Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, January 01, 1875, Page 5, Image 5

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    1 1 ii .1 iiiiwwJiwMMMWMiMBiSto ,
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only not varnished with quite so line a
The present Legislature Is Just entering
upon Its work. Wo nro unnblo to say
what they can or will do. But without
Intending to Hatter that august body, wo
will say that appearances are In their fa
vor. Tho majority of the members arc
young men who seem gifted with an av
ernge share of intelligence iuuIw'm.
As we scan their countenances wo ob
serve the evidences of more culture than
heretofore. "We like young men we are
n young man oursolf old men, too, for
that matter; but we are a grasping, dash
ing, impetuous state, plunging ahead, not
"with progressive strides," but at a hand
gallop; (By the way, our galloping, in tho
way of enticing and rushing in ami.
grants, and running into debt to build
railroads and school houses, has come
pretty near breaking the western end of
our precious neck.) Therefore, to meet
and make them open their eyes with won
der. Wo win do It if we try.
Shall Nebraska be Ignored in this grand
jubilee? No Slate will have more reason
to rejoice, and feel selfcoinplaisant than
ours. It will be the nnnlvorsnrv of ournn
lion's hundreth blithday: many states have
been adding to their wealth,' power and
greatness, for nearly half a century, and
right gloriously do the results beartcstimo.
ny. But Nebraska lias lived and achieved
for only eight years, and for scarcely a
decade have her beautiful prairies been
wrested from the desert, and the hand of
the red man. Let m then make a display,
not that will make our elder sisters blush,
but that will make them look upon us with
sisterly love, and fond admiration. Let
our University be represented there. It is
now time for the authorities to be looking
around, in order to prepare something that
will do us honor. Our material interests
and resources will lie well represented nev
the emergency, we must not only have er fear. Let our educational progress also
thinking men, but those imbued with a be represented.
little of tho spirit of "young America" to Lot drawings and sketches of our school
keep up sulllciont steam to prevent the houses, our academies, our Normal Sehnol
people from running ahead of the Stale, mm University, llnd a place in the Art Gal
and yet sustain the pressure.
We do not know what the present Leg
islature will accomplish, but we do know
that never in our history have there been
so many duties of vital importance to
perform. This Legislature has an oppor
tunity to immortalize itself. A man
must be chosen to represeut the State in
our national councils; our finances ie
quire grave legislation; important nicas
ures for' improving our Common School
System must be considered ; the Univer
sity and the State Normal School must be
looked after; besides all this, starvation
must be driven from the very doors of ten
thousand sufferers, and new confidence
in Nebraska's resources inspired in ihe
minds of the people at homo and abroad.
Surely no legislative body in the States
has greater responsibilities, or moro im
perative incentives to action. Tho mind
could not wish grander themes tor oiirn
est thought, nor the heart more stirring
appeals, for eloquence. Wo are willing to
trust the present legislation. We are or
tliodox and faith comes oiuy to us.
lery. W elaborate statements, reports and
histories of all that we have accomplished
in the Intellectual life of our Slate be for
warded to Philadelphia.
We are young as a Stale, but let us have
assurance and "cheek" sulllciont to claim
our due share of the honors, and shout
our full share of rejoicing. Lei us play
Young America a little. The name be
comes us well.
While strolling along one of the streets
of this city a few weeks ago, we witnessed
a little incident that left a deep Impression
on our mind. It was one of those chance
occurrences that momentarily snatch away
the vail from the inner sanctuary of (lie
heart's temple, and reveal it to us naked
and undisguised. Very frequently we may
learn in this manner that the emotions and
the all'ections which warm the bosom even
of the most lowly and despised are as noble
and ingenuous as those which struggle in
the hearts of queens and princes.
