Ihe Mabilitv Mic structure. J Unowli due and as y u w ill pi.,, in him Though not n tolhgc papci, the rr'yui b y ur tcudenn -s and lidilii iImiii.Ii Jhnilil is amomr our ixchanuis and ui Pile's lonjr iouin-. ti,.. fxflu.iii !,.. notice it only to (liter a proiist ugaiiist lell itual worn. in i.s not a pininoiii o "'l' '' induci incuts to crime by bestowing tlie amount of tiasli willi wh'uli our boys "pi an on earth". mil hkhc t praises on those who have are Hooding Hie land in iheir imaii ur pa- You h.ic no purpose in life ; but win n , t-'-'incd rii In s by the mo.st nefarious r . i .v i ,.i ... , i.i, .. . i. i .i . l:l.u 1 out la yiu U1C UUillll ol ln nU-ol Ij ing passion, there will spring up ami do L'H'nl li is vtai inir w ifc nnil flillfti-r.1, i, in takis no funmlit of him whoso daily1 lite is ..ne sst. uiatic plan of indirect i pliinduinir-sum. perhaps to raise him li'mhcr nnd highu in lier esteem, if lie, iraills V( all l,j li,,. proccHS. j Tl.e ..lijici ., )unishment is to prevent 'rim. hut i- it likely to accomplish the i)ji ct as lonj. a U. eontinuo lo hold out pers J lie Amoticin growth i-a pn ui;.u species of tho genus Boy. He thinks lie is wise enough to vote at eighteen, and able to manage anything from the Civil Soivice Heform lo tho Beccher-Tilton trial. As a natural consequence lie has tried his hand it running a paper. This of itself, so long its ho confined himself to a healthy, hearty boy's paper for healthy, hearty boys, w as well enough. But it bo c&mcfe simply a nuisance, when he makes it a medium lor journalistic quarrels on n, reduced scale, foi viiuponition and bil lingsgate that would have disgraced a Coppoihetidnewspiipoi in war times, and iin .i rii lies' velop a purpose?, real, tangible and practi-cal. To be just, punishment should bo mot- ed out to all accoiding to tholr deeds. And what of "Kuphrosyno? She has a ' We should be more charitable to thoso luirpose and aim worth, broad, imprac ticable and unattainable. Your sphere of action may bo mon contracted and less who are so unfortunate us to be conviclod of crime, and more careful lo know ' whether or not thoso to whom wo arc giv --- - - - -. -.--.-. MiiviM uu U1UKIV alluring, but balancing probabilities, j ing our highest honor are not moro do. Hiui ii nunc iiuiy io uo piouucuvc oi uo- rviiig oi h iciin in our penitentiary, tsirable ti. nils. It bus been the object of n part of the "Mimi, npgre.ssive, isolated, unsympa- J people of our great cities to shield a eer ihulif, In i uii :u "uiiu" tiid"purp .-i"cx lain mtnlltr fom tp.. i.iit f)f jlc jaw eluding sent intents and emotions, common by tiying to keep the trial before u church lo (illiili. Iinu n ImI nril ti Iw. onvirul i.i COIMtllil Ice fills its oolumiH will, fe, hie attempu at a peciullj ly my Beautiful Friend. To her j Wliy h,uld he not be brought before rehash of l.nhjer love stoiies from the silly pon or "Skiff" ov "Kail C. Yelrnf," or a' host of other boys equally us silly. Thore litre somo exceptions lo this of course. Some of tho young editors are sensiblo enough to keep out of quarrels and their cmUiuuis frco from sonsntionnl articles. Tho r.matcur papors of our own State are among tho exceptions, wo aro happy to say. There aro but throe, tho Omaha Excelsior, the- Dexort Home IHmas, and one which wc bclicvo'is published 'in Lincoln but'whioh wc havo'nover .seen. Tho twa mentioned 'aro published by boyHi and are a credit to them. perhaps no other pnreu- is possible, but t,,. iribuual b. lore which others you have no causo lo mourn your lot in charRed with ihe same dime ,,. tiiertt comparison. ,, Idk. Crime. In our day when a man commits a arimo for which tho law has provided pun. Ishnient, and isdetqclud, the papors aro filled with accounts concerning it. livery man who Is UQilhor.a fool, nor np