Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, December 01, 1874, Page 7, Image 7
THE HESPERIAN STUDENT.. E. T. M. IIURLBUT, M. D. noMasi'ATJiio Physician and Surgeon. Ofllcc and Residence on P streot, between 11th & 12th North side. A. O. GII1SON, A. KI., M. B M'hfftieian nnil tfiirg-fOM, LINCOLN, NEB. Onlco, Itosdonco nnd Dlsnonsory on 11th Stroot, Botwcon 0 nnd N. 5-BBI.Ii AND NlOHT-LiailT. DR. N. S. PENDEUY. CONSULTING PHYSIOI AN. Onico over Da vis' enrnot store north sldo of O stroot, botwoon 11th nnd 12th, Lncoln. Night Lamp nnd Boll. Offor my services In nil departments of Modlclno and Burger, both In general and spec n) prnctlcn, acute nnd chronic diseases, nnd will visit nil pnrts of tho country, dny or night, on receipt of lottor or tologrnm. FRENCH & ENGLISH, Physicians Sf Surgeons, Ofllco' on 11th Streot botweou 0 & P, OppoBlto Commercial Hotel. Lincoln, - NournHkn. L. J. BUMSTEAD, 110M(EPATIHST.-Onico nnd Rosldenco In Brlgg's Block, botweou 10th nnd 11th stroots, Lincoln, Nobrnskn. Opora at all hours. Night Lnmp . W. S. LATTA, M. D. Physclan and Surgeon. Ofllco comer of llth nnd M streets. Jtosideuco on L, between llth nnd 13th streets. K o r ii Ac King, fHB ihk BENTISTg, OFFIOE COlt. O AND ELEVENTH ST3., Lincoln' - Nebraska, t2FALI. WORK WAnnANTED. W. HJRRItt DJSTIS T , Teeth inserted on Gold, Silver and Rubber. All Work Guaranteed. Ofllco over Nowmnn's storo on O Stroot. (Botwoon Tonth nnd Elovouth strcots,) LINCOLN, NEBU SKA. Thomas Kcntlrick. CLOTHES MADE, CLEANED, REPAIRED. Nonxn side ruBLio square, &MJVC0X,J"i - JSJKHHA8SA. Mrs. Tun Fosnoij, DRESSMAKING & PITTING. Cornwoll's solf-flttlng patterns always on hand, llth St., Mrs. Mctcalf's old stand. Lincoln, - Nebraska. Mrs. Geo. E. Torroy, MILLINERY A FANOT GOODS! O street, botween llth & 12th. Lincoln, - JVebraska, R. H. CRAFTS, TAILOR & REPAIRER! Clothes cleaning a speciality. Cutting dono and all orders despatched promptly. East sldo of Market Squaro, next door to Knhlor & Fox. Lincoln, Neb. W, Tliompson, FLORIST, XJVO0ZJV', - JS'JBMtn.lSK4. Boqnots, Wreaths, Crossos, and Gut Flowers. A full lino of Groenhouso and Bedding Plants. Greenhouse ft miles oast of Stato University. OHAPIN& WATSON, Attorneys at Law, ISJLYIJE, ESTATE AND GOVERNMENT LAND AGENTS. SrEOtAI. ATTENTION (1IVEN Ofllco on 10th St. SdDoorNorlh U. S.Lnnd Ofllco. LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. PIONEER L.IVERY, Sale and Exchange Stable, W, J. HYATT, - - - . Prop'r. Now Brick Stable, west sldo llth street, botween 0 and P stroots, two Doors south of Commercial Hotel. Lincoln, Nebraska. Family Groceries. As Good a tho Hoif, A Cheap at ho Choapor, AT CHARLIE GRIFFITH'S On P Street, between 10th and llth. . CON OVER & DRUSE keep tho city Boot nnd Shoe Parlor. Liberal DlftcountH Made to Itllnl.Ntoi-M and StudentM. Iiargcst Assortment and Jjatest Stylos Always on Hand. O Stroot, botwoon 10th & llth South sldo, Lincoln. - - Nebraska. J II. BUL.LOCK & BKO., MANUFACTURERS OF SALT AND DEALERS IN COAL, "WOOD, Ofllnnwlth O. M. Pnrknr. nniitli sliln Snnnrn, nl. so "1 oast O Street. LINCOLN, AND LIME. Ii sldo Square NEBRASKA. LINCOLN STENCIL SHOP, ROOM NO. 0, THIRD FLOOR, In Brigg's Building, O Street. Coppor and Brnss Stencils, nuy stzo ; Alphabets, Ealnts nnd brushes; clothing stencils wlthindoll lo Ink: bnggngu nnd key checks ulso steel stnmps for marking tools. Call, or writo for pri ces to W. T. Bumstkad, Lincoln, Nob. Hoarding House. Board by tho dny or wook. Mcnls at all hours . MRS. J. BRAUN, Proprietress, llth St., bet. O&P, Opposite Commercial LINCOLN, - NEBRA8KA. jr. JAIME s. DEALER IN Works of Art