It was one of those lowering days when
the chill October wind sobs and mourns
through the streets, and the cold, penotrat-
Wohave before us the (iienl.n-s ,,r iim '" "rUwimgnilii inaKcsono teel spitefully
Bureau of Education relative to the Inler- ",8C"iibIe mid out of sorts, and venomous
national Centennial Exhibition to be held ,0Wrtrd vr.Voly- This we were
n Philadelphia from April tilth to October """' oymeui, even lor us. wo ui-
lllth, 1870. The main buildiiu: in which
this great exposition Is to take place is
1BS0 feet in length, and -KM feet in breadth.
The foundations consists of piers of mason
ry; the superstructure of wrought iron
columns, which support wrought iron
voiced mental anathemas upon all mankind
We complained that the world was utterly
heartless that there remained no generous
passions in the hearts of men.
Soon we found ourselves pausing at the
corner ol one of our large business houses,
boy, yet very tenderly, and said, "Bless ye,
mo darlln',good by." And she said, as a
tear rolled down either worn cheek, "Take
care o' yerself, Jimmle."
Ah I what a world of womanly tender
ncss and enduring mith were expressed
In that homely adieu, "Tako care o ycr
self, Jimmle I" And wo thought, can it bo
that only the gentle and favored of for
tunc possess unselfish affections and gen
erous motives V This poor woman has a
heart moro firm and more faithful than
the haughty daughter or Fortune . This
despised laborer has affections as tender,
and a heart more true than many a proud
son of gentle blood!
Pause before you denounce tho whole
world as selfish. Start out to morrow.
Watch carefully the scenes passing
around you. Make up your mind that
you will like humanity, and I think, with
me, you wi 1 say "Each day brings new
assuranco that others arc less selfish than
The world uses most of us better than
wo use ourselves or It.
Be not too hasty to judge. Here is a
man who, you say, has no motive but self;
lie is cold, imperious, and devoid of a
tender or generous passion. Have you
ever seen him tried? You have never
dreamed what a wealth of affection, what
gentle emotions, what noble impulses, are
hi'Ulen beneath that cold and passive ex
terior. The man or the woman of tho
llnest feelings and the most royal nature
does not ofion draw aside the curtain of
his heart his "Holy of Holies" to gratify
the idle curiosity of the world.
Yet unlike the anciont shrine of Jeho
vah, none so humble, if truly worthy, tliat
may not enter there and find untold
wealth and peace.
roof trusses. Gr..nd preparations are being , in whose shelter stood a poor son and
made by every department of the general i daughter of Erin. They belonged to the
government, and aldo by the state govern.
menls, to make this exhibition worthy of
the occasion. Never before has the world
been called upon to celebrate the auniver
wary of so groat an event. The victories
and successes which have produced the
gorgeous triumphs of kings and conquer
ors sink into insignificance when com
pared with tho birth of American liberty.
Let us then show the Old World on
this occasion that wo have reached
our full majority and mean to tako our
lawful seat at the head of nations. Let tho
evidences of our mighty resources, tho
specimens of our genius, our intellectual
progress, our art, manufactures and com,
merce, astonish tho denizens of the St
most humble ranks. The man was a com
moil repair hand on one of our railroads;
his wife a washerwoman. Ho was about
to seek new employment, to bn gone sev
eral months. He had nothing to leave for
his wife's sustenance, except what she her
self possessed a hand willing to work, and
a heart with fortitude to sustain her. Sho
nnmed over her little store of provisions
and mentioned the prospects for work,
assuring her husband, while a smile of
affection overspread her wrinkled features,
that "ye'll not have ony fear for mo ; I'll not
be sufferin' for onything." When they
parted there was no dramatic display of
grief; no profusion of elegant affection,
Ho took her hand awkwardly as a school
The DenUon Collegian has a good open
ing article on "A False Maxim," but what
if(i the matter with "Omicron" was he
in love?
Tho Niagara Index asks, "How do wo
look on tinted paper?" Wo are con
strained to roplj', "Very well, indeed I"
The Imh:v is one of tho spiciest papers
wo recicvo and contains somo well writ
ten articles.