giupru. mus talks about it; and ,he unfortuualo nifin.feela tliat.ljq is pstriicisqd, front socio ty for all time to comp; which is often the case. Docs the position of the man make tho crime any ihe less? If so, then it is no wonder that men commit small ciitnes in order to raise theinsclvih t.o a position in which they may com mil greater ones. Why should other but less popular men bo in enrcoroted in the penitentiaries through, out iho various states for tho same crime charged against this noted divine, while ?te is allowed to roam at large and float on the top wave of society? Before we boast more of the justice of American institutions let us bring all on nu equality How di Keren I, yel how beautiful; soino mott.cd witli hr'ght crinunn and elh.w, vome tinged a moiedelli'nlehtu.wh'ilf ihl its nre ftlngid with a deeju r color, shaded so perferlly Oh to blend al lnsl in one! There are others or n ukhc somhro hue, which are none Ihe less beautiful, for there is slill that wonderful shading tmd blending, which no language can describe no pencil portray. What it grand sight, to behold Ihce old sentinels, who, for era! lurles, perhaps, havp been crowned each year wilh these changeful tokeps of fnll! As we wander through one of tho-r i-i.ri,t old woods, on n lovely October day, when, snvc (Mir voice, no sound is heard but tl10' drowsy hum of Insects, or Ihe chirp of birds us they (lit from tree lo lr-e, how vividly the tinted leaves, as they rustic to our feet, remind us of our hopes' nnd piano, made in the vnry spring u,ne, now noinoro to be recognized than these same autumn leaves, that were once so Hwli and verdant. U's, all is changed; somethings that looked dark nnd uncertain are now mado plain; others, in which we were certain of success, tiro laid low in the dust. Truly there is somothtng sad in the minium time, not only for tho chiingingleavesiind phiiS) which the early frost louches and blights so quickly, but there are lniiny loved and chorislxKl ones, who were with us m iho last fnllingof the loaves" now gone v. hero tiiiug ntrtr change, and their last resting place is strewed with those brighl-hued re minder of decay, io become after a time brown nnd sear so like the lovely form of yomh nnd health, which sooner or ln.er be comes dust. As 1 sit nnd think of the autumns spent and gone in my life, my ,jmi xx ,!,. back to those earlier one of ohildhhood, when 1113 Uioughts wero nll joyous, when my present was my all, no turning back to the past, no looking forward to the ftiluro, onlj the full enjoyment of each passing day, when I used to rustle ihe brown nu tumn leaves, nnd gather them in huge piles, searching for nuts for the fnsi approaching winler, and never a sd thought for the do cay of the year, or of changes that always come with it; but 1 oho remember other autumns, wlion, although I onjoved their hazy beauty, yet there was ever a nameless longing for something, a sad regret for those beautiful days that no often, huwov or beautimi they might be, could ever wills. 0 "o fully, because they could never be the , wi 1 have often wondered why I could not uhcay enjoy the autumn ns tliouo w my brief childhood days, when tho thought conies to me: It i bettor so, Hint even these vain regrets, M,a rcpinings aud yearnings after things that me gone be in dulged, if by uK.gc OUI. in,nd) m.t.lumi0,lo. bier, our thoughUj beeoino purer, nnd wo aro thus brought to realize and prepare for that "autumn time" w.hith comes to nil: yes, much belter than nover to have hud thoso thoughts that tend to make our lives more thoughtful and earnest, bolter and truer. It has boon said, that from almost every ml1?,0, n,!Uiro u,lt,sso may "" taught. ion 'Autumn loavcs",tho greatest of which , Is, to bo ever ready for that season which I changes life to death. FAS