and Manufacturer of Picture Frames. llth Street, uudor Reading Room. LINCOLN NEBRASKA. DIXSON & D7AR1LEY, rROl'RIETORB- - Powers House, Corner Eighth nnd P Streets, Lincoln, - Nebraska. Board and Lodging, per wook, - $5 00 Day Board, per wook, - Transient, per day, - Supper. Lodging, and Broakfast, 4 00 100 75 s tampijvg: Ladies wishing Stamping dono for Embroidery, Braiding, or Zcttcrlnjj, will find at Macumbcr's Stor, No. 22, South llth St., Acroatcr variety of Patterns, and got hotter work dono than at any other ploco in Lincoln. Call and boo. 8- P.IjINDLEY, Br. CANNON IIOUSB, JULIUS NEUBAUER, Prop., Lincoln Neb. o. h. van fobsen, Manager, l. d. qunn, In tho ofllco. A. M. DAVIS, Vholosalo and Itotail Denier In Carpets, Oil ClotliN, Rugs, Mats, Window Itaie, f,ace Curtain r, Jtamatlc, tfc, AY. No. 23 E. O Street, Lincoln. Eltchjrn llestaurant! Oystors in nil stylos. East Side Market Square, R. N. Kodskin. LINCOLN, NEB j. ifowman, 7 water st n. y. d. Newman Lincoln. J. & I. Newman, DEALERS IN Dry Good, Groceries, IIootH, Shoes, &c. O street, between 10th and llth. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. J. FARMER Y BRO. no 24, 11th street Wholesale Sf Jletail Groceries Sf Green Fruits. Tons a speciality I LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. BONNER STABLE, LIVERY Sf EXCHANGE! llth Street, between O&P. O. P. DAVIS, - - - Prop'r. Special Inducements to Students. Bost slnglo nnd doublo rigs always on hand, with attontlvo grooms in attondanco. ZEHRUNG & HARLEY. SEALERS IK Drugs, Stationery, School Books, Tlolct Articles, Perfumeries &c. New Brick Drug Store Cor. O & 1 1th st. LINCOLN, - - - NEBRASKA lyAgonts for Salo of University Books. Clifton Hotel! Board by week or day. cor. M& 12th. Isauc Merchant, LINCOLN, . NEBRASKA. II. C. SMC I TIE. STOVES, TINWARE, &c. &c. also ngont for tho colobrntod Dubuquo soft coa' bnso humor. North sido square, LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. Everybody goes lo PROFESSOR GAMBLE'S for a fiiBhlonnblo shavo or Saline bath. East O streot, LINCOLN, NEB. Henry Brown & II. Hooker hnvo rcoponcd and rcflttcd tho Darbor Shop for morly owned by Uharllo Lockhart, under Bohan nans Meat Market Thoy do first class work. Glvo thom a call. S. B. Pound. C. 0. Burr. poujtd Sf nujin, Lawyers, LINCOLN, NEB. TitJB OJTJ2 PRICE STORE HORWITZ & DAVIDSON, Wholcsalo and Itotail Dealers In DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Hal, Cap, Root and Shot, TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC., No. 9, East Sldo Squaro, LINCOLN, NEB. FARMER'S HOME. Tho old farmor and resident of Middlo Crook, Friz Iloltz, has becomo owner of tho Fnrmor's Home, formorly owned by J. Fodawa, aud hrs thoroughly rcflttcd and enlarged it, and is now ready to entertain his many friends at greatly re duced prices. Rates of Board. Board and Lodging per week, - $4 00 Per day, - - - - 1 00 Single Meals, 25 Stabling, & Horses to hay one night, CO One Feed 15 Ilopingto rooolvo a sharo of tho public patron ;o, I remain tho farraor's frlond, Faltz Iloltz. ago LINCOLN NEBRASKA. S. McONlGA & SON, DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERIES, PROVISIONS, FLOUR, FEED, &C, Lincoln, JVebraskm. P. S. SHELDON & SON, CITY HATTERS, Nook Wear, Furnishing Goods, See. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. nENRY WITTE, Dcalor in Dry Goods and Groceries. Corner O and 13th streot s, Lincoln, . Nebraska. W. II. MANNING, SIGN WRITER. GILDING ON GLASS, &0. Shop on O St., in roar of Hoffman & Eisler'B furniture storo, LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE "HESPERIAN STV&EJTT." i