Wo would like to say something in fa
vorof this same X)Mo us j'c Gazette but if
it will persist in inserting in its columns
such miserable attempts at pootry and
such dry disquisitions on uninteresting
subjects as it does wo must give it up in
despair. "A Fow Words about Nature"
is the only readable article and tho iiithor
of that is too prejudiced to view tho othor
side lairly.
We must confess that wo expected moro
from Hillsdale College than wc find in
the Ctmrciit. The typographical work is
nearly faultless and tho matter Is well ar.
ranged but tho articles nro too short. Tho
only poem which It contains is a beauti
ful piece of word painting and the motro
is almost perfect, which is more than can
be said of most collego poetry. Tho ar
ticlo on "Co-Disclpllno" is good and an
example of tho fact that "thoro's many a
true word spoken In jest." We have an
idea that tho author of "Froe Thought"
is young, and have no doubt that when ho
grows older he will not "pitch in" quite
so extensively but will tako things a lit
tle more moderately and charitably.
Frco thinkers are not all such dreadful
We do not agree entirely with the edl
tor In his conception of a college paper.
It ought to be tho exponontof the thought
of a College, not of the gossip. Locals,
items of news, notes, &c. arc interesting
and amusing, of course, but it is hardly
worth while to carry on a periodical for
their sake, or oven to make thorn a prln
oipal part of tho paper.
Tho OHo Is also cngagod in tho discus
slon of tho question of Compulsory
Church Attendance. Why do not some
of our college papers carry on a regular
discussion of some such question among
themselves? There can something bo
said in opposition to every position taken
on every subject and thcro are many
things that might bo written up in a sc
ries of articles botweon two or moro pa
pers. The Lawrence Oollcgian always has
plenty of "fun" In its pases. Most too
much of it, perhaps, for a model Colletm
journal. There is a lack of solid rend.
ing matter such as wo naturally expect
to find in a paper of its size. This num.
bur contains an article on tho German
School System which gives some interest-
ing iniormatiou. Ye editor bids adieu to '7-t
in "now departure" trom tho usual style.
Wo agree with him when he says "ho
will promlso next year to do better, if tho
year will do the same." The tepidus JSTo
tus that sweeps over Nebraska prairies Is
hardly conducive to the highest moral de
velopment. Tho College Olio opon3 with a good arti
clo on "Independence," from which we
extract a few pregnant sentences.
A man of character "wishes his con
duct to coincide with people's ideas of
right, but he does what ho thinks is right,
if ho does not meet with approbation."
"Tho truo man thinks and arranges,
and when all points are well propared
puis mom forth."
"Independence is strength without vio
lence; is tho fitting of one's self to cir
cumstances, and not permitting them to
run away witli hun. It is a character in
love with itself sutllciontly to bo fitted to
move in life as if fitted to its sphere."
The High School for January is among
tho first received of our exchanges. If
wo might bo allowed to criticize anything
that comes from Omaha, wc would sug
gest to the writer of the leading article
that tho address "Mr. Editor" and the in
troduction which follows Is not exactly
appropriate in the style of writing which
sue uses. If she wore a correspondent of
the papor, writing upon persons and
tilings, such a beginning would be ad
missible, but is in bad taste in any other
case. Tho editorial on tho "Real Cause,"
has hardly, to our ears, tho right ring. To
"applaud tho action of the plucky south
ern belles," shows quite as low a standard
of manhood as of the womanhood which
was evidenced by the fifty New Orleans
girls who loft thoir High School because
colored pupils wero admitted to the class.
Talk about tho impossibility of "suppress,
ing our natural convictions" as much as
you may, the fact still remains that in or
der to aid tho upward development of
tho world these "natural convictions," if
natural they bo, must bo suppressed or
what is hotter worn away. The least of
actions has its influence. We will have
to bo educated up to an appreciation of
tho truth that wo must got oursolvos, our
prejudices and our convictions out of the
way of tho march of tho race and uqt ro